Hi, Since about a week ago, it has been impossible to click on the bars on the left menu, so it is impossible to enjoy the game or even leave it properly. The game worked normally until then. The social part does not encounter this problem. Any idea where the problem came from or how it was resolved? On the image: In green: the part without problem. In yellow: the clickable location of "see intro". In red: impossible to interact. Every mouse click is in a vacuum. ( yes, my game is in french because I’m french )
Thanks to your answer, I emptied the cache, checked the applications recognised as destabilizing for PA ( none of them is on my PC ) but nothing does. I’ve never downloaded a mod. The router in apartment complex where I am blocks the connection to Steam ( and any other "game" application, like Minecraft) and I am so offline complete for the launch of the game for several months. I checked the firewall, PA is allowed on public and private networks. Sorry of this mystery,
Open a new ticket at https://support.planetaryannihilation.com/index.php Attach the latest PA client log: https://support.planetaryannihilation.com/kb/faq.php?id=182 and System Info file: https://support.planetaryannihilation.com/kb/faq.php?id=212