Uber live Monday August 30th, 4PM PST Post your questions!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 25, 2010.

  1. OmegaDave661

    OmegaDave661 New Member

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    1) Option to reassign the buttons. I hate that I do a weird pointer finger stretch to aim/fire my support bomb.

    from UberGunner - 2) Will still peel ever be re-balanced so that you can't snipe the turrets from your base as a sniper?

    3) Add the map view (showing bots n stuff) during game play? As a minimap or press select...

    GamerTag: OmegaDave661 - If you play during the hours of 7PM - 12PM PST, and actually use your mike send me a invite. Casual - SemiPro

    The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined.
    -James Madison - January 26, 1788
  2. nealpro

    nealpro New Member

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    I read on the MNC Wiki that some of the Uber team worked for Cavedog on Total Annihilation. Is there any chance we'll see the Krogoth make a guest appearance in MNC? Now THAT would be an Overtime :twisted:
  3. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    1) Any plans to improve the crossfire scoreboard? You obviously track more stats than shows, K/D/A is a really empty and irrelevant scoreboard.

    2) Why can't we pull up the map overview any time? Why not add the ability to view the map?

    3) Any plans to improve the custom class system? Renaming, reorganizing, and a few more custom class slots could be nice. It works, but feels bare bones.
  4. hatemakerr

    hatemakerr New Member

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    I don't think I'm going to play this game anymore. I've been top 1000 since the game came out but it seems one of the four happens;

    1) Game doesn't even work. Host problems take forever to get myself and four friends in the game.

    2) My friends and I win in three seconds because nobody really knows how to play the game; nobody kills robots and the entire team is assassins. Get a bigger reward for robots please god please.

    3) Someone buys juice, jetpacks behind the glass so nobody can see their player name, shoots down the moneyball, buys juice again later on and wins in about ten seconds.

    4) My team isn't very good but one good assassin on the other team really magnifies that. Cloaked while backstabbing, the lunge doing 1/2 health to most classes, the shrukin(sp) taking the money ball down and doing some good damage as well. I switch to tank but tank isn't enough to get my team moving forward since... nobody else kills the robots.

    I'd like a direct reply for someone at Uber. Be it Monday for this chat, a private message, or a post quoting this with some encouraging words. I really liked this game but holy **** the amount of bad people make it unplayable. A game like this is great for not having "campers" but nulled by idiots and stubborn teenagers.

    WOOKiEKiLL New Member

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    First off, never ever quote where you are on the leaderboards, you come off sounding like a cocky *******. Aside from that most people who play know that the majority of the top slots in the leaderboards have been hacked/modded. Therefore you're basically grouping yourself in with them. You may not have meant it this way, I just wanted to give you a heads up.
    As for the rest of your post, I agree cheap players(including moddders/hackers) make the game not worth playing. However until there is an official fix, one of the best ways around this is to just host your own private matches and do gamebattles or something. That way if someone does go out of their way to be an *** you have ways of reporting them.

    Hope that helps man, we need to keep players on here that actually want to play the game and learn how to be good rather than exploit some glitch they found.
  6. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    I think he means what is Uber's response to blatant exploiting of glitches in some cases, and whether or not Uber plans to fix them...
  7. mr_moobs

    mr_moobs New Member

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    I've been getting a lot of gameplay problems as of late, intermittent dropping of hosts, game freezes and the dreaded LAG.
    Anyone else getting similar? I had no problems with MNC during its first 2 weeks or so, but now its a regular occurrence, its not every game just the odd 2 or 3 during a 12 game session :mrgreen:


    Also about 2 times now I've died during a game and when I've respawned into the safezone I still have the respawn timer and banners on screen and then I cant move and the only option is to exit the game leaving my teamys one man down.
  8. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    What's your stance on player-controlled turrets and do they have a chance of appearing in MNC?
  9. Screwbeck

    Screwbeck New Member

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    Well that's one good thing about having a birthday on a monday.

    If I don't get to play with you guys, I'll at least get to watch and listen.

    Question: What are Uber's opinions on Juicing at the end of a game? Do you see it as a viable strategy or is there a work-around in progress?
  10. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    While I agree #1 is a huge problem and #3 is kind of annoying (but already getting fixed), #2 and #4 cannot be fixed. Ron White puts it best "You can't fix stupid." Maybe wait for a PC release? PC tends to have a higher quality player base and dedicated servers would work miracles for this game.

    Maybe check out Halo: Reach, bungie claims they have a way to detect and separate team players from people who just run around farming kills. I'm a bit doubtful myself, but if they really found solid ways to nail player behavior and find the team players it could be a huge step forward in matchmaking technology.

    http://www.popularmechanics.com/technol ... ew-1955640
  11. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Is the assassin supposed to be able to activate the cloak in the middle of a grapple? Seems kind of cheap to me.

