Uber Entertainment - Please take your time on development

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kruelgor, May 18, 2013.

  1. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Re: Uber Entertainment - Please take your time on developmen

    I would hope most of them would be there. Certainly planning on having them there.

    Keep in in mind that there is no current "end" for development. We plan to continue adding features above what's on the list over time.
  2. poulpator

    poulpator New Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment - Please take your time on developmen

    I think everybody should have access to alpha....
    "why"? as an answer i will just paste a note from the first mail i received as a backer:
    "Estimated Delivery

    Jul 2013"

    As most of players, the waiting won't be important if the game is good but... This is always disapointing. (give me that game NOOWWWWW :twisted: )
  3. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment - Please take your time on developmen

    Everyone can already have access to the alpha. Its just not free. Honestly the alpha is $90 for a couple of very good reasons.

    1. Uber needs to make money. I'm sure they love making games but they have bills to pay just like everyone else. I may enjoy doing network engineering and system administration but that's not why I do it. I do it because I have a mortgage to pay and a family to support.

    2. Uber does not want a gazillion people melting the alpha servers and clogging the alpha forum with redundant bug reports. A smallish number of alpha players is best. By setting the price rather high they limit the number of people who will buy the alpha. When they are ready for more players they will declare the start of the beta and the price will drop to $60. This will bring in more people. Then when its all done they will release the game and drop the price to about $40 and open the flood gates for everyone else.
  4. poulpator

    poulpator New Member

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    Re: Uber Entertainment - Please take your time on developmen

    you're right, but in fact, we should play all in july (or august...) 2013 with the final version, and the alpha should have took place in february 2013 ^^.
    But your two points are true.
    I'll just notice that sometimes, people worked 'for free', showing their skills, and they have known big success after that because of the success of their work: counter strike, the mod desert combat for battlefield....But i hope that everybody had a satisfying part of our money, it is normal. Mmm maybe it is too soon to say that, i will say it when i'll play :mrgreen: after all, i have supreme commander or sins or solar empire to wait until that day, no problem (give me that GAAAAAAAAME :twisted: )

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