Turning the moon into a battle moon

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thedeserttiger, August 30, 2012.


Would you like a Battle moon in PA?

Poll closed September 30, 2012.
  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    6 vote(s)
  1. thedeserttiger

    thedeserttiger New Member

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    Well what i was more thinking with the mega death laser part was a 3 level tech tree type of thing.

    1. a small burst weapon with a small blast radius just big enough to destory a nuclear silo or something. (5-10mins to build)
    2. a more powerful laser that lets you cut around the planet and kill anything in the parth of the beam (with in reason of distance from where it starts from) (10-15mins to upgrade)
    3. the mega death laser that blows up the planet (15-20mins to upgrade)

    While you need to unlock each stage with tech and the weapon its self while upgrading would be offline this way it gives people a chance to stop someone from getting to level 3 by attacking while its upgrading.

    the rockets would just be to let the moon move around the planet so you can use levels 1 and 2 but at a very high tech level you should be able to unlock something with enough thrust to move the moon into a decaying orbit and then use them to get into the orbit of a new planet.

    this is probably the only way i could see something like this working.
    Last edited: August 31, 2012
  2. dmii

    dmii Member

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    You said heresy. Which pretty much says, that the death star is immaculate and saying anything bad about it is an abomination. ;)

    Also, about the game not having to be realistic: Moving a moon takes such a big amount of resources, that even if you are not going for realism you have to make it stupidly expensive. Because you are moving a celestial body, not just a small asteroid.
  3. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Yeah, it'd have to be expensive, it's like taking a chunk of a standard rts map and moving it, but it doesn't have to be stupidly expensive. This is the beauty of making games, you can do what ya like =)
  4. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    In a game without spacecraft how do you counter a 'battle moon'?
  5. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Another battle moon :D oh, just imagining it makes me smile.

    I'm curious if the devs are going to make the game interface so that you can, in effect, put a small asteroid into orbit around another planetoid, instead of just ramming into it (I say just lightly). And then of course, if you really have made a battle moon, the curiosity would be if the orbit you put it in actually allows you to fire all your weapons at the target.
  6. thedeserttiger

    thedeserttiger New Member

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    Well there would be space craft in the video he used a rocket to get to the moon then those little shuttles to get to the asteroid and i am sure the devs have a few ideas so people who lose the space race can still get up to the moon and take it over.
    But for the battle moon itself everything on the battle moon would be a building so any form of long range weapon, landing on the moon with an army or strike force, or even taking the buildings over as well and a shield or something that would stop a asteroid would more or less counter this idea aswell.
  7. sinewav3

    sinewav3 Member

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    Throw rocks at it!

  8. thedeserttiger

    thedeserttiger New Member

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    i guess thats one way of doing it.
  9. thedeserttiger

    thedeserttiger New Member

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    but it would still be awesome to do
  10. wolfox007

    wolfox007 New Member

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    I was thinking about "Moving around", and i think that is still stupid, BUT changing the moons orbit to another planet is not so (but still is) unrealistic and stupidly looking, that would be even possible in the game i think.
  11. thedeserttiger

    thedeserttiger New Member

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    Well to be fair tech is always getting better maybe one day we will have rockets that can move a planet or something as they say "Todays sci-fi is tomorrows technology".

    But its also a game so anything is possible, even if its a stupid idea it would still be awesome to see a moon flying around attacking planets.
  12. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    I think people tend to get realism confused with current technology

    Like one guy came up to me and said that I was dumb for playing Halo 3 because it was unrealistic because you took too many shots to die, and I should play CoD instead. This is CoD with 3/4 bullets killing a man (not 1), and the man who gets shot twice sprinting round a corner and stabbing a man in the back, as opposed to halo where a supersoldier with energy shielding takes 3 bursts of bullets to the shields, then 1 gets through, hits him in the head and kills him instantly =P

    Just because we can't see someone building engines all over one side of a planet and pushing it into a different orbit, doesn't mean it wouldn't work with enough force =)
  13. thedeserttiger

    thedeserttiger New Member

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    and that is what i was thinking if i can move a roid with 9 rockets why cant i put 100 rockets or more on one side of the moon i should be able to move it.

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