Update 6 is out!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Ekanaut, January 20, 2011.

  1. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    It still seems quite hard to grapple sins, didn't manage to grapple one yet :( (well no sin managed to grapple me neither after all, lol)
  2. wubnasty

    wubnasty New Member

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    Assassins and Tanks are still superb at destroying bases, the nerf just made it so they couldn't clear an entire base with one juice. They can still decimate a base faster than a Gunner, but they don't have the advantage of doing it from range. Teamwork will be key.

    Also, Assassins will always be a non-issue for Gunners if they grapple from the front and will still destroy Gunners from behind like they're supposed to. The Gunner's stronger grapple doesn't really change anything in this context.

    Not to mention Microsoft's support is just garbage. It took them a month to just push through the first major patch on 360. It was a load of crap and UBER really got the short end of the stick on that. I can't imagine the frustration they felt. It just so happens that MNC was extremely popular at the time and Microsoft's little gem Halo was coming out at the same time, who knows? One thing is for sure, their priorities definitely do not suit a developer like UBER that puts a lot of time and effort into supporting their game.

    I do imagine they're doing everything they can, but PC is definitely going to see quicker and more frequent updates. I am thankful that Xbox Live's service enabled UBER to get enough cashola to keep development alive long enough to support the PC release it deserves. :mrgreen:
  3. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Juiced and nonjuiced, gunner destroys bases the fastest in both cases.

    "Also, Assassins will always be a non-issue for Gunners if they grapple from the front and will still destroy Gunners from behind like they're supposed to. The Gunner's stronger grapple doesn't really change anything in this context."

    Incorrect, pre patch a failed sin grapple was still an easy kill for sin since slam was easy to jump over and gunner grapple was too slow to connect, post patch the grapple is an immediate counter and can kill the sin. Sins cant blindly grapple a full hp gunner, just like fighting a tank.

    Expect to see alot of gunners in future matches.
  4. wubnasty

    wubnasty New Member

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    A grapple from behind is an instant kill with the sword even to a full hp, Gold Armor Gunner. Front grapples were always a free kill beforehand, you were just getting lucky by playing against Gunners that don't know to jump away and shoot rather than make themselves a sitting duck by slamming.

    Front grappling a Gunner should result in a death because that's a big mistake by the Assassin. If it became easier for new player Gunners, then that's fine. Bring on more Gunners, new players running a Gunner is one of the easiest Pros to kill.
  5. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    That's not determined at this time.
    Certainly not all of them. Some of the balance changes are PC specific.
  6. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Non-juiced, I agree. Juiced, sins win easily. If you can't wreck their base harder than a gunner as sin, you're doing it wrong.
  7. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Good sin would butterfly the gunner as he rises into the air, jump slash slash, you were lucky to play against bad sins.

    If you are still jumping after failed grapples with this new patch then your playing him wrong, the grapple is now amazingly fast and huge damage, instant kill most cases and in worst case throws away the enemy for easy minigun finish. I think of the gunner like zangief from street fighter, you just dont want to get too close or he kills you in one move.
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Depends on the base and whether other players are around.

    3.3 rockits combined with a 3.3 firebase or two will just straight-out kill a juiced assassin. In other cases, crowd control can stop her from doing much damage.

    A juiced gunner can take down any turret in 1-3 mortar shots, often from a safe distance. The only issue is getting in a position where you can hit more than one of them without bots or walls getting in the way. Easy on AmmoMule or Grenade III, or Spunky; harder on Lazer Razer and Steel Peel.
  9. wubnasty

    wubnasty New Member

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    Good Assassins stab from behind. ;) With Gold ROF it's nearly an instant kill after a bad grapple from in front.

    If the grapple does nullify an Assassin from jump slashing, that's a step in the right direction. An Assassin that knows to do that knows better than to grapple a Gunner, Assault, Tank, or Support from the front. Assassins shouldn't be getting kills on Gunners when grappling from the front. It's a mistake that should be punished, just like a Gunner using Slam after being grappled. Or frankly, using Slam at all in head to head fights in the open. Just grapple from behind and it's a non-issue.

