*UPDATED* MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, October 13, 2010.

  1. fake

    fake New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    "Retuned"? What does that mean? It means "nerfed," right?
  2. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    So does this mean kids will stop crying saying that I use all gold endorsements? I mean I know I do work, but 5 games in a row people accused me of that ****, I'm just too good
  3. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    I'm at work, so I can't try it out..

    They say they improved hit detection. Did they improve LUNGE hit detection for the assassin, so that it doesn't go past/through enemies that it hits, and actually stops at the right place?

    It would be nice to be able to play the assassin without being host, even if she does suck now
  4. RACIN N420N

    RACIN N420N New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    NICE! Great news, it's about time eh? :p

    Can't wait to go get on and try it out!
  5. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion


    Praise the heavens!
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    After a month hiatus from MNC, I am playing this game so hard tonight.
  7. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    "Re-tuned" As in, The dagger lunge does about the same damage as a melee attack.

    I posted my thoughts in rev's thread about the assassin changes.
  8. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    Holy... Formatting that changelog in wikicode already took a bunch of minutes... Nice work Uber! :D
  9. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    Anyone else find it humorous that, after all this time, the update took less than 2 seconds to apply?

    Juice rushing is basically as effective as it ever was. The moneyball damage was not reduced enough.

    Has the smokebomb jump been fuxxored? I haven't been able to pull one off since the update.
    Last edited: October 13, 2010
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    Welcome to balance.... most classes are terrible before they get their upgrades. The gunner used to have the worst weapon in the entire game before he got passive level 3 but I think now the dagger might be worse.

    Any idea if deploy 3 is fixed for the gunner?
  11. Qwentle

    Qwentle New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    Are you sure the katana lunge hasn't also been lowered? I'm finding that katana lunges don't one-shot black-jacks, and I can face stab and lunge a gold armour assassin and not kill them anymore. The damage it does now feels like it is doing damage depending on how direct the lunge was, ie. if you don't hit them directly, even with a katana lunge, you'll do about 5% damage.

    Either way, it's now very ineffective to use lunge for anything more than movement, but at least grapple is now easier to pull off (though front-grabs are now very ineffective due to being unable to follow up with a lunge finisher).
  12. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    Look at it this way, my assassin friends: more hits to kill a bot = more juice.

    The only time I don't hate a support is when he's sending juicy, overhealed bots my way.
  13. Frankie Godskin

    Frankie Godskin New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    I haven't touched MNC since Reach came out, and Reach was really disappointing, so I'm looking forward to trying out MNC again.
  14. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    Some of the issues surrounding the smoke bomb ability allowed players to use it a few ways that weren't intended. In this case this is jumping and using the smoke bomb at the same time, or even jumping and using the smoke bomb afterwards. Prior to the update these methods worked, but the intended mechanic is you need to jump after the assassin's smoke grenade goes off.
  15. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    Has anyone tried out the support yet? Is rate of fire now necessary? Figures the update comes during the week, when I can only play on weekends.
  16. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    Thanks for the reply, bgolus. Guess I just need to get used to a different rhythm of button presses.

    I had guessed the update might come today once UberEnt tweeted "very soon." Microsoft typically pushes updates to XBL on Wednesdays.
  17. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    The assassin definitely feels much more fragile. I feel like now it plays how it should, with a much greater emphasis on hit and run and good map movement. It will also make the assassin rush MUCH less useful.
  18. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    Welcome to balance? lmfao.
    At least the gunners starting gun kills people.
    Id honestly do almost as good now using ONLY the right stick melee instead of the dagger

    As for the smoke bomb...ya it is still fuxxored
    I was getting random moments where I would smoke...jump up 2 feet..oh kool...this again
    Mind you, it's not as often as before...but still there
  19. GLR b0x

    GLR b0x New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    I love the anouncer, he is important for the atmosphere :) Hope it isn't too reduced..love things like "DID YOU SEE THAT? AMAAAAZING!"

    I figured out a few days ago that the Host as a huge advantage in the game. I was playing the sniper and I really did a headshot to everybody I saw, 1 sec in my view, boom headshot, I believe I had 20 kills 0 deaths in one game. But shooting with the sniper is a lot harder if you are not host IMO (my connection is not the best not sure how u see it). I'm not very good as a sniper usually.
    Last edited: October 13, 2010
  20. AnAngryMuppet89

    AnAngryMuppet89 New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    i swear to christ i was just playing a game as an assassin, which i do admit is by far my worst class, but still the amount of BS they put up with is ridiculous. having to grab an enemy from behind twice when im clearly right next to them? the weak as h**l attacks when u dont have a katana? i mean literally jackbots throwing me around until i got that katana. ill be sticking to the super easy mode classes form now on, gunner, and if there are snipers on the other team, sniper.

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