The art looks fine but how it feels is most important. Modern game teams these days get too caught up in trying to make things realistic, but not just with the graphics and sound, but also in the physics. That is exactly what takes away from the fun. I dont need my screen to bob back and forth while I run. I dont need 3-foot jumps. I dont need my aim to be artificially reduced while running, after shots, etc. I deserve to hit where I am aiming, damn it. Reload times should be based off gameplay, not how long the reload animation takes. If the animation looks fake just because it is too fast, most companies these days will slow it down, so your reload takes longer just because they didnt want the animation to look fake. Ugh!! I need air control. Since the days of Tribes 2 no company has been able to make a Starsiege: Tribes remake that actually feels right. I dont have a lot of faith in Ascend, but we will see. In any case, I am also remaking the game, and mine will not miss. Same feel as the original. Same smooth gameplay. Just better graphics and sound (and more stable). And no more getting caught on edges of walls. Just give me a year to finish my next-gen game engine L. Spiro
I hope you do make a awesome game man. I'm always searching for new games so I'll be looking for it in the years to come. I have been playing team duel when I see people on. It's loads of fun, reminds me of T2 arena but the Arg! players are friendly and don't cheat from what I can tell. I don't want to get personal but I seen you say you're from Kansas how did you end up in Japan? GG
Due to my passion for making video games, it is normal that I would want to live in Japan. My choice has so far proved correct, as this is the perfect place to advance my career. L. Spiro