    Assassin's should not be getting kills on bad grapples on high-hp classes. They already have an instant kill on a quick cooldown, how fair would it be if they can't be punished when using it improperly?
  10. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Played on Ammomule today with new patch, a support was playing very defensive, as a juiced sin i got killed twice, taken down by lvl 3 rockits and the firebase, manage to beat it on third run, a juiced gunner would of done it in one run.

    "If the grapple does nullify an Assassin from jump slashing, that's a step in the right direction"

    Its like when two sins take turns grappling each other, gunner grapple is an instant counter now, unlike before where it was easily jumped over.

    I still use silver rof on my gunner, i know that on the console version the gold rof for assault and gunner capped out due to frame rates and lag, dont know if anybody has any uptodate stats on whether the pc version with better hardware and dedicated servers get to see the full potential of gold rof?

    Here is the link:


    Rate of Fire (Minigun)
    Gold: 400 rounds in 10.6 secs or 2,264 rounds per/min
    Silver: 400 rounds in 10.9 secs or 2,202 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 400 rounds in 12.1 secs or roughly 1,983 rounds per/min
    Default 400 rounds in 13.2 secs or 1,818 rounds per/min


    Rate of Fire (Assault Rifle)
    Gold: *25 rounds in 2.1 secs or more than 714.3 rounds per/min
    Silver: *25 rounds in about 2.1 secs or no more than 714.3 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 25 rounds in 2.5 secs or 600 rounds per/min
    Default: 25 rounds in 2.9 secs or 517.2 rounds per/min
  11. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    On Steel peel take the side entrance to back of base, if a juiced gunner attacks from there instead of the front, he can take out all the key turrets before any1 notices.
  12. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    I do not like auto-balance ingame. I got swapped twice in one game, both in a situation where I just got a whole base defenseless, effectively falling into your own trap. It also breaks your concentration, especially if you were about to juice and go for the money ball (very frustrating)!

    Besides that, if you swap team your gun will still be the color of the previous team (bug).

    And using gold ammo clip, I notice the gunners upgraded minigun also misses one bullet on a respawn and after reloading (I mean, dude, that one bullet could make a kill. Bug)!
  13. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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  14. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    I also despise autobalance's complete nonsensical decisions about who should switch. Happened twice now just to piss me off:

    A) We were starting to secure the win as I was MVP Tank, when suddenly I'm autobalanced while in the queue after clearing the turrets out and then I wind up having to defend the mess I just made, resulting in a very long drawn out fight that only just manages to turn it around in the end for a technical win.

    B) I was support, I hacked all the turrets, brought out the gapshots to disable the enemy base, and upgraded all the turrets. Since it was LazeRazor, I placed a Lvl 2 firebase hacked in a blind spot to take out bots and pros. THEN I was autobalanced and suddenly had to turn the burnt out mess of a base into a defence of some sort, and break down all the turrets I just erected. But not only that, but my FIREBASE DIDN'T SELF DESTRUCT OR CHANGE TEAM. Guess what happened? I got killed by MY OWN FIREBASE. Proof not only should supports NOT be swapped if it's the only/best team's support but also how this is utterly absurd and should be fixed. :(
  15. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    On the plus side (unless they fixed it from how it used to work with changeteam), the turrets you built/upgraded/hacked for your original team will continue to give you money for their bot and player kills after you're switched!
  16. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Known bug, we're working on it.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That's nuckin' futs! :lol:
  18. wubnasty

    wubnasty New Member

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    It would nice if there was a time limit on how often a Pro gets autobalanced to the other team, maybe something like 5 or 10 minutes between unless there's no other Pros to balance. It's a bit weird ping ponging back and forth between the two teams.
  19. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    Yeah... it's still really easy to kill a deployed tank, especially one that is just shooting at the money ball and not defending himself. You can't make default game balance about the fact that newbie assassins will walk up behind the tank and burn. Any assassin not a newbie will just shuriken you to pieces. I can't agree this is anywhere near a valid choice, especially for 400$. The reload time against the ball will make a difference, but this is such a niche use for the cost that I say this is not good enough.
  20. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    If you hit ESC before getting to the class choice menu in a match, there is some weird bug that prevents you from doing anything for a while.

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