1. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    4k is a joke try 4,294,967,295 for a global unit cap. (unsigned 32 bit int or 2^32-1);)
    Last edited: January 23, 2015
  2. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Dox4Lyf would benefit from an optional unit cap for mods [​IMG]
  3. blightedmythos

    blightedmythos Active Member

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    Game needs a unit cap because it gets slow performance wise and bogged down to the point where the game isn't playable anymore. It's actually one of the main reasons I quit the game a few months back. I do not have a slow computer by any means. I have a 4.5 ghz overclocked cpu, and a 680 gtx sli. The unit cap could still be very large and reasonable. Basically it would prevent the AI from spamming navel units in a small pound for hours on end crashing the game.
    Last edited: January 23, 2015
  4. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    yeah @sorian there should really be some kind of logic that limits the AI naval spam in tiny lakes.

    Well at least we know the alligators aren't going to survive the AI apocalypse.
  5. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Unit cap opt-in only.;) E.g. 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 or unlimited, etc.:cool:
    sigmud2, cdrkf and Bsport like this.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    yeah that's like, what he said.
  7. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    No that's what the OP said. ;)
    Last edited: January 23, 2015
  8. sycspysycspy

    sycspysycspy Active Member

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    They did in supcom 10 walls means 1 unit.
    Raevn likes this.
  9. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    drboggles and stuart98 like this.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    @mjshorty you may now proceed to explain your reaction.

    you're not the first in this thread, yet you're the first to react this way. And no it's not self evident.
    bradaz85 and squishypon3 like this.
  11. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    correctomundo. wow I didn't know that.

    well given the debate we were having that would mean building 20 000 walls, good luck with that. :p
  12. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    Well I don't need a unit cap but I can understand the argument and would vote for this as an option. Even if Uber forced a unit cap onto everybody I wouldn't be mad. Long games with much units are just not fun to play: It is slow, you can't manage everything and most of the units are just there to defend against blobs of other units, while never actually getting into a fight (mass avenger patrol, bomber patrol, etc...). With a unit cap, people would maybe use other defences more. What is the point in having 5k units, when you could delete half of them anyway?

    And when you look at some longer games at PA stats it turns out, that some numbers wouldn't even affect most of the people.

    http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=274229 80mins, 1000 Units
    http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=274248 38mins, 1000 Units
    http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=274227 75mins, 7500 Units
    http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=274211 95mins, 2000 Units
    http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=274247 37mins, 900 Units
    http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=274234 53mins, 1500 Units
    http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=274219 74mins, 1500 Units
    http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=274230 52mins, 3000 Units
    http://pastats.com/chart?gameId=274225 40mins, 400 Units

    Just some random long (more than 30mins) games I found by searching page 2 of the last games on PAStats. As you see people would be fine with a unit cap of 1500. The guys with 7500 had 2500 avengers, I bet most of them weren't actually doing something. The people with 3000 units had 300 dox lategame... These units don't contribute to the "massive battles" or to the big feeling of PA, they are just there because of infinite build and all they do is slow down simulation.

    Everybody could adapt to a unit cap. This thread only asks for an option. There is no reason to argue against that, I don't get why people are doing it. Give the OP an option, especially as this option really helps players and has zero impact on the enjoyment of the others.
    sigmud2, radongog and tatsujb like this.
  13. blightedmythos

    blightedmythos Active Member

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    At least for single player, those missions with 8 commanders are once (including your own) get pretty slow.
  14. goofyz3

    goofyz3 Active Member

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    Hate unit cap. Especially when you have mutiple planets too defend.
  15. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    "choice" "option", do these words not exist in your dictionary?

    (there has to be some sort of equivalent word for cockblock but in the sense... .....featureblock!! there it is! featureblock!!

    stop featureblocking us!!!)
    sigmud2 likes this.
  16. goofyz3

    goofyz3 Active Member

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    No because sometimes when something is an option and it will be available for online matches then it would suck because not everyone want a unit capp because it was never there in the first place. If your pc cant handle it or your turteling too long then the problems lies with you. I cant even imagine why you should have 7000 units, why wait this long to attack its just dumb.

    There are not many lobbies in eu west server when people start these kind of lobbies with unit cap 1000 then there are almost no lobbies left. Just attack sooner then your pc can handle it just fine.

    Its just lame. In command and conquer was the same thing. You are destroying your smaller tanks cause you hit your limit its just lame. Just attack sooner.

