tweaking a juice mechanic

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Skull Man, February 26, 2011.

  1. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    As the game stands at the moment, when I juice, I can nearly collect another $500 while juiced by destroying all of the enemy's turrets, and any bots and pros who get in the way. Of course, this allows me to buy another juice on my next life, and the cycle continues. Perhaps this is a "strategy" for great players, but it does seem like overkill.

    There are two possible solution:

    Best Solution) I believe that when a player is juiced, he should not be allowed to collect money during the duration of the juice (or perhaps collect half the money that he would have otherwise).

    Other solution) Limit maps to have only one juice-buying billboard instead of two (map may not be perfectly symmetrical though), or increase the cooldown time to make players wait longer to buy juice.

    Does anyone else think that the over-juicing needs to be corrected? It just seems to be a bit unfair when I consistantly juice around ten times a game with little to no time in between juices.
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I like reducing the amount of money earned while Juiced.

    It doesn't change map balance, it doesn't change how much damage you can do during juice - only how often you can Juice. I think that's still a bit of a problem in this game.
  3. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Ugh, had one game a while back where this one guy was buying juice over and over and over
    It was about the only way he could get kills(tho he was spawncamping a few times too) and for a while it was just torquing me off.
    Then for some reason the rage just disappeared and started taunting him about how often he used juice and calling him "speshul" every time he spawncamped us

    Eventually it got to him and he started throwing insults my way(at one point calling me a f****t) and ragequit

    Anyway, onto the topic.
    Not a bad idea reducing cash earned while juiced
  4. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Waiting for the day when you realise that spawncamping in this game is actually a good thing but can also be prevented easily (dare I say 5 spawn exits), so is buying juice repeatedly (prevents the enemy from buying it and you get to deny them money, bots and positioning) but hey feel free to make yourself look uneducated.
  5. killien

    killien Active Member

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    You seem to be under the impression that I give a damn what you think of me, especially when your post basically boils down to "hurr lrn2play idiot"

    I wouldn't call spawncamping a good thing. Effective, yes. Good, no.
    I've cleared out my fair share of spawncampers and I usually end up laughing because most of the time while they're trying to pad their stats, their team is losing bots.
    I'm well aware there are multiple exits, I've used them

    In regards to juice, all I stated was that the reduced moeny while juiced didn't sound like a bad idea, I did not screech "OMG! Dis must be n teh gaem noaw!"
    Uber can leave it the way it is for all I care.

    Lastly, is it really so difficult to post something constructive to the discussion instead of calling one person "uneducated"?
  6. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Following your suggestion: I believe the current juice mechanic to be fine.
  7. Bakey

    Bakey New Member

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    This basically comes down to resource control, which is central to all FPS games. There are powerups on each map that you need to control: Annihilator and the juice vendors. If your juice vendor gets used by the other team, that's your fault for not controlling it.

    I've played several games against sF Agent where he strung juices together several times in a row, but I couldn't get too mad because at the end of the day it boiled down to our team not controlling our juice.

    This is the same as controlling Quad Damage/Mega in a Q3 match or the Damage Amp in UT2k4.
  8. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    He built a money advantage big enough to buy juice multiple times, leveraged that and his team's map control, and basically did everything you're supposed to do in MNC, and you called him names until he quit.

    I wonder if this is why I can't find anything but face-grapping suicide assassins.
  9. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Not really, I just repeated the same text every time he got a kill with juice

    Also, we were both playing Assault at the time
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Prevent juice. Kill the juicer, he shouldn't be able to live through every juice, even if he is assault-rifle-pillaging. Juice yourself.

    Read my guide in my signature.

