Use the In-Game Community Mods - Original PA Mod Manager (PAMM) is Obsolete

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by Raevn, August 17, 2013.

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  1. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    Can you tick "Debug Mode" in settings and post the log again?

    I'm running IE 11 with default security for all zones, so changing that shouldn't be a requirement.

    Try running PAMM from an elevated cmd prompt, and see if that works? If so, something has changed your folder permissions, because AppData shouldn't need admin permissions to write there.
  2. mbainrot

    mbainrot New Member

    Likes Received:
    Debug Mode output
    Steps to reproduce.
    Set debug mode, closed PAMM then reopened it, clicked yes on all error prompts then navigate to available mods "tab" (after waiting for the ratings to load) and then attempt to install System Settings. Error occurs after the animated thingy stops spinning and disappears, I click yes to the error and this is the log output
    19:09:53[INFO]Options file found, loading settings
    19:09:53[INFO]Setting log level to 4 (DEBUG)
    19:09:53[DEBUG]Writing options file
    19:09:53[DEBUG]Writing options file
    19:09:53[DEBUG]Writing options file
    19:09:54[INFO]Checking online status
    19:09:54[DEBUG][Message ID: 0] GET <url>
    19:10:00[INFO]Online status: ONLINE
    19:10:00[INFO]Refreshing Data
    19:10:00[INFO]Downloading news
    19:10:00[DEBUG][Message ID: 1] GET <url>
    19:10:00[INFO]Downloading available mods list
    19:10:00[DEBUG][Message ID: 2] GET <url>
    19:10:01[DEBUG][Message ID: 1] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:01[DEBUG][Message ID: 2] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:01[INFO]Getting availailable mod download counts
    19:10:01[DEBUG][Message ID: 3] GET <url>
    19:10:02[DEBUG][Message ID: 3] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:02[INFO]Generating Available Mods List
    19:10:03[INFO]Generating Installed Mods List
    19:10:03[INFO]Getting mod likes
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 4] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 5] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 6] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 7] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 8] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 9] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 10] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 11] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 12] GET <url>
    19:10:03[INFO]Invalid forum link for mod 'Better System View' (Not from
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 13] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 14] GET <url>
    19:10:03[INFO]Missing forum link for mod 'Circle to Line mod'
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 15] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 16] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 17] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 18] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 19] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 20] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 21] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 22] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 23] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 24] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 25] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 26] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 27] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 28] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 29] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 30] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 31] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 32] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 33] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 34] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 35] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 36] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 37] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 38] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG][Message ID: 39] GET <url>
    19:10:03[DEBUG]Writing mods.json
    19:10:03[ERROR]Error loading online mod download count data: Write to file failed.
    19:10:06[DEBUG][Message ID: 8] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:06[INFO]Like count for mod 'Economy Efficiency': 10
    19:10:07[DEBUG][Message ID: 15] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:07[INFO]Like count for mod 'Planet Preview details': 3
    19:10:07[DEBUG][Message ID: 16] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:07[INFO]Like count for mod 'In Game Reminders Timer': 6
    19:10:07[DEBUG][Message ID: 17] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:07[INFO]Like count for mod 'Favourite Colour': 14
