
Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by MarkyX, February 12, 2011.

  1. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    And what is the connection between a shitty game with a sucking kickvote mechanic and the idea of a good votekick mechanic?

    I still don't understand why someone shouldn't be able to enable votekick on his OWN server. Hell, I want to be able to kick everyone I want on m OWN server.
    If someone don't like that, join the official servers, probem solved :roll:.
  2. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Here is my problem with that.

    I play all classes (though I'm new to sniper) and I like playing assasin if there are only 1-2 of us. God forbid I should ever have a bad day or be up against a better assassin. I would be kicked and the team would lose a contributing member.
  3. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    If it is YOUR server, you can already. No vote needed.

    Votekicking will become a part of many(dumb) servers as soon as the SDK comes out. Until then, deal with not having a stupid mechanic. You should be allowed to have vote on your own server, I just will not join it.

    I have seen votekick abused many times before and I do not like the idea of it in the slightest. Admins should be the ones kicking, not random people complaining about people who are either too good or not good enough.

    The DEVs shouldn't waste their time making something the modding community can whip up in a few days(if not hours). Aside from that though, I still don't like it.

    As an afterthought, should this be in the dedicated server discussion board and not the wishlist board? They have their own dedicated server wishlist thread and everything.
  4. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    i'd like to hear

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