    Anywho, long story short, kill him before he profits from his juice, keep him off the juice machines, keep an eye on bot lanes... then after you got all the skills necesary start buying the juice yourself. Sometimes it's even useful to buy juice and start doing it to them right off the bat.
  11. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    I understand that there are many strategies to prevent people from over-juicing, but frankly, as an over-juicing assassin myself, I have never seen them implemented against me. If people could adequately defend against it, I definitely wouldn't be complaining about my own strategy...but yeah, I can't remember the last time that I did not come in first place on my team, and my win/loss ratio is likely somewhere near 95%. I doubt I'm much better than the rest of you guys - but being able to recover approximately $300-$350 after every time a decent player juices and wreaks havoc on the enemy feels like an exploit.
  12. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    I dont have problems with juiced players by myself, im mostly the one with juice, but i agree with the 50% less money earned, sounds good for "worse" players, to get raped less and enjoy their gameplay
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Not gaining money was suggested by Im Hudson around October, this was before the juice machines had a cooldown. Now that they have a cooldown I think earning half the money while juiced should do.

    Then there is the question of Bot and Kill streaks? (Bot streaks aren't on XBox yet)
  14. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    For the most part, if the enemy is already able to buy juice repeatedly, then the defending team is likely already doomed, whether or not money earned is decreased, due to the offense's map control.
  15. Dragon-Guard

    Dragon-Guard New Member

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    if they were to win they would win regardless of juice.
    Letting them buy juice one go after the other is just a kick in the nuts for the losing team.

    I dont even know how ofter i join a ongoing game and get put in a losing, unbalanced team, being forced into their base without a way to push back because they get juice stormed all the time.

    Im not saying juice is a bad thing but as it is now its a bit to much of a "insta baserape and win button" kind of thing.

    As i play assault a lot i do kill the moneyball on juice as well but to me this just feels to powerful.
    Unless they have some powerful turrets they wont even manage to kill me while im juiced, they might delay me a bit but i will still most of the time take out my juice on their base.
    When the enemy juices i always try to ringout them with my charge but still, having a juice combo is just way to easy.

    Juiced assassin will destroy the defenses, the first next wave will drop the moneyball as most players will be focusing on getting killed by the assassin or trying to defend whats left of their towers.
    And right after that 1 juice after the next will flow in and kill your moneyball.

    Also with the weaker bots after the ball drops they wont even be able to hold their own vs the enemies bots, meaning the defending team will have to:

    - push back the enemy bots
    - defend against the juiced players
    - stop the enemy from raping their ball
    - try to rebuild their base while they get near to no money
    - try to stay alive while doing all this and having 6 other players shooting at them to boot.

    Thats a lot of stuff to do at the same time.
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    You should play against me. The other day, I got a perfect Airstrike-Grapple (hug of death) on a juiced assassin dashing for my turret. It was great, even had time to type "ILL TAKE U WITH MEH!" before we both blew up after I threw an airstrike and held them inside it with a grapple.
  17. dreizehn

    dreizehn Active Member

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    Nice idea.
    But you could also insert a timer. The player have to wait for a specified time to buy juice again. Otherwise he'll get an overdose.

    Self-earned juice is self-produced. Bought juice is like a drug. ;-) Compare it to adrenaline.
  18. Ace42

    Ace42 New Member

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    Juice is a boring game mechanic anyway. A "super-duper you can barely hurt me and I can insta-kill you" mechanic is just plain dull.

    Juice needs a complete overhaul.

    My suggestion would be to make its effects class-dependant. For example giving tanks the current damage reduction juice offers, but not the crits / damage boost; giving assassins the crits and damage boost and faster movement, but not the damage resistance; giving snipers a centre-dot on their rifle crosshairs and the ability to hip-fire headshots on the fly, faster RoF; Assaults a toned-down version of the current juice benefits; support immunity to all bot and sentry damage / effects and faster hacking speed + skill regen; gunners infinite ammo, no damage-drop off on the minigun due to range, and better accuracy.

    Something along those lines. Maybe lower the price of juice purchases to reflect their more limited efficacy.

    This would also mean the totally useless Juice endorsements could be replaced with "Keep X% of your juice meter on death" without it being sickeningly over-powered.

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