I don't think star rating should be affected by kill;death ratio as that just makes people hunt for kills and not actually work for the team, I also think that joining a game late should not reduce or gain any star rating as I'm getting annoyed of joining a server with my team nearly beaten and having to quit and go through all the loading screens again and again till I find a game that's just started.
Ahh pretty cool update list! I can't wait to download and give it a look. I am most eager to see the new lighting for the maps and of course the taunts.
there should be a way to prevent people from hogging KD's just to get a better star rating since how "good" you are at the game is not all about the KD. they said in patch notes that they are still improving the star rating so hopefully they're working on it
Also from what I can tell if you quit a match you drop star points, I was in a game with 300ms+ ping and dropped about .1 points when I had to quit which is ******* annoying as hell. I join and quit about 40/50 servers a day.
retro: some foreign language P3 (for all gears): does a kick-flip with his dual minis would be nice if someone could upload the beta gear taunts, for us who don't have it :3
Anyone else not liking the new light effects? Would really like the option to switch back to the old style. Cause atm everything seems darker and the brightness option doesn't seem to help..
Any chance of you revealing some of the thought processes or data you use to determine the balance changes?
I totally agree with you. Both LaseRazor and Grenade III now have that ugly orange tint to them that makes the game less crisp and clean looking. The orange tinting is one reason why I don't like the look of every picture of Bulletstorm I've seen. Ammo mule isn't too bad, but I still prefer the original nice clean white lighting. I hope there is a possibility of switching it to the old style at some point, if there isn't one that I'm unaware of right now. I'm happy to see that level indicators are back, and although I don't like that the assault's bomb no longer recharges while deployed, I do think its a reasonable change. However, I very much dislike the change of the seemingly random team selection to being rating based. Since I'm five star I find that it seems to always put me with the most ignorant and inexperienced players, or worse... the ones who refuse to be useful in any way despite having played for a while. It seems the choices are now to never play without friends to stack with or be punished with the certainty teammates that are effectively lead weights or kill feeders. At the very least could you put in a server option that would enable a non-rating influenced based random team selection?
for anyone wanting to know the changes to the balance file (that i could find, juice changes are not in the file, the speeds of charges isn't either: old------------------------------------>new BAL_EXPLOSIVE_REGEN_A/B/C =4/5/6 -> BAL_A_CHARGE_REGEN_A/B/C =3/4/6 BAL_EXPLOSIVE_DMGVSCRE =3.33 -> BAL_EXPLOSIVE_DMGVSCRE =1.5 BAL_A_CHARGE_REGEN_A =4 =4/7/9 -> BAL_A_CHARGE_REGEN_A =3/4/6 BAL_A_CHARGE_DMGVSFOD_C = 5000 -> BAL_A_CHARGE_DMGVSFOD_C = 1000 now, correct me if i'm wrong... but as far as any of the other "regen" numbers go... higher is better is quicker regen, since like... full bar = 60... divide by regen = sec it takes to regen... and... the update says which... then is not true? cos it's slower on lvl1 & 2 (btw, WOW, charge is WAY slower, like charge lvl2 was even quicker then charge lvl3 now 0.o) (btw 2, bomb damage to moneyball is now 450, where it once was 999.99)
Yeah they really changed him A LOT. The bomb changes were too much, though the moneyball damage reduction is right on spot I think. 450 is pretty much right where it should be. Charge regen speeds are too long for levels 1 and 2, level 3 is ok. Level 1 = 20seconds Level 2 = 15seconds Level 3 = 10seconds. Its a little silly but the Tank's actually regens faster now. Level 1 = 15seconds Level 2 = 10seconds Level 3 = 7.5seconds Assassin Lunge = 2second cooldown.
Yo so from what it says in the update it looks really great, haven't played yet since i saw it yesterday just before i went to bed and i just woke up now . But anywho, I wanted to give my thoughts on a rating system: If you make it so that it rates you after how many "points per minute" you get, would that hurt anyone? Everyone have to be active and it would get people to kill bots whenever no pros are around. Now I know that the support prob is the worst class to get a high "points per minute", but if you then made it so he would get an assist if he healed a team mate who then gets a girl before a certain amount of time. Thoughts?
The tank charge is slower than the Assaults EXCEPT level 1 Assault charge. All of the tank's charges have an impulse of 75000 regardless of level. Assaults speed changes with each level of the charge. Level 1 = 50000 Level 2 = 75000 Level 3 = 100000
It's no secret this game makes me rage mega hard. But constant, consistent updates like this are such an overwhelming dose of anti-rage it's hard to be mad. I'm loving this update pace, Uber! Keep it up!