Wazupwiop's Turret/bot Offense Support Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by wazupwiop, February 9, 2011.

  1. buffacumber

    buffacumber Member

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    I can't tell you how many times I've laid firebases and hacked it to lvl 2 only to have another support FROM MY OWN TEAM come over and hack it with lvl 1. I can only imagine what I would hear if he had a mic on...

    "YEAH HACKED THAT FIREBASE! Now It'll kill people and I'll get the money! Time to taunt!"
    :Who's a m.....:
    *Gets backstabbed by an assassin who gets away because my firebase's now lvl 1 hack doesn't reach far enough to finish him off*

  2. RueTasogare

    RueTasogare New Member

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    I never really had that problem. Any supports I tend to play with get lv 3 hack or at least lv 2. Though, sometimes I forget about my firebase and it stands somewhere useless...

    my poor firebase :(
  3. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I have recently changed up my strategy. My endorsements are Skill Recovery/Armor/RoF. Lately, I have been choosing a rocket turret to upgrade to 3.3. Here is what I typically do:

    Firebase 2 Hack 2

    Passive 2, then Airstrike 2

    Level 1 rocket turret

    Hack 3

    Level 2 Rocket

    Level 3 Rocket

    Airstrike 3

    Passive 3

    Level 3 Longshot
  4. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Another support update/tip:

    A mixture of RoF, Armor, and Skill will make a decent build. Under some circumstances,
    Skill/RoF/Armor does not work well. If you are dying from gunners, assaults, and assassins, gold armor is necessary. A defensive support needs the Skill recovery and armor so if you play a defensive support, use Skill regen, Armor, RoF. If you need to play offensively, use armor/skill/rof.
  5. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Playing offensive support without Rate of Fire


    Really, you need that shotty to clean up field in order to be offensive with your firebase. Airstrikes will rarely get a decent player, but if you push with your shotty (preferably with a slayer backing you up) you can get some breathing space for your hack.
  6. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Sorry, I was in a rush when I was posting. The offensive support build should be Armor/RoF/Skill. This gives you enough armor to push while still having your regen and RoF to be effective.
  7. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

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    lol bronze rof is a no go on the support u need to heal that ppl fast... and ur shotty is way to slow with bronze rof aswell but i dont mind i saw u play support ones and for overhealing the firebase nearly every build works
  8. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    A lot of people say I play a really solid support. (Some have called me amazing, but they were just randoms, so they don't count) I don't do anything special, I just play support in the way it was meant to be played. A lot of people say that Gold RoF is a must on the support. I don't believe that. The difference between Gold and Silver RoF is around 5 or 6 shots a minute. I would much rather have higher skill recovery or armor than 6 extra shotty rounds a minute. I am not sure if RoF affects the H/H gun very much. I have noticed a SLIGHT difference, but nothing makes me think "OMG Gold ROF is a MUST!!!"

    As far as my support style goes, I think I play a very odd support. I use my firebase as area denial while my longshots and rocket turrets farm most of my kills. A lot of supports I have seen don't build turrets. They usually are very selfish and only hack and heal their firebase and leave their team out to die an unnecessary death.

    When I play support, I start out by going to a good fb spot immediately after I spawn. I hack and overheal the fb and then start healing my team. As the bots get pushed back and the enemy is contained, I move my fb to a spot that cuts off any enemies trying to sneak out of the base. In between upgrades and fb placements, I build a longshot and a rocket turret. Obviously on levels like Steel Peel longshots are terrible, so I build another rocket turret. The general idea of the support is still the same though.

    The support is best used for area denial and defense. If a hurt team mate comes to me under fire, the enemy will be very reluctant to come around the corner to finish my team mate because they know I have turrets set up, just waiting to shoot them.

    This is not to say that a support cannot be used for offense, but the support lacks a mid-to-long-range weapon. I don't feel comfortable with playing offensively unless I am juiced. Even a Gold Armor support will die a lot because they lack the necessary mid-range weapon. Even the tank and assassin stand more of a chance at mid-range than the support.

    This is the explanation of my play style and why my builds vary depending on the circumstances. I plan to play around with a gold juice support build in the near future. Don't judge the build, I am trying it for some fun and a new play style.
  9. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    I have come to believe the best pub support class is Gold RoF, Silver Armor, Bronze Skill. It's the best mix of everything, and the RoF is gold for the heal gun more than the shotgun. Although I do believe that gold RoF shotgun is noticeably better than silver.

    I think that Gold Skill, Silver RoF, Bronze Armor/Health Regen is a great class, but it gets really terrible if you find yourself having to get your hands really dirty. It feels too weak in most games. However, when I tried it recently, I had to remind myself to use my air strikes. It had been so long since I played with gold skill that I'd forgotten you can actually use them semi-frequently.
  10. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

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    i like the skill rof armer build most cuz i feel like Silver rof does a good work on both waps skill on Gold is for my playstyle the best cuz of many Hacks airstrike recovery and at least for faster firebase Recovery and i think bronze armer is enough if u Know ur zoning game but thats just like i feel
  11. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    Just throwing this out there to add to the Gold RoF discussion. For me gold RoF is all about the H/H gun not the shotty at all. Gold RoF post Spunky heals/hurts for more than pre-Spunky w/ no RoF, Silver slightly less than pre-spunky with no RoF, and Bronze significantly less than pre-Spunky w/ no RoF - the devs posted that post patch and I'm pretty sure I have it right (can't find the thread atm).

    Also the higher your rate of healing/hurting the faster you build juice with the H/H gun. Personally I like RoF/Armor/Skill and Skill/RoF/Armor or Skill/Armor/RoF depending on the situation. They all have their uses.
  12. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    The Heal/Hurt Gun, when unendorsed, heals 20 health per shot on Pros (100 on turrets and bots) and fires four times per second. Each level of RoF Endorsement gives you +7% RoF.

    So a Bronze RoF boosts your healing to 85.6 hps, Silver goes up to 91.2, and Gold to 96.8 on Pros. On bots and turrets, it goes to 107, 114, and 121 health per second.

    IMO, that extra 5.6 hps is well worth it, particularly since it also boosts your Shotgun performance (from one shot every .86 seconds to one shot every .79 seconds).

    EDIT: I run Rate of Fire -> Skill -> Armor.

    EDIT AGAIN: The bit on turret healing rates is wrong. See the Support guide I just put up for more information.
    Last edited: April 15, 2011
  13. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    That is very interesting.

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