wait teapot was tank over shamass

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by feedle, July 9, 2013.

  1. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Shammas is right. Deadeye almost single handedly invented the way gunner plays in PMs. Before him, it was more viable to run double assault.
  2. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Id like to see GP reform and I bet there will be more teams who will send them back to 2010 defeated.

    Sigmar lost his shot
    Deadeye cant farm his juice
    Push will have to deal with people gaurding bots and no gremlins
    ace and chron1caust are so out of it they will get destroyed.

    Miracle and shammas are the only one who play the game of today...

    Push you left thinking things are the same but its a whole new ball game...
  3. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Id say chaos was the one who started the pm gunner. Deadeye was the first claw gunner up there with thecozy but wouldnt say he was the one who made the gunner the it factor.

    Gold accuracy gunner got nerfed.. so did deadeye
  4. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Oh btw push your old teamate ghost told me the whole story about gp. He was the main reason for Gp forming. Then youse guys ditched him... hes a hell of a sniper btw.
  5. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    The most aggressive tank in mnc
    The best tank in mnc!
    Your nothing now... go play cod and pretend to be good.
    Also I have a special song for you....

    Also listen to the people and the community...
    The people you pissed on...
  6. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Yeah you guys would need a lot of practice and that's just to beat skills team. I'm sure he'd dominate after a while, but then again so would anyone who had the natural fps ability. Your team outplayed other teams but at that point it was because you guys were way more individually skilled than the other teams, and the pushes came fairly easy with the combo of skill plus juice. I think this time around you would really need to rely on team skill. If I remember right GP just yelled at each other every match.

    I've been dying to put together a brand new team together consisting of skilled fps players. A combo of proven shadowrun players as well as h2 and h3 semi pros just to see how they would fair but its tough getting players to put down their games to pick up one that is dead and offers no incentive to play
  7. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Feedle, whenever anyone mentions deadeye, all the blood in your brain rushes to your girly-parts and you lose any capacity for judgement or reason. I refuse to even try to have a real conversation regarding Deadeye with you.
  8. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    He's scared to play mnc because of me
  9. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Fatal Attraction much?
  10. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    No idea what you're talking about. The original GP was PU5H, his cousin, myself, Jordan, Braindamage, and Jon (Enforcer).
  11. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Which one was his cousin? Ace?
  12. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    I forget his name at the time, but he's still on my friend's list. He was the sniper. Originally, it was just he and PU5H as a team of 2, I joined after we played a bunch in pickup privates. PU5H convinced Jordan to get the game because he'd translate well to assault being a top human in SR, we picked up Jon on gunner because he was a friend of Jordan's and we knew him from Shadowrun, and we picked up Brain because we knew him from SR.
    That's a brief GP history lesson, I can make it into a story if you guys enjoyed reading that. :lol:
  13. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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  14. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Yep. :lol:
    I was thinking I might do a video on a topic similar to this as my last MNC video.
  15. PU5H

    PU5H New Member

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    If i played again you guys do know i would do a whole lot of practicing with my team before i jump into a game against another team. I would have to be stupid to think the game hasn't changed
  16. joker

    joker Active Member

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    One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to anything competitive, particularly professional sports and on a smaller scale, competitive gaming, are ifs, could haves, and everything along those lines. People who stopped playing competitively in MNC years ago it is impossible to predict where they would be now in terms of being among the very best. It is safe to assume players like Deadeye and Calinorth would be in the conversation and among top players, but to hand it to them based off past credentials in games that were nothing like MNC (there is no shooter on xbox like mnc, period).

    Is deadeye's aim good? yes it is very, very good. However deadeye also lived mid range where his accuracy endorsement even post patch would still be possibly viable against an opposing gunner and the endorsement would only be a plus vs every other class (tank pending the situation). The few PMs he did years after his early reign of terror he was nothing short of miserable even with arguably choice wing slayers beside him (my assault and kckzi's sniper) vs skill's gunner. Also, another thing to take from gunner as it progresses through time and very lately, the gunner is not the steamroller it once was and has devolved into a mobile high powered turret that needs to pick its spots and feed off teammates, I have never played with deadeye as a teammate in any other game but this does not seem to be his forte, he gives me the impression of being a playmaker, and current meta gunner would just frustrate the shlt out of him.

    As for Calinorth, I only know what ive been told, that hes an amazing console sniper. However, a bulk of console sniping skill is insane hard aim skills and the ability to quickscope, but not an mnc quickscope. A quickscope in most console shooters aims for the head which is basically quick scope + quick aim > shoot. An mnc quick scope is quickscopre > shoot in one motion due to the fact mnc headshots are so inconsistent. Also, the different sensitivity for X & Y axis and only being able to change the sensitivity simultaneously without them ever being equal is troublesome for hardaiming and inconsistent bullet registration. Would he be one of the best? probably. THE best? I'm not willing to hand it to him.

    This thread is intriguing with good conversation, I just wanted to add my 2 cents on that matter.
  17. PU5H

    PU5H New Member

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    Chron i agree you about deadeye he is a playmaker in other games and playing gunner in the current meta would make him highly upset
  18. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Not to say that Deadeye wouldn't get frustrated by the way gunner plays now, but he and I have always known that's how gunner is supposed to be played at a high level. I'm honestly appalled people are just now catching up on this. Calinorth is a multi-game legend, and his most famous sniping was in Gears, where he's undoubtedly the best. He would hands down be the best sniper in MNC if he kept playing. He's literally used to firing only one bullet and getting a headshot. He would have a sniper with a huge clip, no recoil, and a high fire rate to hit that one shot. If you're a talented gamer, you're going to be good at any game as long as you play regularly, period.
  19. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    thats ghost there .... hes friends w pp. his gt at the time was cyrax or sektor. plyed w him in gci and hes beast w buccaneer. said he quit mnc once juice machines had a limit
  20. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    That's not Ghost, you're an idiot. :lol:
    I forget his old GT, but he made it v G H O S T or something like that. He was friends with Sokoto and Pandemic and would just buy juice nonstop, hence why he quit when they put the timers on.
    Last edited: July 10, 2013

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