UBERs at it again

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Saint Mudknot, September 25, 2012.

  1. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Not that I think they were made purposely to fund PA, but they probably wanted to establish a difference in the world of MOBAs, and give us something fresh. However, in the back of their mind I think they've always wanted to make a strict MOBA but needed to build a foundation up first due to how over populated the MOBA genre is. They've also strayed farther and farther from a Shooter since MNC.

    Them not being in it for the money can be both good and bad. It's nice to see developers who aren't greedy, but at the same time it feels like they'd rather go with new ideas or concepts rather than what their fans want. (SMNC on console)

    They should just drop MNC to 200 points... Nexuiz is at 200 points and is also an arcade game in need of patches that was abandoned by it's developer.
    iammclovin117 likes this.
  2. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    New ideas and concepts vs. What the fans want.
    Can't really decide which is more important or not. I guess Uber loves the Autuer theory.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    It shows you haven't been paying attention RTS fans want PA. So much so that fans helped with the funding and the raised 2.2 million dollars.
    http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/659 ... s?ref=live
  4. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    pretty sure zoom knows about that stretch.

    Not RTS fans, but MNC fans. There is a huge player base that does like RTS and would play it. However the field is very crowded, but with that much money funded already it better be damned good. I hope it is good too honestly, although I will most likely never play it. I'm too much of a shooter fan.

    I consider Uber fans to be people who purchased MNC or SMNC. RTS fans of course want new RTS games. The current uber fans (most) want new content for their games or updates/fixes, etc.

    Nobody will know where they go with the (S)MNC type of game with PA announced. They say they will continue to support SMNC, but there's a bit of a cycle thats happened here over the years. I know how much you hate me beating a dead horse, but Jon's definitely noticed too as I was reading the "whats killing SMNC" thread.

    Personally, I would love it if they sold the rights to (Super) Monday Night Combat to a good dev company that would be willing to take steps forward with the series.

    I think Uber was very hopeful and excited about MNC and after all the time and effort they put it, they grew tired and thought to make a sequel that would represent a better business model and hopefully reach lots of new players. I think they're growing tired on updates and patches, and after a series of questionable moves with the beta and going live, they have lost the motivation that they had in the beginning (which honestly is normal) and now have their sights on the next big thing, for them.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Believe it or not a lot of current fans followed them over from their previous games and companies which were mainly RTS'. A lot of Uber's original fans, before MNC on XBox was even near release, did follow them from their other companies.

    The rest I can't even be bothered to respond to. It's just a bunch of buffoonery from the entitled community. There really never was any major problems with SMNC, except what everyone and their mother whined about, game balance. Which was sort of due to the weekly updates and game changes. Nothing was ever able to settle in. I mean before anyone even got to play the new updates there were tons of players raging and making pointless threads about "such and such."
  6. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    You may think the beta was fine, plenty of others didn't. You may have thought going live early was a good idea, plenty of others didn't. You may have thought gear and customization was better than fixing known bugs, plenty of others didn't.

    I deleted the rest because I've seen where all my points got with you before so theres no point here.

    Elitist entitled fanboy away!
  7. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    DeadStretch: blindly siding with and getting sh*t all over by Uber since 2010.

    I think a round of applause is in order here.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Two butt hurt XBox players trying to comment on things they haven't experienced first hand. :lol:

    I am not blindly siding with anything this time. I was there from the start this time. I know exactly what went on this time.

