Uber - How do we set up animations properly on custom models?

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by swizzlewizzle, October 23, 2014.

  1. swizzlewizzle

    swizzlewizzle Active Member

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    @zx0 i don't quite understand.... What do I need to do to the above posted skeleton to fix it? Just rename my root bone? Also, you said your anims only have one bone.. that bone is called root_bone I guess? Do the names of the other bones and their structure matter?

    I would be very thankful for you to help me understand the specifics I need in my skeleton/bones to get it to work. I'll add it to my mini tutorial as well if we can get it working. :)
  2. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    If you want to emulate what zx0 did, then it's pretty simple.

    Create a bone called bone_root. Give it an animation. Export that as FBX and convert it to papa.

    Also you may want to try setting the FBX export to ASCII. It might give you a little insight into the animations. It's also worth running papa dump on uber's animations.
  3. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    I misinformed you, the bone supposed to be called "bone_root", not "root_bone" as liquius said. AFAIK names for other bones don't matter. If skin is applied proprly to mesh and bones have same names in all exported files it and you did unit and amin tree .jsons right, everything should work.

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