    Can we get a damage drop off for shuriken? I'm fine with the gunner's damage drop off on his guns, as well as the assault character. However it seems ridiculous that a weapon designed to be thrown by hand has no damage drop off point. As a related followup is the shuriken intended to do full damage off a bounce (or the second or third bounce)?

    The tactic in question: An assassin uses dash and zips from side to side throwing shuriken. The range is far enough so that the dual miniguns are not doing full damage, but they still do enough to kill someone. I am a gunner with the level 2 turret upgrade (because level 3 sucks) and the level 3 gun upgrade.

    Noticing that my gun is slightly ineffective and the assassin is harassing the bots coming down the lane (and me), I enter turret mode next to my friend's level 3 firebase. The assassin speedily zips from side to side. At first I try tracking her, and that doesn't work. Next I try shooting straight in the middle of her path. To my amazement I get zero hits and she hurts me enough to go around the corner and hide.

    This raises another question: does the dash ability cause hit detection failures?

    Full information in case you want to try it: the firebase was under the last bridge on the right side of Grenade III arena (on the corner closer to our base). The assassin was running left to right (no z or y movement) and was impervious to my bullets while dashing. She was not using the dash exploit as it was not continuous warp speed. My hit detection was working just fine on that assassin and everyone else in that match (the reason she had stopped trying to sneak up on me was due to a repeated string of deaths resulting from my slam attack).
  12. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Can we get a change so that private matches with less than 6 people do not affect the leaderboards?

    The top 20 or so names on the kills board are pretty obviously hacked OR they've been playing split screen and have been farming kills. I wouldn't call either legit.

    I have 6500+ minigun kills, and about another 1300 from other sources. I am not saying anyone with more kills than me is a cheater. But it was quite obvious for a while that players who were ranked high on the boards did not have their kills, wins and earnings matching up. And then the hackers got half a brain and hacked their kills wins and earnings so that they would seem remotely legitimate. I am saying that there are only about 20 players above me on the kill leaderboard who have the possibility of being legitimate (kills against an active enemy players).

    On a slightly unrelated note, can we get a menu option to prevent my party from trying to join a game that doesn't have enough slots for us to be on the same team? Can we get a menu option to perhaps have games starting with 8+ people? Right now starting with 4 on your team is a liability when trying to find games. Maybe we could have crossfire brackets? 6/8/12? Not that games would be limited to that many players; rather it would take that many players to start the game. The 12 option would be a nice way to find a complete team to play.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    One clarification on an earlier question....

    Do mortars count as an area affect weapon for destroying traps/bombs? The upgraded mortar does split and cause damage over an area. Currently it is incapable of destroying either and as a result snipers and assault characters have way too much freedom to lockdown the only way to get to their position.
  14. rich merry

    rich merry New Member

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    If you change your class the countdown timer should start again and you should spawn ok, still really annoying
  15. karr1z4j2

    karr1z4j2 New Member

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    Can we expect any character customization any time soon?
  16. JoeMammaRawks

    JoeMammaRawks New Member

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    I want to start off by saying this game is amazing. It's always great to see a multiplayer experience that isn't the same as every other FPS. Saying a fresh multiplayer would be an understatement. Now for my questions..

    First, Something needs to be done about turrets being sniped from across the map. I don't play support but I still help my team by dropping turrets and seeing all of them destroyed 10 seconds later is just frustrating. Why am i going to spend cash on turrets instead of my character when the turrets keep getting destroyed.

    Second, I haven't heard anyone else mention this but is there any thoughts on decreasing the cost of skills when switching classes halfway through a match or something to that effect. Sometimes it pays to begin the match as an assault/gunner but the match takes a certain change and we need a sniper or assassin. You could argue save up the cash when playing the first class and spending it after switching but that still is a bit clumsy for someone who wants to jump around to fill in a needed spot on the team.
  17. Sunabozu

    Sunabozu New Member

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    Melee attacks (not grapples but the actual melee swings) on characters other than the assassin. What are they good for?
  18. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Is there any chance that we can get the armor endorsement changed to a % of your base health instead of a flat rate? As in say gold gives half your health again, and each level below that is halved.
  19. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Could you talk about the design goal for Overtime? It's a pretty heated topic that seems to keep coming up.

    A drastic change may not be required, however. Could you.. say... disable the Gold Endorsement for everything it gives in overtime without patching the game? That would be a great experiment to see if juicing the ball could be more manageable without taking out the exiting thrill of OT Scathis mentioned in an older post.

    R0CKET BEAR New Member

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    Any plans for a sweet new gametype (love the current ones, just want more more more, never satisfied completely etc.)

    Any plans to include the awesome ROCKET BEAR class to the game? A damn bear with a flippin rocket on its back sounds like awesome to me.

    Alternate costumes (unlockable, purchasable with ingame earnings?)

    Keep up the good work!

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