Viability of Assassins? Post-Nerf (NO LUNGE GRAPPLES)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Agent, March 10, 2011.


Do you think Uber broke Assassins?

  1. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  2. No

    51 vote(s)
  1. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    Re: Viability of Assassin's Juice? Post-Nerf

    You are wondering why we are discussing Assault in an Assassin topic? Here is your culprit.
  2. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    beating a ledge camp on steal peel is easy
    sneak out of base via side exit as assassin
    destroy all the other teams turrets
    camp bots till you have juice
    take out their sniper
    use juice to wipe out campers and firebase
    hit annihilator
    by now your bots should be trying to hump the moneyball and you are now camping them
  3. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    The opposing team would have to have monkeys behind the keyboard to let the game turn around like that. :lol:
  4. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    have you not noticed that all people care about are kills?
    when they are busy spawn camping they arent going to notice that they have no bots coming in, and if they arent dieing they are unlikely to go back to spawn and notice their turrets down
    i have done it plenty of times and have even run into a support that managed to sneak out once and set up a 3.3 firebase in their base was many lols when they went to respawn

    the only time it fails is if i am grappled before i destroy the firebase/s or kill enough players in the juice run
  5. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Speaking as an assassin, i rarely let bots get near or actually in our base. Steel has some pretty useful ejectors.
  6. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    In Steel or Spunky, I can take both Bot Lanes with little issue. On larger maps like Lazor Razor or Grenade, I generally require a more co-operative team. Sure I can go cloakie, but that doesn't mean I can be everywhere at once, thus the value of lv3 Dash is realized to minimize the travel times on large maps.
  7. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    spunky can be a bit of a joke as assassin sometimes
    its quite easy to end the game inside of 3min
  8. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Yep, one bot lane. Bouncers are a pain in the @$$ though. For some reason, they keep chasing me while cloaked and have even gotten me in some grapples, which the enemy took advantage of.
  9. Rogueblades

    Rogueblades Active Member

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    This thread is so woefully off-topic that it actually hurts me....

    Sins received a (rather large in my opinion) nerf. As a direct result, I have had to change my already very conservative playstyle to fit the new build. charge3, DB/charge, Bomb, and failsin facestabs are killing me more than ever. Gold Armor is now an absolute must. I used to think that 75 hp was no big thing, but now im not so sure. One of the Sin's main class features was the ability to escape hopelessly disadvantageous situations with her 3 mobility tools and, arguably, her cloak. Even with the use of all these tools, I found myself thanking the game gods that I got out of a bind with my precious "magic pixel".

    Sure there were many senarios pre-patch that I should not have survived. For instance, lunging a group of enemy pros trying to pick a player with juice or a high streak, only to accidentally facestab a tank. "NO PROBLEM", I derped as i pressed "E" and put on my troll face. Allowing players to make such a critical mistake and go unpunished shows a lack of developer understanding of their product. The old grab range was also completely ludicrous as well. I mean, having a grab connect from like 2 tank's distance from the target is ******* silly. Now that the range is smaller, I HATE IT WITH PASSION, but I understand the change.

    The one change i have a problem with is the lunge-grapple combo. I feel like this is entirely to unreliable now and I am constantly worried that my lunge will connect but grab won't. I am not saying that this combo is now impossible (because its not, i seriously still do it all the time). It is however, much more inconsistence. And without crack timing on the escape, It will almost certainly get you killed.

    Bottom line: is the assassin dead?

    Has her viability in higher level play been destroyed?
    No, good players knew how to decimate a sin before the nerf anyway.

    I feel like the assault is most in need of a nerf of some kind.... BUT THAT IS NOT THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD..... So i guess I'll QQQQQQQQQQQQ somewhere else.
  10. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Lunge-Facegrapple the assault. They took a hit with gold armor as well and are now in range for a lunge facegrapple -> lunge kill. They aren't going to be able to fight against that without charge 3. Supports without passive 3 are even easier, lunge facegrapple -> attack. Both with gold armor.

    Lunge is still way too good. Armor nerf was not directed entirely at assassins despite what you might think. Armor pre-patch was too good in all cases.
  11. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Though with the nerf, Lunge is the only way out of a difficult situation apart from the unreliable smoke bomb, which doesn't even work in enclosed areas. Taking away the lunge's mobility essentially means killing the Assassin class completely.
  12. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Sorry, until someone nerfs the space bar, the lunge is fine.
  13. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Meh. Not in the mood to argue. All I'm gonna say is goodbye PC version. Not even worth it anymore. And if this update is planned for the 360, then I pray the 360 NEVER gets that update.
  14. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I think Jessep said that the pc has some sketchy issues with snipers being usually too headshot-bulletspam-able, and assassins having insane turning ability and lag-comphensation factors for their hit-and-escape (the lag sometimes covers the entire time you have to retaliate before escape), and that their nerfs won't be going to the xbox.