    The beta was amazing. The game grow tons within the beta. The game going live was Uber trying to cover their asses when STEAM made a mistake. What was the mistake you ask? It was two things. Uber said and made an announcement that any and all who owned MNC on PC would get instant access to the SMNC Beta and at the same time they also got free beta access gifts to give to firends. Well Steam dropped the ball and for some reason that didn't work out so instead of Uber saying "Sorry Steam/VAVLe **** up so you don't get beta access" they instead thought is was a better business move to just open the game to the public. They figured since it was a Free to play game with weekly updates "damage control" would be easier to handle and maintain by just "opening up" the game. At least far better than trying to explain to everyone that Steam screwed up and such.
    Explain to me how an artist can fix coding and tech bugs? Explain to me how developers who aren't on the "bug fixing team" make money to feed their family? Explain to me how a free to play game makes money? Explain to me your experience with SMNC? Bueller... Bueller... Bueller?
  9. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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  10. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Seems to me that Uber falls victim to the mistakes of others much more frequently than other developers. I refuse to accept this as nothing more than an anomaly. I think it comes down to either inexperience or laziness.
    iammclovin117 likes this.
  11. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I'm not going back to paying monthly for online play just to play SMNC. It turns it from a f2p to a subscription game, except my money is going to Microsoft. And frankly, with the amount of areas they grab money on Xbox where it's totally unnecessary (the sheer aspect of playing online, changing your name for example, a points system where you usually have to pay more than what you want to buy and end up with leftover mp) has put me off playing on my 360 for a long time.
    Also, it still confounds me as to how MNC was more popular on console. I suppose it goes to lack of marketing, as PC gamers are usually far more open to new concepts (see every indie game ever made) than console, and games last longer on PC as LIVE likes to push everything aside once something new is released.
  12. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    I wasn't around for the first 10 months or so of MNC, so take my word with a grain of salt, but I'd imagine that the 360 version of MNC was more popular simply due to word of mouth and how the 360 facilitates that with the party system and game marketplace.
  13. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I know that a few people on my friends list from school played it, but not for very long. The average 360 game only lasts a few months, then they move on to the next thing. Plus, MNC was part of a huge "Summer of Arcade" thing Microsoft pushed.
  14. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    That is complete and utter bullshit. If they wanted to open it up as a beta, they would not have started charging. It is the same crap that many of the foreign F2P games do at launch "oh, this is a BETA so you should join it and feel like you are making a difference in the game...but at least the item shop is LIVE so you can start using that...and don't get too mad about the game not being done\ unbalanced\ laggy, etc. because you know...BETA..it is NOT because we just want to start making money on an incomplete product - HONEST!".

    I can cite you many examples of this if you like (Rapelyze, Atlantica, Silk Road, Runes of Magic, just off the top of my head)

    Sometimes they fix it, usually they don't. Either way, it is marketing and nothing more.
  15. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I could show you posts of feedback Scathis and co used to directly affect patch changes.
  16. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    No need. I am not saying it was a bad decision. It may be what was set out to be done, but it is what it became.

    For the record, I tried SMNC on three different accounts; the game is actually pretty good for what it is, it just is not what I was wanting at the time so I decided I did not have the time or money to dedicate to it :cry:

    Also, nice to know you guys still check on us 360 folks. I know we can be a bit negative at times (ok, ok, ok - very negative most of the time) but really it is nice to see you :D
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    How about that new fad that is going around where you have to PAY to gain beta access of a game that will eventually be free to play? Lets see there is Path of Exile, Planetside 2, and there are lots more. Nobody in this world works for free... well except for maybe interns.
  18. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Those are not beta either...they are incomplete release titles. The moment you charge money it ceases to be beta...
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Why? Just because they have things in the game that can be bought with money? I mean it has nothing to do with the game still being incomplete and needs testing. I mean even Guild Wars 2 had the option to use real world money to buy things during the beta that were, I believe, WIPED once the game went live. Meaning the spent money of things that had a "shelf life."

    It's an option, not a need to do kind of thing. It's like "Hey you want the process to move along more quickly? Well there is the option of you giving us money and in return you'll get some in-game goodies to help move it along."

    In fact Beta has lost it's original meaning. Players today treat betas as an early access. So technically beta means nothing today, really. A LOT of free to play games are very much a work in progress. There is no real "release" since most development companies, with F2p games, still use the same process and treat the game as they did while it was in "beta."

    PC gaming is not like console gaming where it's a type of "fire and forget" process. Or typically there is a different team that manages the game once it "goes live." CoD is a great example the team that is "managing" CoD4 are not the same team that developed the game, regardless of the lay offs and all the drama.
  20. leadlpmaster

    leadlpmaster Active Member

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    Why should a community fund a game?
    iammclovin117 likes this.

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