1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    you are deluded and lost.

    all of what you said is wrong and I don't have the time to address it point by point.

    In sum that was the weakest argument I have ever heard against choice and honestly I don't really know what else to expect given choice is hard to argue against.
    Last edited: January 23, 2015
    vrishnak92 likes this.
  2. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    This is a reply per number you provided, read carefully:

    1. The AI has rarely been able to cope with a unit cap, specially Sorians AI, just look at the AI from SUPCOM 1 & 2. Second part, his issue is with performance, which is the same issue I have. I can't play any games once they start reaching the several thousands, so I want a unit cap for that SPECIFIC reason. & just to be clear, I want OPTION to impose one in the games I play.

    2. That has always been a given & implemented in every free build rts, your point in bringing this up? This itself is a weak argument, shouldn't have even mentioned it.

    3.Turtling has always been a flawed tactic which your more aggressive players are capable of beating (AI just stupidly suicides units into this bases in most iterations), again, your bringing up weak arguments, most of your competitive players when asked about defenses (static), will probably tell you they rarely use them, & mainly have them for antiharrasement & scouting.

    4. I'd like 1 example, please show me where another game has no unit cap whatsoever (to be clear, NO MODS)? Afterall, this generation is when it was finally possible to actually do so thanks to massive improvements to CPU & RAM. I'm now questioning your age thanks to your "point"

    5. The issue is thanks to the fact the game itself pushes the CPU & RAM to its absolute limit, since there is no limit to the games... Scale. State your point better, as no one said to avoid the issue, imposing a unit cap would help the people who have low end systems, which I assume you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be making these arguments.

    6. Nothing is perfect, haven't you learned that already? Provide me one, physical, living, non-mythical HUMAN that is perfect, then come back & try to tell me that again. I'll be waiting at the end of time for that one of course. While we are still on the subject, since nothing can be perfect, options will ALWAYS be needed.

    Lastly, your point about being senseless is quite baseless, however, my point about repeating the word options has a good reason to be, as most people in this thread seemed to ignore it otherwise.

    Make a point of rereading your post from earlier before you speak, your post did little to properly clarify as you made a very obscure mention to the game mechanics themselves concerning a unit cap, do not delude yourself
  3. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    you understand why my second quoting of him showed how much I just lost it, as the first time I read his thing, I went through one line & ended up skipping it... But decided later to read it (in the middle of typing), and then snapped
  4. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    There doesn't need to be a bloody hardcap for people with **** machines, Uber's servers can do most the work, and if performance is your main concern, you can always just stop building units. Nobody is forcing you to build more than a thousand, hell, nobody is forcing you to build more than 1.
  5. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    while the Uber servers do take care of the sim, the computer still has to draw the terrain, units, particles, lights and other BLARGs...

    While nothing is forcing me to build thousands of units, there is also nothing STOPPING other players or AI from do so, which is the entire point.

    Maybe you should leave any form of "tech talk" to people who actually understand what goes on with a game & computer.
  6. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    1. Yes, but as it´s a different AI it isn´t optimized on that task! Would be quite unsmart if it was... (in a game that doesn´t fearture an unit cap right now!)
    2. And as everybody knows it didn´t play out quite well, that´s why this isn ´t a weak argument. BTW: It´s also adding more confusion and more restrictions. Not good at all!
    3. Are we talking about AI or competitive now? Talking about A.I. your point just supports mine: A.I. is doing stupid stuff right now. Implementing an unit cap would just hide/avoid this problem. The GENERAL PROBLEM wouldn´t be fixed. Regarding competitive: It´s no good that they are just used for these kind of tasks, wouldn´t you agree?
    4. Homeworld I got a game mode for it...
    ...BattleForWesnoth allows turn-based strategy with "unlimited" units (well, your map size and resources, but your map size and resources does also limit PAs unit count!)
    5. You can read my system-stats in my sig, it´s up to you whether it does matter at all, cause the main problem of PA has been server performance, not ClientPerformance! (client isn´t limiting game´s speed!) Anyways, developing an A.I. that doesn´t do senseless (-> inefficient as hell!) stuff that kills games server performance would be a WAAYS better step than adding a unit cap!
    6. You´re a basically ignoring that the "Assume something would be perfect"-method give you real good results...
    ...and you cannot crush assumptions!

    If you desperatly want to have an unit cap, you can have it.
    I do only say that it isn´t the smartest possible option! It´s not the way to improve the game in general and things like this make me said...

    BTW: I´m not against it beeing an mediocre option in a mod or so. But it shouldn´t be on devs focus!
  7. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    The GPU is hardly the bottleneck here - the CPU is stressed the most, since the sim isn't multithreaded.
    Maybe you should ask other players nicely to not build more than a thousand units.
    Though, I personally do not want to have my gameplay restricted just because you're too poor to buy a low-end GPU.
  8. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    Regarding this one I can just tell you to stay calm and wait for Open GL V, we´d might see some huge client performance increases then!

    Concerning your main point "there is also nothing STOPPING other players or AI from do so" I really don´t see why this should support the need for a unit cap.
    Stopping other players is Balancing-stuff (if they loose with these "tactics" this behavior will disappear), stopping A.I.s doing so is part of the A.I.-stuff!
  9. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    Seriously, did you think your computer has to handle none of the work, that the servers could do it all for you, @theseeker2? Your kidding right, because if that was the case, then I could go get an old school computer and run the game, hell, I'd be able to run it on a much older OS. But, the thing is, that couldn't be furthest from the truth. The only thing the servers "handle" are the calculations as well as any AI players in the game.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    googling this didn't fill me in much, what is it?
  11. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    I have said that the GPU isn't the bottleneck, the CPU is - so yes, Uber's servers do carry most of the work. If your GPU is too bad to run the game reliably, you should probably purchase a new one - because even 8-year-old GPUs can handle the game just fine. ******* hell, even my laptop with Intel HD Graphics 3000 can handle the game perfectly fine.
  12. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    Let me ask you something. How much usable RAM does your computer have? What is your CPU like? Is it single core, dual, quad? Is it single threaded or multi?
  13. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    Not everyone can afford to just go & upgrade their hardware, hence the desire for a unit cap for units. You are so damned ignorant of the fact that not everyone has the same income, assuming you know what that means.

    I say assuming as I don't magically know your age
  14. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    Some do also call it Open GL Next or Open GL 5...
    ...it´s the next level of open GL, rumored to feature Mantle-Like optimizations! (as AMD showed them the code for Mantle)
    So: Better CPU utilization, more free programming and so on!
    Let me ask you something. How much usable RAM does your computer have? What is your CPU like? Is it single core, dual, quad? Is it single threaded or multi?[/QUOTE]
    Take a look at my signiture!
    It´s an ivy mobile quad+ HyperThreading, 16 GiB of Ram...
  15. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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  16. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    What goddamn card do you have that is worse than the HD 3000?
    You can pick cards up on Amazon for less than $30 that handle the game fine.
  17. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    >calls me ignorant
    >ignores system specs in this individual's sig
  18. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    A single core PC with ~4.5 gb of usable ram. I'd have to get back to you the card & CPU speed, but suffice to say, it barely makes the minimum
  19. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    I'm using a phone you dimwit
  20. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    Nice try though, couldve worked if I had been on the computer browsing forums, which I never do

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