Update 3/25/11

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by azure, March 26, 2011.

  1. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Good one...
  2. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    made it from my spawn to enemy bot spawn in 6.5 seconds. O yeah I also had full health and all my skills available to allow me to escape.

    I made it from moneyball ring to enemy moneyball ring in 7.5seconds (charge out of gate, throw bomb, jump + det bomb, land on center dome, 1/3rd of health missing no skills available, walk the rest of the way.)
  3. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    We're going to have to define how we determine 'mobility'. Are we talking about ground to cover or places each class can access?

    Because I played a game on steel peel where a sin smoke bombed herself from the backdoor ramp towards our base to a little ledge that was connected to the jump pad room. No way was I going to be able to bomb jump there.

    There is flinging a rock and then there's placing an arrow in a bull's eye.
  4. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I suppose mobility would be the ability to get from point A to point B as quickly and effeciently as possible.

    Think of it like a race. The assault is only "good" in extremely short bursts. The longer the race is the farther and farther he falls behind. He may be able to take a different path that may be shorter in length, however not only will he be completely drained of power upon finishing that path(and be unable to make the return trip) The assassin will probably make it to the original destination at nearly the same time as the assault, but she will probably make it back to the starting point before the assault and continue to gain ground on him the longer the race goes on. Plus, she does it without compromising her offensive abilities.

    It takes less effort, is more consistent, and nearly as fast for short distances (but MUCH faster for long distances) for the assassin to traverse the map. She is the most mobile class by a HUGE margin.
  5. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    You just don't know how to use the bomb son.
    Also, this is about mobility, not survivability.
  6. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Notice nerfed is using bomb 3 and charge 3. I did all of this right out the gate at start. Bomb 3 gives significantly more distance than bomb 2. I'm sure I could have gotten to the enemy base even faster as assassin had I had dash 3 and been using a speed build instead of survivability build.

    Also I was using a skill recharge build on my assault.

    ALSO notice that that information predates the current assault patch which has significantly slower charging speed, significantly longer regen times on charge, and less range on charge.

    Finally my point still stands, that assassin has all of her skills still available, full health, and could easily make it back to her base in the exact same amount of time it took her to get to the enemy base. Assault is making a ONE WAY trip. He now has ALL (not just one but ALL) his abilities on cooldown, his a huge FLAMING "shoot me" target, and is missing around a third of his health.

    The assassin having all of her skills means she is still JUST as mobile when she gets there as the trip she took. The assault having his skills on cooldown means he is limited to his base move speed until he recharges. Thus: assassin has more mobility.
  7. killien

    killien Active Member

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    I've noticed... A few tricks I figured out net me about half the range as before

    The Assault charge now is barely useful for offense. It does the same damage as the Tank Charge with almost none of the momentum transfer
    Regardless of level, the Tank Charge seems to send people flying while the Assaults Charge will only knock people around at lvl3. I don't think I've seen anyone get knocked more than 20ft when I hit them with the Assault Charge
  8. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    9 times out of 10 if the tanks charge does not kill an opponent it knocks them far enough away that they can escape before the tank can finish them off

    knock back is not not all its cracked up to be
  9. jrave

    jrave Member

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    Err sub charge 3 maybe.. Charge 3 has that nice little "stun" effect that basically allows a tank to reload the jet gun before you can even start to move. Always awesome to have my camera at the right angle to see him reloading while I wait to die.

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