[UPDATED: 2014-04-22] - Playtest reviews - Build 64624

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Martenus, April 21, 2014.

  1. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    competing to get out build notes is pointless and a waste of time for both parties.
    Good spirited competition over holding the best tourneys etc is welcome, as long as no dirty tactics are involved. IMO.
  2. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Experimental build v.64624-balance review 2014-04-22:

    A 5 player Team-Armies (2v2v1) again on Zaphod Prime. Teams Meta + Scathis, Brad + Garat, AI. Scathis won the match by annihilating Garat with an asteroid and taking the last kill on AI just couple minutes later. The game run smoothly, there seems to be some server improvements.

    Link to the video: http://www.twitch.tv/metabolical/b/522121611
    Don’t forget to follow Metabolical on Twitch to catch his streams when they are live!

    Changes noticed in the stream:
    (most important changes are in bold)
    • Metal storage holds 20k metal, up from 5k
    • Units (noticed on Ants and Infernos) are much faster!
    • T2 energy plant costs the same as before, produces the same as before
    • Grenadiers have a bad time killing a moving target
    • T2 vehicle factory consumes 180 metal and about 2200 energy
    • Anti-nuke launchers costs 18k metal, comes with no missile loaded
    • Anti-nuke missile costs 17k metal
    • Anti-nuke missiles seem to have bigger range
    • Leveller costs 1830 metal, vanguard and sheller costs 2700 metal
    • Catapult costs 27000 metal
    • Orbital factory cost 1k metal (unless I missed a zero)
    • T2 metal extractor costs 3030 metal
    • There is a new ping (I didn't see it though, no picture)
    • Orbital radar is called Arkyn
    • Anchors don't move
    • Nuke explodes in the air when shot down by anti-nuke
    • Server performance seems to be improved (less lag)
    I hope you enjoyed, if you noticed anything else, please let me know in the comments.
    Last edited: April 22, 2014
    bradaz85, galaxyisos, drz1 and 2 others like this.
  3. FSN1977

    FSN1977 Active Member

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    Don't know If the game was smooth, the Client framerate was very poor.
  4. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    I wasn't rushing the review out, I simply posted it as soon as I could. I didn't really hurry :) I makes no sense for me trying to be faster. I am trying to be better. Fast and good doesn't come together well, good things need time :p
    drz1 likes this.
  5. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    I think it was better compared to what we have no. At least from my POV it really seemed better.
  6. FSN1977

    FSN1977 Active Member

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    He had 6 fps When He turned off pip :p
  7. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Compared to like 3 previously, that is 100% increase! :D
  8. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    As I said, there should be room for everyone. And there might be various format for reviewing the same news.

    Not necessarily rushing in publishing data is the best and unique options. Of course if people follow the same path, there will likely be duplicated. And that may be pointless.

    Martenus just started, it seems to me a bit premature to ask him to stop already. Give him time.

    As for Brian, I always enjoy his updates. He found a good format, and he's very timely. He never lowered quality just because he's been the only one in doing so, which is commendable. But that doesn't mean that we should close the door in the face of new contributors.
    drz1, brianpurkiss and FXelix like this.
  9. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Hey now, none of that euro-centric beer stuff. As someone who has lived in US and Europe and is obsessed with both, US has some of the best beers in the world right now. The craft beer movement totally started there and they are bringing back a lot of awesome styles that had actually died in Europe, like the Gose. I love living in London because we get the best of both worlds, American style craft ales and new wave 'real ales' brewed in a craft style but cask conditioned. /beerrant :D
  10. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Since my suggestion about consolidating previews for the forums for easier browsing for players remained unnoticed and without a reply, I take that as it is not even worth replying to and there is no intensions to cooperate from the other party.

    In the sake of good spirit, I will stop creating a new threads about previews and only post all my previews and patch notes on our eXodus website - such page is in developement and I will let you know once it is up. I will only keep updating this thread in order not to flood forums with double posts.

    I decided for such an action in sake of community and your request and the tidiness of these forums. I will be glad to bring you guys the best quality reviews and as objective as I can and always with some nice pictures :) So I hope you will follow me in the future and stay on my side, thank you all for support!
    LavaSnake, bradaz85 and drz1 like this.
  11. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Interesting, considering Brian stated he had submitted other work to your site and received no response.
    So it seems that there is a communication breakdown from both sides.
    Whatever, thanks for reducing the amount of duplicate info on the forums, and if no collaboration ever happens, I hope that there exists a place for both "organisations".
    I'm on both sides :p
    stormingkiwi and cptconundrum like this.
  12. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    I believe that people should do what they feel like doing. Doing it well, and not caring too much about what others think.
    cdrkf and Tomasina like this.
  13. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    I am actually trying this IRL and it works quite good. I live much more happier since I don't give a **** what others think of me :p
    carlorizzante likes this.
  14. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    It got me arrested. Clearly they didn't appreciate the beauty of the human form unleashed.
    cwarner7264, cdrkf, Martenus and 3 others like this.
  15. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Why can't they do what they want AND care about what others think?

    Selfishness, while evolutionarily natural, is the reason for most of humanity's failings. Either for money, power, or control, selfishness is the root of many problems.

    Lol bit excessive for a post regarding a game and it's fan communities...anyway, both groups should carry on doing what they want, but at least try and respect each other, even if just professionally.
    wpmarshall likes this.
  16. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Is there any disrespect in this thread from me? Just asking :p
  17. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Sorry, I got sidetracked, and wasn't really attacking you or anything. It's all good :)

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