Unit Veternacy: can we skip it?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by johnnyhuman, August 23, 2012.

  1. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Most likely because reading a 16 page thread(which contains the Dev comment(s) FYI) is too much of a hassle for some people.

    The funny part is that 16 pages isn't all that much(kinda the average for any decent discussion) and really doesn't take much time to read, it's only 10 posts per page and most posts aren't exactly all that long.

    EDIT: and along that note, seems every time I link people to the Teir Talk thread, at least one person just asks for a 'summary', but the entire point to linking it instead of doing a summary is because there is so much context and explanation that get left out it's hard to understand WHY something was chosen as a 'solution'.

  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Sorry johnnyhuman, can't agree with you there, unit veterancy is the butts. you're reffering to experimentals but experimentals won't be in the game, if nit veterancy doesn't turn a unit into a x2 better unit then it is within reason. (in sup com this was far too much, I agree, experimentals could instantly triple or sextuple their value with no meriting effort)
  3. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    If not vet.

    It would be cool to have a date when your starting the game.

    Then as the game goes buy, you can see how many days / months / years in game time that unit has survived, but also yeah a kill counter.

    Its always fun seeing some unit killed way way more than it just have been able to.
  4. ascythian

    ascythian Member

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    Veterans could always become a special unit, like seals, SAS. Maybe put veteran units into a factory and out comes the robot elite. A warhammer 40k analogy, imperial guards turning into space marines. I wouldn't really care if veterancy is in or not however. Might add some nice stats to the game however.
  5. Damo116

    Damo116 New Member

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    I initially disagree'd with your post but as I read down I agreed more and i also think that the commander should have a Veterancy level that would be kewl. It would encourage players to use their commanders more offensively, or maybe even the commander could gain Veterancy or exp for constructing or repairing things i don't know just would be a cool feature :p

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