Use the In-Game Community Mods - Original PA Mod Manager (PAMM) is Obsolete

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by Raevn, August 17, 2013.

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  1. tohron

    tohron Active Member

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    I'm getting a weird problem: when I double click PAMM.hta, I get a message saying "PAMM.hta is not a valid Win32 application". When I right-click, there's no Unblock option, so I'm not sure what's going on.

    I'm using Windows 7 64-bit btw.

    Edit: Dug up a response earlier in the thread to solve it:

    Last edited: March 6, 2014
  2. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    The forum link for Spaced-out Defence Towers is broken.
  3. silentlife

    silentlife New Member

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    Could all of the above problems have anything to do with appdata being set to read only? I tried fiddling with that to no avail. I'm really desperate to get this mod working D:


    EDIT: Could Java have anything to do with this? Awhile ago ((before I owned PA)) I tried to install 64-bit Java since my computer is 64 Bit but Firefox only uses 32-bit Java. So, er, I just tried to install 64-bit Java on top of 32-bit Java so that I could run Starsector with (relatively) uncapped RAM. I haven't had any problems since then, but uh... could this be a problem? I'm REALLY desperate to figure out what's going on.
    Last edited: March 8, 2014
  4. killerxxx231

    killerxxx231 New Member

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    Can anyone tell what is the fault?
    Whenever I start the mod manager then comes the error message is not a valid win32 application? I did it several times already downloaded but it did not helped? What´s worng?

    Attached Files:

  5. silentlife

    silentlife New Member

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    At least your problem is simple to solve =/. You have to associate PAMM.hta with the microsoft application host.

    Hopefully that helps. The image you posted doesn't look like my destination folder - that shortcut usually stays at the desktop.
  6. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Only IE can run HTA, because HTA also allows VB script to run inside of it, and therefore the browser component has to be run inside a special environment that allows it to interact more deeply with the OS (eg., all the file manipulation code in PAMM can't be done in Javascript, and is done in VB script instead).

    There's no Java code in PAMM - Javascript is a separate (built-in) language that does not require a runtime to be installed.

    I'm really at a loss here. It looks like no VBS functions are working (LoadOptions, FindInstalledMods, WriteOptionsJSON, InstallMod are all VBS functions, as they require access to the file system). Javascript functions look like they are working ok though.
  7. silentlife

    silentlife New Member

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    Damn... this does not sound hopeful for me. But it's better than no response at least. I was thinking of trying to reinstall PA at some point to see if that would help, but other than that I'm out of ideas too xD I really don't know any of this <.< I mean if AVG was blocking access of the VBS functions to something I would have thought that it would have allowed the files to do something if I added the whole folder as an exception to everything, as well as the .HTA file itself. Or at least I would have thought it would work if I temporarily disabled the entire program...

    maybe future versions will work who knows.
  8. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Re-installing PA wouldn't have any effect. My guess is some kind of permission issue, such as IE security settings. I'll play around with some IE settings and see if I can replicate this.

    Edit: I'm using IE 11. Just tried setting every security setting possible to maximum, and PAMM still ran fine :confused:
    Last edited: March 9, 2014
  9. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    Just noticed that when you have a disabled mod, updating it (using the "Update All" button) made it enabled afterwards. Is this intended ?
    I would have expected the mod to keep its current state prior update.
  10. silentlife

    silentlife New Member

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    Yeah, this is what i've tried so far (all at once):

    SuperAntiSpyware turned off
    Windows Firewall ((My AVG does not give me a firewall)) shut down
    AVG temporarily disabled ((The program not turned off, not sure how to do that other than uninstallation))
    Internet Explorer security settings (Intranet and internet) set to lowest possible

    None of those worked <.< though now that I know a little more of what isn't working, I'm going to try and google for more information and see if reinstalling Internet Explorer helps or something. Thank you very much for your help though @.@

    Edit: I recently just reinstalled E11, by following the instructions on Microsoft's homepage about going into the control panel, programs & features, installed updates and then uninstalling Internet Explorer. When I did this and restarted, for some reason E10 was then installed, for some reason. I tested PAMM out just to check it out, same issue. So, I tried to install E11, got it installed, and now apparently E11 is where E10 was. And the same problem as before still persists ;c
    Last edited: March 9, 2014
  11. xxoverskiesxx

    xxoverskiesxx New Member

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    Someone else having my same problem? I thought I was alone. I use chrome as well, never use IE.
    I'm still stuck, my IE is updated and everything.
    Strange enough, I'm almost positive its a problem with my registry. I have Norton 360, which has a built in tuneup tool that has a registry cleaner. But, every time I've tried to run the registry cleaner since I've gotten Norton, it throws me an error. Let me know if you would like me to post it here.
    Last edited: March 10, 2014
  12. phanston

    phanston New Member

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    So I had issues with launching this program because of my firewall. I use Kaspersky and I know I can disable it and it would work so I know Kaspersky is blocking something. So after messing around I finally found how to unblock it without disabling my Kaspersky.