    And dont hate my post just because i dont like the option. If you dont like feedback then you shouldn't come on a forum because that is what you get.
    drboggles likes this.
  17. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    A unit cap would mess up everything. You choose one at the start of the game. At one time, suddenly, no new units are finished and you´ll just think "Shiiit, what to do now?" And the AI would need routines for self-murdering. This doesn´t fit into PA, really! There three simple points:
    1. We need more server performance! Maybe OpenGL V and all that GPGPU-stuff might help!
    2. In the current state not the fighting units, but the non-fighting units are the problem! -> we need more options for transportation AKA Air-/ Orbit-Bridge (give an order to a transport unit group and a fab and units get instantly transported!)
    3. Nukes! :eek::eek::eek: (the new SSX made them viable again, as you can now snipe down Anti-Nuke-Installations quite well)
    drboggles likes this.
  18. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    First guy, wall of text plus bad grammar = most people won't bother to read it nor take you seriuosly, second guy, a forced unit cap with no option for unlimited would indeed mess things up, BUT AS FREAKIN USUAL!!! YOU DONT BOTHER TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE DAMMED OP!

    At this point in the thread, you are making your self look like an *** by spouting the same nonsense that other people have already said (and were debunked). If I could personally visit every single one of you hard headed shitAs, I would slap you on the back of the head for your stupidity, & say "this is from Jethro Gibbs!"

    Remember, PA is the FIRST to bring about an unlimited unit cap, so people are MORE USED to having to limit how much of an army they build in the first place. Having a hard cap actually adds depth to your tactics as another resource along with metal & energy.

    & to repeat the OP in as short of a sentence as possible in all bloody caps: "I WOULD LIKE THE OPTION TO IMPOSE A UNIT CAP IN MY GAMES!"

    Let me repeat that word for you

    @goofyz3 you don't want people to attack or hate on your post, but you turn around and do it anyways, so screw your double standards. I have zero tolerance for this kind of crap (underlined, bolded, AND italicized for your convience) first off, you label everyone who reaches a certain unit amount as LAME and that online matches would SUCK just because they added (hears that word again) OPTION for a unit cap, not that people are using it, but because it's there. Not just that, but you consistently contradict yourself concerning the unit cap, after all, anyone who is just turtling or massing up units because they can is just LAME. And lastly, but certainly not least (it's actually the MOST OFFENSIVE DAMNED THING YOU SAID!), you mentioned how of your PC can't handle it (correct me if im wrong: huge high number battles), that THE PROBLEM LIES WITH US?! How do you figure? Because we can't afford to get the computer of our dreams? What are some rich a**hole who twiddles his thumbs in his mothers basement? F*** you jack***! You can kiss my a**!

    You don't want people to get angry with your post? You don't want people to attack you for it? Then don't be the one who lands the first strike, otherwise it's war
    knub23 likes this.
  19. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    & with that, I think I'm done with the forums for awhile, before someone else says some sh***y thing like THAT DUDE. For any of you who make a reply to this thread, the OP, as well as anyone who actually paid attention and provided positive insight:

    What has been requested is the OPTION, I repeat OPTION, to impose a unit cap into the match.

    Not to FORCE a PERMANENT unit cap to ALL games, but an OPTION to allow the game HOST to CHOOSE to USE a unit cap OR NOT.

  20. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    So, could you please calm down? Especially as you weren´t reading my post the right way round.
    The problem is that a unit cap for PA will deeply change mechanics. It´s an option that would need TONS of effort just to get to a point which you can reach without implementing that option!

    1. @reddwolff was mainly interested in this feature to be used in AI-games, but the AI isn´t programmed to be able to deal with a unit cap. It´ll not act like an A.I. that is used to a unit cap and got mechanics to deal with it...
    2. A unit cap would force the game to also have a cap for defense structures, otherwise they´d easily become OP.
    3. Right now, nobody can turtle forever. You can always send in MOOOOOOOREEEEE units and that´s simply a great thing! If you wanna cap the unit count, you´re removing this. That´s no good...
    4. PA is the first game to feature unlimited unit cap?! Are you sure?
    5. Things like this (https://forums.uberent.com/threads/unit-cap.67482/page-2#post-1060054) should be fixed, not avoided! That´s no good style. It would course problems in the future.
    6. If everything would be perfect, their wouldn´t be a need for that option. You see?
    I could write down SENSELESS for 7+ times, but I´m not in the mood right now...

    ...essentially A.I.-behavior should be enhanced to deal with the unlimited unit-stuff. And with enhanced I mean that the AI will start to realize at one point that it´s not the time anymore to spam more units and should try other ways to reach their goal. In my eyes this would be worthier than any thought about a unit cap!
    drboggles likes this.

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