Oh, hmm. I went a bit further with my proof of concept code and made it load arbitrary files. It looks like I just got lucky picking the skybox papa's. Those are stored in "TF_A8R8G8B8" according to papadump (which is kind of weird, since I load them as R8G8B8A8. Oh well.). It seems there are other formats called "TF_DXT5" and "TF_DXT1" too. Those are probably these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S3_Texture_Compression That doesn't seem to be to hard to implement. So maybe I'll have a texture viewer (and writer?) done over the weekend. Not sure what the purpose would be since it would most likely be more useful to have it in the Blender import tool. But I don't know Blender so well and I'm having fun, so there.
This would be good for making new skyboxes, right? People have been asking Uber for them, but it seems like a great area for the community to contribute something and take the work off the devs.
Well, the textures in "media/pa/terrain/sky/textures" for skybox_01 are all 1024 x 1024. There are seven of them, but one of them is called "ref". I'm not sure what that one does. Probably for reference. Anyway, you have six 1024 x 1024 textures for the whole skybox cube. I just plunked my avatar on top of one and saved it.
Oh hells yes. Subtle in-game clan plugs here we come. EDIT: Also this: http://i.imgur.com/Entxsw6.jpg
So, once Denim finishes that texture tool I can make new skyboxes for my planet names theme mod. I might also be able to theme the start screen background! https://forums.uberent.com/attachments/menu-jpg.15025/
You can already theme the start screen, silly. Just shadow media/ui/alpha/start/img/img_start_bground_sample.jpg
Ok, first draft version for the texture editor is available. See GitHub. I haven't been able to get the DXT1 and DXT5 formats to work yet, but the A8R8G8B8 one works fine. So at least people will be able to make custom skyboxes. With the editor, you can open a texture directory (File -> Open dir) and it will try to load all of the textures (and fail on most of them at the moment). Selecting one of the textures and going to File -> Import will overwrite the texture in the papa file with the image you imported. It has to be the same size as the original for now though. I've included a mod for custom sky boxes. Just edit the papa files in there. Thank WrongCat for the sample picture: Also note that there is only a Linux binary on GitHub because I don't have readily access to a Mac and no access at all to a Windows machine. I'm sure one of you could be able to provide a Windows binary of the code on GitHub? It's all with cmake and I think Visual Studio supports that? Maybe? You'll need the Qt4 libraries.
So, here is a Windows version, maybe? I compiled it using MinGW under wine and it seems to work when running with wine. So there is probably a decent chance it might work on Windows. Download from GitHub.