    But please, feel free not to argue but to recommend what you would like to see in assassins. Maybe the little time I do play assassin, I don't notice the nerfs as much.
  15. duckling

    duckling New Member

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    The nerf hasn't been much of a problem. Though the tank and gunner being able to bunny hop forever and ever is a bit annoying as it makes them impossible grapple. If you attempt and fail you get burned for you troubles and have to sit there for a few seconds while you smoke bomb, hoping you don't get flattened or knocked off the map.
  16. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    I swear, going after a Gunner is even worse than going after Tank because of that accursed Slam making it impossible to escape for about 5 seconds, which is 4 more than necessary for that Minigun to do it's job.
  17. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I had good results with shurikens from a distance against Gunners and Tanks. You won't get the kill but after spamming three or four clips into the crowd they usually have to find cover. It's true though, you can't make a single mistake against the heavy classes anymore. Escape via smoke bomb is unreliable and slow and lunge + dash might or might not work. I really hope Uber finds the bug that screws with lunge and grapple so often.
  18. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Assassin is my main, I've only done better since the armour nerf.
  19. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    I've clocked over 40 hours as a Sin. I can't... i cant handle the other classes. They're just so DAMN SLOW. ARGH. And i kept slamming the ground after i respawned as a gunner...

    If there's one thing the armor nerf has done is make me play a much, much sneakier game. I stay on my toes a lot more. My lunge is almost always either in use or on cooldown. I try to be far more wild and unpredictable in my movements and location than before. It still nets me plenty of opportunistic kills though. Standard practice is to move behind enemy lines and move forward through them, take out anyone looking in what is the "right" direction, mow through the bots they were with, swap lanes and repeat. In a way the nerf had a benefit in that it forced me to play harder and thus improve.

    Still thinking seriously about swapping silver RoF for silver Skill though. I find myself using my skills a lot more and having them on cooldown but not QUITE ready when i want them is what gets me killed most of the time. Maybe i'm overzealous? And i don't really need the swing speed as much as i feel like i did... Thoughts?
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    So yesterday I decided to boot up my MNC PC and try out the new changes. Mind you I haven't played a Crossfire game since the new exits were added. Remember my PC is also just under the recommended system reqs. to run MNC.

    I went Assassin to "test" her out and see my special Samurai gear. I decided to first try a Gold Armor build with Silver Skill and Bronze Health Recovery. I couldn't join any rooms that I knew so I joined an empty room.

    By the time I loaded in it was a 2v2 on Spunky. I went Assassin and there was an Assault on my team with a Sniper and Gunner on the other. First I decided to push some bot for some money. While I was doing this the Gunner kept trying to kill me and I was able to delay my escape a bit longer then I do on the 360.

    Once I got the "long cardboard tube" I went Pro hunting. Now by this time it's a full room.
    My team:
    Assassin - Me
    Gunner x2

    Other team:
    Gunner x3

    This is where my crap PC crippled me. Anytime I would either try to engage or retreat the framerate would drop so much but I was still able to get away, but most of my time after that was spent re-adjusting my view. The game ended in OT where all I could do was stand still. I had 3 kills 13 Assists 29 deaths 118 Bot kills 5 Turret Kills and was 2nd most money earned out of everyone. :lol:

    Thinking the framerate lag was mostly due to it being Spunky I decided to try a different endorsement build that was armor-less. Gold RoF, Silver Health Recovery, Bronze Skill. This was on Ammo Mule and the framerate lag wasn't as bad and it was also a 5v5.

    My team:
    Assault x2

    Other team:
    Support x2
    Sniper x2

    They didn't have much pushing power since the 2 Snipers were deathmatching with my Assaults. My Sniper and Tank were clearing lanes so I just harassed the two Supports. Gold RoF was like a hot knife through butter against their firebases. I did have to hit and run a lot baiting them to once place and sabotaging another.

    Once we got there ball down, about 2 minutes in I was getting dropped by the Tank and Snipers. Needless to say I shouldn't have been "cardboard tubing" the Moneyball. I went 4 kills 3 assists 5 deaths 30 bot kills 8 turret kills and was like 4 on my team. Game was over around the 5 minute mark.

    On top of all of that I was playing it with my XBox 360 controller.

    P.S I tried Tank and went with my classic Gold Crit. Silver Armor, Bronze Skill and absolutely dominated. Heavy Jet Gun only death blossom when in a bind.

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