    So first thing I tried using application rules but no luck.

    Then eventually I found web anti-virus and under that in advance settings and under than click configure trusted web sites and then I added to the list apply and ok etc.. and Eureka!! it worked!
    Raevn likes this.
  13. silentlife

    silentlife New Member

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    Damn, I was hoping that would somehow work for me, considering AVG has a similar feature as far as adding exceptions goes. No dice <w<

    EDIT: According to xxoverskiesxx's post, I tried to do some research as to vbscript stuff related to regitry. I found this website:

    I know that my problem isn't the same as the one shown here, but I figured they may be similar? I don't know.

    I did what the top post told me to do, as this computer came installed with McAfee which did, in fact, augment the registry in question. However, when I modified that entry to what the site said the destination should be, the problem still remains. T.T

    I got the idea to search for this because I tried fiddling around with the files in the installation path of PAMM, in the Managers folder. When I tried running the jscript scripts they went and said "Can't find script engine "JScript" for script "C:\Program Files (x86)\Planetary Annihilation\Manager\locale.js"

    Of course the last part of the path would be different depending on which of the 3 scripts I tried to run in the Manager folder

    EDIT x2: Here's a log of me doing some random things in PAMM. It seems like PAMM did not recognize some of the things that I did at all (As in it did not register the error notice in the log): particularly when I pressed the "Exit" button or some other buttons, like "Install" (for a particular mod) and so on. I had to edit the full log because the log itself was like 12000 or so characters, so I just cut down some of the really repetitive things that happened. Mostly the [Message ID: #] GET <url> spam and the Like Counts.

    Last edited: March 12, 2014
  14. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    If you are able to download anything (which the log suggests you can), then Javascript is working fine (all the downloading code is written in Javascript). The errors are occurring when attempting to run VBScript functions (eg. WriteModsJSON). On that website, after changing the registry value try running the regsvr32 commands again, ie:

    cd %windir%\system32
    regsvr32 vbscript.dll
    regsvr32 jscript.dll
  15. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    There's a new version of PAMM being released soon, but there's a bug I'm trying to track down first. If anyone's interested in helping out, send me a PM :)
  16. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Version 4.0.1 of PAMM is ready!
    EDIT: v4.0.2 is a quick bugfix; the minimum resize of 2 mod columns has been temporarily removed due to a bug.

    So what's new in this version?
    • Installer now prompts to launch PAMM after installation is completed.
    • Big performance improvements, both in rendering and network.
      • Filtering & sorting should be much, much faster now.
      • Check for online/offline status updated, and should now be much smoother and not lock up PAMM.
    • Display & theme changes:
      • Further updates to visual theme to match Gamma UI.
      • Additional options for how the lists are displayed - both the installed mods & the available mods lists can now be set to either "Summary" or "Detailed" view. Summary view does not show descriptions or categories, and each entry is shorter.
      • Icons can be toggled on/off for the installed mods & the available mods lists separately.
      • I've enforced a fixed height for the mod entries. This means no more gaps when the entries tile. Some mods may need their descriptions updated to fit, as they have been capped at 2 lines.
      • Mods requiring updates have their titles in orange
      • When a filter is applied, a message appears. This is so that if the additional options are hidden, you can tell that you are not looking at the full list of mods.
    • New/Updated Features:
      • Existing Filtering/sorting options for the available mods lists are now shown under "additional options"
      • Filter by Name added to both installed and available mods lists. Will filter as you type.
      • Both lists can also be filtered by category (by selecting "Show additional Options"). The number of mods in each category is shown next to the category name.
      • Added Enable All/Disable all buttons to the Installed Mods List additional options
      • Removed option for "Verbose Log", since there doesn't really need to be 3 Log levels (Debug Mode implied Verbose Log anyway).
      • PAMM now launches at a size dependent on your monitor resolution. It will be at least wide enough for two columns of mods, however.
    • Bugfixes:
      • Sort by Build now has most recent build first
    (The PAMM window was manually resized smaller so the images weren't huge)
    upload_2014-3-15_11-49-2.png upload_2014-3-15_11-49-13.png upload_2014-3-15_11-49-23.png upload_2014-3-15_11-49-36.png upload_2014-3-15_11-49-47.png upload_2014-3-15_11-51-17.png
    Last edited: March 15, 2014
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Performance is sooooo much better.
  18. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Thanks :) I was never happy with how it used to be. I re-wrote most of the html generation, sorting & filtering code this version. It re-draws a lot less often, and when it does, it does it faster. This was needed to get the text filter to be able to update as you type, instead of being a "type, then click search" kind of thing, which is clunky. It also just makes it much nicer to use in general.
    LavaSnake likes this.
  19. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    yeah, I love how fast it is now. Thanks a ton raevn!
  20. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    in the mods list the "installed" and "not installed" filter are switched for me. If I click not installed, it shows me my installed mods, and other way round.
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