we can not see the entire planet with a single radar as before.

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by franc84, January 26, 2014.

  1. franc84

    franc84 New Member

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    we can not see the entire planet with a single radar as before. It was better before the commander to attack, even if they had a lower economic dévelloppement could win.

  2. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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  3. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I think you mean the advanced orbital radar. The old advanced orbital radar from before the update was too powerful. I agree that the area it can see should be larger, but not by much. Being able to see the whole planet takes away from the intelligence war.
  4. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    Why do you guys need radar?
    mered4 likes this.
  5. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    i've seen better questions in my days
  6. liltbrockie

    liltbrockie Active Member

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  7. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I use radar in pretty limited situations. Fighter spam is generally the way to go for vision though. What this thread seems to be about is the orbital radar, which used to be good for scouting other planets that you had no presence on. It kind of broke the game because it could see everything though. It meant that intel stopped being a part of the game after a certain point.
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    The advanced orbital radar was like a map hack that removed a whole aspect of the game (scouting). Changing that is a good idea. A few more scouting options would not be bad though.
    Quitch likes this.
  9. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I talked to a few people in game who really seemed to depend on it.

    They really wanted it back

    It wasn't until I whipped their tails that I realized why they wanted it lolz :)

    It now takes some skill and micro to get that kind of vision - and it is never constant, which gives the other guy time to do his thing - namely, beat you.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  10. Hackworth

    Hackworth New Member

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    I can understand, why some people felt that the old advanced radar satellite was too powerful, but here's why we need it back for the sake of a smooth and stable gameplay experience:

    Since the latest patch, matches go mostly 2 ways: either a quick rush, possible on smaller scale planets or systems, or a lengthy 1hour+ match with each surviving party spamming units in the 1000s.
    The lengthy matches become even slower after time, because the unit spam induces lag. Even more so in large systems.

    With the old advanced radar satellite, the unit spam was kept down to a fraction. Why? because the players had intel which enabled them to perform surgical strikes and adjust their production according to intel.

    What happened without the advanced radar satellite?
    Intel corrected production is now a thing of the past and brute force unit spamming became the norm. Players spam units in the 1000s: scout planes, fighters, avengers. To recon other planets, either 100s of avengers are sent to orbit, or some people try to build huge arrays of new advanced radar sats.
    Either way it greatly increases lag and the economy needed to do so is just huge, since advanced radars and avengers are still expensive, bigger economy=more units= even more lag.

    Changing the advanced radar sat was imho a huge mistake that greatly reduced playability, especially on large scale planets/systems and with many players. It prolongs the matches unnecessarily and makes them frustratingly laggy.

    I would recommend to bring it back, with the functionality it had before. To balance it, it can be made more expensive to build and/or with lower hit points or slower moving than avengers, so it is easier to counter.
    liltbrockie likes this.
  11. liltbrockie

    liltbrockie Active Member

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    The adv radar satellites vision radius is stupidly small it needs to be about half the planet. Then you just need to make 2 to get the old style back... there problem solved.
  12. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    A while back this was discussed and I suggested that the adv radar satellite have scaled vision, that is it can see half the planet (think LoS) on all planets. Bigger the planet, more area you can see, but same proportion.
  13. carnilion

    carnilion Member

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    the problem is what Hackworth mentioned, but we dont need the whole sight back, we need the lag to disapear. without the satelite every planet is overhelmed with..dunno 100-200 spy planes of every player to achive some kind of intel, and that is how intel in this game is intendet to work. if this kind of lag cannot be removed, THEN and ONLY then we need the whole sight back to keep the game run without lag.
  14. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I'm sorry, but as I said in a different thread about this, in the end, I don't support the reasoning for this, so far we've only seen the smallest tip of the balancing iceberg thus far so it's really hard to take you seriously when your points hinge on something that is more than likely to change in the near future.

  15. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    Personally I think that we need longer ranged radars. I'd argue it increases the focus on strategy as it makes scouting less micro intensive, gives the player more time to react to incoming threats and makes attacking into enemy territory less of a blind gamble.
    I feel blind when performing attacks as I can't track all my units progress into enemy territory. Longer ranged radar would give me more time to watch enemy manouvers although minimaps or multiple viewports would also allow me to track my units much more carefully.
  16. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The question then becomes if that is the role the Orbital Radars will function in or not.

  17. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    Personally I would prefer if radar were blocked by terrain and the curvature of the planet. Long range land based radar would only be able to fully utilize its' range on big planets or from high vantage points. Orbital radar would be the the main source of long range radar capabilities.
    Even if terrain doesn't block radar I think that slow, long range, orbital radars could make orbital be the intelligence layer where people not mainly fight for orbital supremacy but rather fight to deny the enemy of intel and radar coverage.
  18. Hackworth

    Hackworth New Member

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    That doesn't make any sense.
    I'm arguing based on facts that I have witnessed and I don't deal in clairvoyance, so I don't know yet, what the bottom of the balancing iceberg will look like ;)
    However, I try to give input on where the game is currently broken in my opinion.
    And it is a simple fact that the nerfed adv radar sat is the main reason for unit spam and thus laggy and lenghty games. What will be done about it is in the hands of the devs.
    This game is just too big in scale to not have the old adv radar sat, except maybe if you have a server farm of some 500 blades for each player available for a future 40 or so players match.

    I have not played a single game since the adv radar sat nerf in which not at least one person has complained about the lag, not 1 single game!
    before the nerf, it has hardly been an issue.
  19. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    No it was just as much of a problem before. It's jut that the way the gameplay was didn't lead to people running into it often.

    If lag is a problem, fix he lag, and thing else isn't worthwhile.

  20. Hackworth

    Hackworth New Member

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    But that's exactly what I was saying in my first post :)
    Lag is not an adjustable figure itself but a symptom of other figures adding up.
    Not having good intel is what changed gameplay and resulted in building thousands of units.
    You can only streamline your unit production if you know what's going on. At the moment everybody is trying to prepare for and/or counter every possibility.
    It is hugely inefficient and resource wasting, both ingame and on your hardware.
    Anyway, I made my point. I rest my case and leave it to the wisdom of the devs :)

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