Units concepts

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ozonexo3, August 21, 2012.

  1. klewis5

    klewis5 Member

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    Unless my eyes deceive me, that last one's a slight variation of an SC2 UEF Rock Head tank with the damage upgrade.
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Your eyes do not deceive you.
  3. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Good to see some people can see that :p
  4. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    I reworked the tank to this:


    AAAND I made this!


    Looks almost exactly like the one in the trailer eh?
  5. rockobot

    rockobot Member

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    This reminds me of a shorter-barreled Mammoth Tank from C&C


    Which is in no way a bad thing. I would very much welcome it.
  6. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Its nothing like it.... Only thing similar? It has two barrels...whooipe?
  7. rockobot

    rockobot Member

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    -Body shape
    -Chassis design is missing some edges (like the front side) but it's overall similar.

    That's just my opinion. It's a good design
  8. Alcheon

    Alcheon Member

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    its just like it, in that it has all the aspect we assign to any "Tank", more than that though they are not really alike :)
  9. thefirstfish

    thefirstfish New Member

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    I like the tank. Doesn't look much like the C&C one to me. Radar tower is cool too.
  10. sturm532

    sturm532 Member

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    Yaay more art

    Bugga bugga bugga !!
  11. nightnord

    nightnord New Member

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    Hey, looking like Mammoth tank is not a bad thing. Mammoth tank is was one and only thing that made C&C3 good. Especially "Armor superiority!" call. Too bad in PA all units are bots and don't speak.

    But too bad, to be real Mammoth tank it should be too big, too slow and too expensive for PA-style of game. Otherwise it's just a two-barrel tank, which actually makes sense (technically - at least it's better than three-barrel tank and highly probable with good tech).
  12. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Metal Extractor! based from the Trailer.... with a few tweaks XD
  13. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    What ever happened to my spinney top extractors?
  14. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    This isnt TA bro =p

    This is close to what they used in the trailer. XD
  15. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    He he, Really love your model however dude.
  16. nightnord

    nightnord New Member

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    Maxwell hunter: T2 long range hover disc tank for planets with magnetic field

    Description: tank that shots plasma disks that travel (due to quantum lock effect) along planet's magnetic field without friction or gravity. May function only on planets with magnetic field.
    Chassis: Hover
    Ability: Boost (This pointy things at the rear of tank are rocket boosters). In boost mode it
    folds radar (orange thing at the end of turrent), effectively reducing it's radar coverage. Can't shoot while in boosted movement. Automatic activation when there is no enemies and/or fog-of-war borders anywhere near the tank.
    • Fast and maneuver, but light armor.
    • Long range and speed of projectile.
    • Good sensors range in non-boost mode, but very small in boost mode.
    • Amphibious (obviously)
    • Projectiles has change to pierce though enemies (?)
    • Attack only at straight line with little height difference (magnetic rails are locked inside turret and turret can't raise at high degree. Therefore, initial magnetic propulsion by rails may only raise projectile on very small relative height before it would be locked and aligned by magnetic field).
    Suggested role: Fast and deadly sniper for hit-and-run tactics. Or back-positioned anti-crowd unit in general assault.

    More idiotic description: This design predates The War itself. It was discovered in ages long ago, when humans were still living, by policemen squad looking for stolen sports car of one very important person. All clues were leading to abandoned research facility in woods near the city, inhabited by only man which was described by locals as being completely insane.

    When policemen searched the facility the discovered a room with signs of recent activity and the car. Well, it wasn't a car anymore, but a 'thing' simply hovering without any support above huge pile of unreadable papers. One of the papers, most readable of all, was stating that this 'thing' was actually a "Weapon concept exposing possibilities for plane of abstract theories". This paper, along some very vague schemes of "tank" insides claimed that tank uses "Plane of abstract theories portal" to summon "Maxwell demons" to keep plasma disc, which was generated by turret, from spreading apart as plasma would do in normal case.

    Thing, called a "plasma tank", was carried to military research facility where was powered and tested. It worked, but scientists failed to obtain any valuable information from it, but some black-box technology for production of more such tanks. Any further search though abandoned facility, left papers or any surroundings hadn't revealed nor any more sane explanation how this all works, nor any whereabouts of tank's creator.

    As no proper technology was discovered tank remained unnamed until it was reproduced and adopted by army, where soldiers has given it a name "Maxwell hunter" honoring original description and sports-car resemblance.

    Nobody also knows why plasma discs shot by tank are suddenly failing apart after traveling very long range without any signs of internal distortion. Only explanation is that, probably, Maxwell demons are short-lived and after some time are returning to their's plane of abstract theories.

