Uber at PAX East 2012: Updated with DAY THREE

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Polynomial, April 4, 2012.

  1. headhunter1

    headhunter1 New Member

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    There goes my friday :D
  2. duchock

    duchock Member

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    Is free code friday going to be like Blizzard's Diablo 3 beta key giveaway? What they do is post a key straight to their twitter account at a random time during the day. There is much chaos involved.
  3. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    John Comes tweeted this video from the Day 2 tournament finals. I completely didn't realize we were being recorded until after the game. :shock:

    http://www.gamespot.com/events/pax-east ... id=6370577

    That was a great game (I was the Cheston in the video and was sucking :lol: )
  4. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    They got my Kaklaw punt on their - nice! Pity they probably weren't allowed to record Veteran Hi Boys on the big screen at the end. There were awfully close hits that game.

    Cheston saved himself with a roar at 4% Hp midlane.
    Support caught Assassin at near 10% in the jungle tunnels to save her.

    I grabbed a Tank at 11% hp, Death Dodger activated from fire damage during my grapple. Tank grapples me, I teleport home mid grapple and survived with 2%.

    How did the final game on Sunday go? I hear Chowder won, but what was it like?
  5. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I didn't realize we were being filmed either. Those headphones + concentration = in the zone.

    Ironically enough half my face got a fair bit of airtime for using my controller... for which I was politely ridiculed in the video :roll:

    Chowder did win. I believe the tipping point was right before one of the Annis. Greg busted into their base and took down their rocket shields while the anni was about to blow, so I decided to ignore the anni and go help him out, got my firebase setup, which let me hold out at their base while everyone died and respawned. I would've won the game then and there if the firebase had reacquired the enemy MB, but after I used the hurtbeam on a pro, and back on the MB, the FB did not go back to shooting the MB, I died, but by that point the MB was at ~10% health and half the Chowder team was half way down the lane again so after they got back to the MB it was over.

    Exciting stuff. :D
  6. ch3ls3a

    ch3ls3a New Member

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    Hey everyone! It was a blast at PAX. I had so much fun meeting everyone!

    I hope everyone is enjoying their codes and the new pro! :) Can I also point out that the devs are some of the most down to earth people I've met? 0% snobbiness 100% awesomeness. Keep it up Uber!
  7. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Except for that jables guy. Seriously, what's his problem?

  8. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    That guy was a total jerkoff.
  9. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    Polynomial, did you have fun at PAX too?
  10. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I lost my voice after day 1 and couldn't really talk to anyone playing days 2 and 3 lol. So I did all the pictures and forum updates. Stack made fun of me at dinner day 2 =( (although that was the best guacamole evvvvver)

    I had a ton of fun. The most fun I think was when we all played Smite after the floor closed with the Hi Rez owner commentating. Chris was talking about how Gray Fox was bitching them out over a game no one had ever played before lololololol. Scathis and I coordinated a bit and TOOK **** DOWN. Smite is awesome btw.
  11. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    I fed like a boss. Took me forever to get the hang of Anubis. Blue team FTW!
  12. thecarpe

    thecarpe Member

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    It was a pretty good game, I even asked Eka after the fact if there would a replay saved, alas there was not.

    Perhaps one day the teams will have to assemble for a rematch, this time with all our product and endorsement sets intact...
  13. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    The commentator yelling at us or me getting onto teammates? I was surprised how much the GA head was tearing into us about not picking up the game instantly - most of us don't even play DotA style outside of SMNC. It was all in good fun, but he seemed a bit too direct about it for it to feel playful. Guess I gotta get good all over again.

    SMITE was a good game, but it's got ways to go. Mainly, aesthetically. Towers and their range could be done better. The towers currently blend into the background too much. Same coloration, they don't look daunting, they're tucked into the walls, and the radius is a light white on the ground instead of the infamous enemy AOE red. Fire minions could also stand out more - I couldn't tell when I had any or if I was fighting any. Mini Phoenixes would work well, or simply moar fire.

    What I love about the game is its auto skillbuy and item buy systems. At first, I thought "man I wish they had a defensive version for these autobuys, Hades wouldn't be able to hold his own on me if I had upgraded Aegis Shield", but then I realized that if one was willing to think that critically, they would buy the items and kills themselves anyway. Definitely opens the floor for casuals and quickplay, though.

    As for me getting antsy? You gotta chuckle at the irony in our feeder being Bastet. She's a *****.

    Oh, and don't feed Hades. Dear god do not feed Hades. His ultimate + Ynmir on his team = you're boned.

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