    19:10:08[DEBUG][Message ID: 20] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:08[INFO]Like count for mod 'Staticmenu': 6
    19:10:09[DEBUG][Message ID: 18] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:09[INFO]Like count for mod 'Team Build Color': 6
    19:10:09[DEBUG][Message ID: 21] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:09[INFO]Like count for mod 'Eco Manager': 7
    19:10:10[DEBUG][Message ID: 23] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:10[INFO]Like count for mod 'Auto Factory': 8
    19:10:11[DEBUG][Message ID: 28] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:11[INFO]Like count for mod 'Chrono Click': 10
    19:10:11[DEBUG][Message ID: 29] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:11[INFO]Like count for mod 'Tank Commander': 13
    19:10:12[DEBUG][Message ID: 31] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:12[INFO]Like count for mod 'NoStarField': 6
    19:10:12[DEBUG][Message ID: 33] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:12[INFO]Like count for mod 'System Editor Fix': 0
    19:10:12[DEBUG][Message ID: 32] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:12[INFO]Like count for mod 'Planet Name Themes': 2
    19:10:13[DEBUG][Message ID: 36] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:13[INFO]Like count for mod 'Stargate Name Bug Fix': 9
    19:10:14[DEBUG][Message ID: 38] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:14[INFO]Like count for mod 'Building Writer': 8
    19:10:14[DEBUG][Message ID: 39] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:14[INFO]Like count for mod 'Custom Unit Names': 0
    19:10:15[DEBUG][Message ID: 5] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:15[INFO]Like count for mod 'Floating Framework': 7
    19:10:15[DEBUG][Message ID: 4] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:15[INFO]Like count for mod 'Settings Manager': 7
    19:10:16[DEBUG][Message ID: 6] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:16[INFO]Like count for mod 'Hotbuild2': 8
    19:10:16[DEBUG][Message ID: 7] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:17[INFO]Like count for mod 'Commander Health Display': 4
    19:10:17[DEBUG][Message ID: 10] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:17[INFO]Like count for mod 'Mod BatchSize': 6
    19:10:17[DEBUG][Message ID: 9] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:17[INFO]Like count for mod 'In Game Timer': 7
    19:10:18[DEBUG][Message ID: 11] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:18[INFO]Like count for mod 'PA Stats Online': 7
    19:10:18[DEBUG][Message ID: 12] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:19[INFO]Like count for mod 'Chat Player Colours': 1
    19:10:19[DEBUG][Message ID: 13] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:19[INFO]Like count for mod 'Installed Mods List': 1
    19:10:19[DEBUG][Message ID: 14] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:19[INFO]Like count for mod 'Build Power': 5
    19:10:20[DEBUG][Message ID: 22] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:20[INFO]Like count for mod 'PA Mentor': 5
    19:10:20[DEBUG][Message ID: 19] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:20[INFO]Like count for mod 'Anchor Buttons': 2
    19:10:21[DEBUG][Message ID: 24] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:21[INFO]Like count for mod 'Transparent Strategic Icons': 7
    19:10:21[DEBUG][Message ID: 25] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:21[INFO]Like count for mod 'Notes': 2
    19:10:21[DEBUG][Message ID: 26] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:22[INFO]Like count for mod 'Alerts Manager': 6
    19:10:22[DEBUG][Message ID: 27] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:22[INFO]Like count for mod 'Customizable In-Game Timers': 2
    19:10:23[DEBUG][Message ID: 30] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:23[INFO]Like count for mod 'Hotbuild 1': 7
    19:10:23[DEBUG][Message ID: 34] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:23[INFO]Like count for mod 'Alerts Filter': 12
    19:10:24[DEBUG][Message ID: 37] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:24[INFO]Like count for mod 'TauntMod': 5
    19:10:24[DEBUG][Message ID: 35] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:25[INFO]Like count for mod 'Profile Pic Fixer': 4
    19:10:25[INFO]Generating Available Mods List
    19:10:38[DEBUG][Message ID: 40] GET <url>
    19:10:38[INFO]Downloading mod 'rSettingsManager'
    19:10:38[DEBUG][Message ID: 41] GET <url>
    19:10:38[DEBUG][Message ID: 41] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:10:38[INFO]Installing mod 'rSettingsManager'
    19:10:38[DEBUG][Message ID: 40] HTTP OK (200) <url>SETTINGS
    Running from elevated prompt
    Steps to reproduce.
    1) Go into start menu and it's already oinned there
    I then CTRL + SHIFT click it (triggering a UAC prompt) and I click yes to UAC
    2) I then right click on the start menu item and click properties
    3) I then copy the text from the target field and paste it into the command prompt and press enter