    Attached Files:

  17. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    Don't use technobabble unless :
    - you know what you're talking about well enough (around 18 people alive today)
    - you have absolutely no other choice
    - preferably both

    A disk-thrower unit could be fun, it sounds like a good idea for non-ballistic, straight-line-moving slow projectiles (as, slower than lazor projectiles and faster than big fat rockets). It would look better than a slow lazor, and it would be more unique than a generic 'ball of light'.
    OTOH, Tribes players may not find it that original...
  18. nightnord

    nightnord New Member

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    Plasma is superconductor (probably, I dunno, but AFAIK it's not proven). Quantum-lock is very well known effect, you may even google it on youtube. There is two problems I'm leaving here: there is no (known) way to keep exterior (i.e. without magnetic field. And even with magnetic field for some plasma configurations) plasma without it spreading as any gas would do (fireball-lightning doing this somehow, but there is still unknown how) and magnetic field of planet is just wrong type of magnetic field (i.e. it has force-lines aligned in wrong direction, so they won't create flux tubes) for this. But, again, fireballs somehow achieving this, so it's ok to suggest that it is somehow possible.

    There is nothing more that simple physics course, so don't please yourself with that '18 people alive' thing ;) You may learn it, you may read it, you may watch it in "Funny physics for kids" shows. Any well-educated man knows that.

    But of course, you may also note that there is no known way to make hovercraft, or generate plasma out of thin air in such small turret. Should I explain you the meaning of "sci-fi" term? Or maybe we should add ammo refill for normal tanks as it's completely unrealistic to have infinite ammo?

    Quantum-locked (magnetic-based) tank is perfect sci-fi explanation for it's features, restrictions and abilities. It's just more fun than dumb "shots explosive glowing discs moving in straight line.". With your attitude even Gauss-guns are too much technobubble.
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Its a good unit concept, I will say that seeing as most units don't get an explanation other then their purpose that this may have been a little long winded.

    But bonus points to you sir none the less!

    Seems like a good hover sniper (What ever happened to normal hovercraft with the airbags? he he) But its ability seems like you would always use it when moving from location to location.

    How about a type of plasma jet mode giving it a short range high damage plasma flame thrower for punching through high health units over a large area, over its long range sniper configuration which has more range but much less over all DPS.

    Giving it a use in quick raids or for destroying many weaker units in an ambush type of attack, effectively giving the unit 2 uses over just the 1. ;)
  20. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    Yeah... no, quantum locking doesn't work that way. See, it's hard to make a good enough technobabble, but it's quite easier to recognize a bad one. Which is why only a few people can write good technobabble, but many more will recognize a bad one.

    Which is why it's a good idea to not try to explain it. The reader/spectator/player can simply assume that there is some good explanation, instead of seeing a bad one.

    Literally turning thin air into plasma is easy : just use a nuke. Containing the plasma is less easy, but today's tokamaks used for researching fusion power-plants do that with magnetic field.
    The hard part is explaining why throwing a plasmoid (which is, basically, an explosion somehow trapped into the projectile) at the enemy's tank is more effective than throwing the nuke.
    Which is also something never explained, because there wouldn't be any good explanation for it. The reader/spectator/player can, again, simply assume that there is some good reason.

    The Commander can already generate mass, meaning that they have mass generators. No need to search further.
    Even if we couldn't explain it, it is also a necessary gameplay simplification, meaning that an explanation is not necessary.

    Nope, quantum locking is just the last syfy buzzword, after nanotech and atomic power. Generally used by people who don't really know what it means.
    There is a reason why I avoid those buzzwords in my SF works if I can ; and why I use this kind of stuff only if I'm pretty sure that no amount of causal research will prove them wrong (and it's harder than it looks, sometimes involving headache-inducing maths).

    No, Gauss guns are actually a real weapon ; the concept is at least 50 years old and a few small prototype were built here and there.
    I'm talking about the coilgun, which is what people most often refer to when talking about the Gauss gun (others also put the railgun with it, but this one is already developed by the US Navy anyway).
    The problem with the coilgun is that it's probably more efficient, but also quite harder to make than a railgun, particularly as there things that we don't know how to industrialize (read : people would have to make it by hand), which is not acceptable for those kinds of weapons. And even when we'll find how to do it, harder to make means more expensive to develop as well, and railguns are expensive enough to develop like that.
    So no, Gauss guns are a perfectly fine SF weapon. Though it won't throw anything at relativistic speed for a long, long time.

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