    It loads up and the first two errors are the same

    I then attempt to install Settings Manager addon and I get the same error again.

    Log is as follows:
    ~message continues~
  3. mbainrot

    mbainrot New Member

    Likes Received:
    ~ message continuing from previous post due to 10k char limit ~
    19:15:21[INFO]Options file found, loading settings
    19:15:21[INFO]Setting log level to 4 (DEBUG)
    19:15:21[DEBUG]Writing options file
    19:15:21[DEBUG]Writing options file
    19:15:21[DEBUG]Writing options file
    19:15:22[INFO]Checking online status
    19:15:22[DEBUG][Message ID: 0] GET <url>
    19:15:23[INFO]Online status: ONLINE
    19:15:23[INFO]Refreshing Data
    19:15:23[INFO]Downloading news
    19:15:23[DEBUG][Message ID: 1] GET <url>
    19:15:23[INFO]Downloading available mods list
    19:15:23[DEBUG][Message ID: 2] GET <url>
    19:15:24[DEBUG][Message ID: 2] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:24[INFO]Getting availailable mod download counts
    19:15:24[DEBUG][Message ID: 3] GET <url>
    19:15:24[DEBUG][Message ID: 1] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:24[DEBUG][Message ID: 3] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:24[INFO]Generating Available Mods List
    19:15:25[INFO]Generating Installed Mods List
    19:15:25[INFO]Getting mod likes
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 4] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 5] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 6] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 7] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 8] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 9] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 10] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 11] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 12] GET <url>
    19:15:25[INFO]Invalid forum link for mod 'Better System View' (Not from
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 13] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 14] GET <url>
    19:15:25[INFO]Missing forum link for mod 'Circle to Line mod'
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 15] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 16] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 17] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 18] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 19] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 20] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 21] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 22] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 23] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 24] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 25] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 26] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 27] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 28] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 29] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 30] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 31] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 32] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 33] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 34] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 35] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 36] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 37] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 38] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG][Message ID: 39] GET <url>
    19:15:25[DEBUG]Writing mods.json
    19:15:25[ERROR]Error loading online mod download count data: Write to file failed.
    19:15:27[DEBUG][Message ID: 8] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:27[INFO]Like count for mod 'Economy Efficiency': 10
    19:15:28[DEBUG][Message ID: 16] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:29[INFO]Like count for mod 'In Game Reminders Timer': 6
    19:15:29[DEBUG][Message ID: 15] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:29[INFO]Like count for mod 'Planet Preview details': 3
    19:15:29[DEBUG][Message ID: 18] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:29[INFO]Like count for mod 'Team Build Color': 6
    19:15:29[DEBUG][Message ID: 17] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:29[INFO]Like count for mod 'Favourite Colour': 14
    19:15:30[DEBUG][Message ID: 21] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:30[INFO]Like count for mod 'Eco Manager': 7
    19:15:31[DEBUG][Message ID: 20] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:31[INFO]Like count for mod 'Staticmenu': 6
    19:15:31[DEBUG][Message ID: 23] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:31[INFO]Like count for mod 'Auto Factory': 8
    19:15:32[DEBUG][Message ID: 28] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:32[INFO]Like count for mod 'Chrono Click': 10
    19:15:33[DEBUG][Message ID: 29] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:33[INFO]Like count for mod 'Tank Commander': 13
    19:15:33[DEBUG][Message ID: 31] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:33[INFO]Like count for mod 'NoStarField': 6
    19:15:35[DEBUG][Message ID: 33] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:35[INFO]Like count for mod 'System Editor Fix': 0
    19:15:35[DEBUG][Message ID: 32] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:35[INFO]Like count for mod 'Planet Name Themes': 2
    19:15:36[DEBUG][Message ID: 36] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:36[INFO]Like count for mod 'Stargate Name Bug Fix': 9
    19:15:36[DEBUG][Message ID: 38] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:36[INFO]Like count for mod 'Building Writer': 8
    19:15:36[DEBUG][Message ID: 39] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:37[INFO]Like count for mod 'Custom Unit Names': 0
    19:15:37[DEBUG][Message ID: 5] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:37[INFO]Like count for mod 'Floating Framework': 7
    19:15:37[DEBUG][Message ID: 4] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:37[INFO]Like count for mod 'Settings Manager': 7
    19:15:38[DEBUG][Message ID: 6] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:38[INFO]Like count for mod 'Hotbuild2': 8
    19:15:38[DEBUG][Message ID: 7] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:38[INFO]Like count for mod 'Commander Health Display': 4
    19:15:39[DEBUG][Message ID: 9] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:39[INFO]Like count for mod 'In Game Timer': 7
    19:15:39[DEBUG][Message ID: 10] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:39[INFO]Like count for mod 'Mod BatchSize': 6
    19:15:39[DEBUG][Message ID: 11] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:39[INFO]Like count for mod 'PA Stats Online': 7
    19:15:40[DEBUG][Message ID: 12] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:40[INFO]Like count for mod 'Chat Player Colours': 1
    19:15:40[DEBUG][Message ID: 13] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:40[INFO]Like count for mod 'Installed Mods List': 1
    19:15:40[DEBUG][Message ID: 19] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:40[INFO]Like count for mod 'Anchor Buttons': 2
    19:15:40[DEBUG][Message ID: 14] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:41[INFO]Like count for mod 'Build Power': 5
    19:15:41[DEBUG][Message ID: 22] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:41[INFO]Like count for mod 'PA Mentor': 5
    19:15:41[DEBUG][Message ID: 25] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:41[INFO]Like count for mod 'Notes': 2
    19:15:41[DEBUG][Message ID: 24] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:41[INFO]Like count for mod 'Transparent Strategic Icons': 7
    19:15:42[DEBUG][Message ID: 26] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:42[INFO]Like count for mod 'Alerts Manager': 6
    19:15:42[DEBUG][Message ID: 27] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:42[INFO]Like count for mod 'Customizable In-Game Timers': 2
    19:15:43[DEBUG][Message ID: 30] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:43[INFO]Like count for mod 'Hotbuild 1': 7
    19:15:43[DEBUG][Message ID: 34] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:43[INFO]Like count for mod 'Alerts Filter': 12
    19:15:43[DEBUG][Message ID: 35] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:43[INFO]Like count for mod 'Profile Pic Fixer': 4
    19:15:44[DEBUG][Message ID: 37] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:15:44[INFO]Like count for mod 'TauntMod': 5
    19:15:44[INFO]Generating Available Mods List
    19:16:06[DEBUG]Clearing cached file ''
    19:16:06[DEBUG][Message ID: 40] GET <url>
    19:16:06[INFO]Downloading mod 'rSettingsManager'
    19:16:06[DEBUG][Message ID: 41] GET <url>
    19:16:06[DEBUG][Message ID: 41] HTTP OK (200) <url>
    19:16:06[INFO]Installing mod 'rSettingsManager'
    19:16:07[DEBUG][Message ID: 40] HTTP OK (200) <url>SETTINGS
    Hopefully that helps out in nutting out the problem

    ~ end of message ~
  4. tripper

    tripper Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Installing IE 11 seems to have fixed it for me Raevn. Thanks for your patience.

    I'm assuming the default explorer stuff for windows was insufficient for this update and needed updating to IE11 to function correctly. My windows has not had IE on it for years at best guess. While it wasn't exactly uninstalled it wasn't exactly directly accessible either. As explorer is part of windows whether you like it or not.
  5. Dementiurge

    Dementiurge Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    So I have an odd request:
    Could you hide the 'by name' string if the author field in modinfo.json has a special empty value?

    "author": "null", //Author's name is Null
    "author": null //Don't display an author
    Unfortunately, I can't actually leave the author field out of the modinfo.json because PA expects one.
  6. sunsun

    sunsun New Member

    Likes Received:
    Heya, so I have a prior mentioned problem as well,
    after installing (to several locations to test)
    there are two errors that come up,

    the first being:

    Line: 844
    Char: 4
    Error: Unable to get property "innerHTML" of undefined or null reference
    Code 0
    URL file:///B:/Planetary%20Annihilation/PMMA.hta
    I wonder about the third / after file, but i guess it belongs.
    Could i fix that by pointing to an exact location or rewriting it? (prolly not)
    the second being:
    Line 1487
    Char 4
    Error Write to file failed.
    Code 0
    URL file:///B:/Planetary%20Annihilation/PAMM.hta
    Things I've tried so far:
    forcing it to run in elevated modus by several means (elevated cmd, host, IE)
    disabling all security IE offers

    I can't enable logging because it doesn't save the changes to disk, I guess it's a permission problem.
    To put it in the words of my forefathers:

    pws halp

    some dude who only found out yesterday some people were making his beloved TA/SC into an even more badass game, who also thinks this game urgently needs 'repair towers' to fix a micro management issue

    what's the header for the spoiler function on this board?

    just tried 3.0.3
    which doesn't throw out errors


    So i fixed the problem for me
    first I downloaded it again (actually didn't, but needed the link to download version 3.0.4 as well as 3.0.3 to test)
    you can do this too by changing the 3.1.1 in the download link to the appropriate version
    anyhow after many uninstalls and reinstalls to test i wanted to start the game with 3.0.4
    and decided to try "download and install"
    so I did that
    PAMM hung for 10 seconds (which is a lot considering my computer), was responsive for a sec, then hung again, it said "Mod Manager Offline"
    so I restarted it, since this was the first time it didn't give me any errors!
    from that point on it worked without flaw
    Last edited: February 3, 2014
    Raevn and mbainrot like this.
  7. aswan

    aswan New Member

    Likes Received:
    D:\PA\Planetary Annihilation\PA.exe
  8. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    @mbainrot: I'll look into this tonight, see if I can work out whats going on from the logs.

    I'm glad you got it working :)

    It's certainly strange that it all worked until jquery was involved. As far as I know, jquery is still just written in Javascript, so I would have expected it to work just as well as before.

    Shouldn't be too hard, however author is a default field, and PA itself may not like that being empty.

    @sunsun, glad you got it working :)
    Edit: there's no spoiler tag, but you can use quote or code

    @aswan, are you sure it's not D:\PA\Planetary Annihilation\PA\PA.exe or D:\Planetary Annihilation\PA\PA.exe? The PA exe should be within a folder called "PA" if you are not using steam.
  9. neptunio

    neptunio Active Member

    Likes Received:
    I can't seem to get mine working either..

    On launch I get two error messages, the first says Unable to get property 'innerHTML' of undefined or null reference.

    The second says 'write to file failed'.

    Is there something obvious I have missed?
  10. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    That is an odd request, why would you want that? I would have thought an author of "anonymous" would have done whatever you want to do.
  11. Dementiurge

    Dementiurge Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    At first I thought it worked with null, but that may have been a different error (I had an old version of my mod hanging around, and the coui:// addressing may have looked it up when my current version failed).

    PA won't accept a completely empty string, sadly, but it's perfectly happy with "author" being an empty array or object, a true/false value, or just a string filled with whitespace.
    It's more for when a mod has no specific author, rather than if the author doesn't want to be known.
  12. sunsun

    sunsun New Member

    Likes Received:
    Try uninstalling PMMA, then get yourself PMMA 3.0.4
    install that, if that starts up and asks you to update to 3.1.1
    say yes
    even tho it looks like you're reproducing the error, some magic switch got pulled

    if you go to page one and hover over the download link you will see it's location name
    in chrome/chromium if you click it a second tab opens, change the 3.1.1 to 3.0.4 and hit enter

    p.s. meh can't post links to explain it better and even things without / or anything before the filename works

    also this is a great mod, rarely have seen such neatly fitting "built in mod support"
    and that there's a repository to install mods from <3
    Raevn and mishtakashi like this.
  13. mbainrot

    mbainrot New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mate... I f****** love you :D it works perfectly.

    Got 3.0.4 and then installed 3.1.1 when it wanted to update I let it and BOOM! no errors.

    And the mods install \o/

    Sir you can have all my beans, I really appreciate it!

    @Raven, Could it be something different in the installer vs 3.04 to 3.1.1? Or alternatively, I know its a painful question given that you haven't skipped versions but, what has changed since 3.0.4 vs 3.1.1?
    Raevn likes this.
  14. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    This is really useful. I'm not sure yet what the problem is, but it gives me somewhere to start & a workaround for anyone else - thanks! :)

    Edit: Found it! A little too much logging was the cause. Namely, trying to log a message before the UI had loaded. This only occurred when the folders weren't already present, hence why updating did not cause any issues, only fresh installs.
    mbainrot likes this.
  15. mbainrot

    mbainrot New Member

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    Sweet :) glad I could help
  16. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    PAMM v3.1.2 released

    Bugfix: error on install if previous version not installed
    Bugfix: localisation corrections
    sunsun and mbainrot like this.
  17. dusanak

    dusanak Member

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    I have no idea why but I can't get PAMM working. I am using a steam version of PA. I have set up the path to it properly and I can download mods and all (at least I suppose so, they show up in Installed Mods) but when I run the game, they are not in it. I have even looked to the folder which should contain them (Planetary Annihilation\media\ui\mods) but they are not there at all. I have tried reinstalling it a few times but to no avail. How can I fix it? Should I post some logs or something?
  18. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Actually, PA mods now go in %USER%\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\mods

    They changed this recently and the old mods folder hasn't been removed yet. If they show up as installed mods, they would be in that folder already. you could maybe post the mods.json file from that folder, but if it has any entries then it probably isn't the problem. Are you launching the game through the PA Launcher, PAMM, or Steam?
  19. dusanak

    dusanak Member

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    Oh thanks, I didn't know that the mods go in that folder now, thanks :) . They are there and they are listed in the mods.json file. I am launching the game through Steam. The mods still aren't unfortunately working.
    Last edited: February 4, 2014
  20. carcinoma

    carcinoma New Member

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    Hello, Raevn!

    I have a problem with PAMM, namely it seems like your application doesn't connect to the server. After I launch PAMM all I get is this:
    I don't receive any data from the server, none of the buttons work (even Exit). Nothing responds to any of my actions.
    I have Windows 7 x64 and no problems with Internet connection.
    Is anything can be done about this :/ ?
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