Top Five Players You Have Seen Play.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Himicane, October 16, 2010.

  1. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I would love to see Fighter4Christ and JesusDiedLOL play in the same game. The conversation in lobby would hopefully be the greatest thing ever.
  2. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Why even bother with the quote box?
  3. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    You kidding me? This Gamertag has created LOADS of epic conversations over the years. When Halo 2 first came out, I rolled with group of atheists, one of them named SatanisGreat.

    Unfortunately, most of the time is just spurs on the idiots, pending on the game.
  4. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    kckzi just schooled a bunch of us forum-heads (I'll spare their blushes) in Assault: The Fine Art of Bomb Placement. Only one of us finished with a positive K/D spread thanks to him. Though, in my defense, I was a Tank...
  5. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    And like I've already repeated on multiple occasions (try to catch on, this time), when you've got almost twice as much money and a better K/D than everyone else on your team, that makes you the best player on that team in that game.

    Anyway, having a lot of money DOES make you a good player. "Gotta spend money to make money". If nobody's attacking bots, I'm making my money from that. If nobody's building turrets, I make some and get money from that. When the annihilator comes up, I do my best to use it to clear bots and damage players for easy assist points. I use ejectors frequently both offensively and defensively: whether it's to clear opponents and their bots on the field or just to keep the other team from using them.

    You don't have to worry about juice-chaining for as long as your money-ball is up. All you have to worry about at that point is bots and the annihilator.

    And team-work is key. I can't carry the whole team by myself.
  6. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    You're clearly delusional. The first match, the one on Grenade III, you went 3-13. Yeah, you had the most money (by about $200), and I would hope so for someone that was only targeting bots. You had one of the poorest attitudes of anyone I've ever played with, the only communication I heard from you was saying how useless your team was. I never saw you in the base when we had juiced enemies coming in, I know this because pretty much all I did that game was juice control.

    Yeah, no sh*t. I'm also pretty sure the rest of the team was below level 40. You can't blame them for being inexperienced, and it's ridiculous to get upset about the lack of teamwork when you're in a group of random people, only two of which have mics. We were up against 4-5 partied up level 99's. Not only level 99's, but some of the best players in the game, period. There was no victory to be had.
  7. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    You're definitely making that up about my K/D. I was positive. And I had about $500 more than you at the very least, and you had about $1000+ that everybody else.

    I don't know where you're getting this "poor attitude" thing from either. I think the most offensive thing I said was "argh, where the Hell is everybody? I feel like I'm alone here!"
  8. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Wow. Just wow. I believe that you believe yourself, but that's just not how it went down.

    I remember being amazed at how much money you had despite going grossly negative. The game after that you had a considerably better K/D ratio, but you definitely when negative on the Grenade III match. I may be off on your exact deaths, but I distinctly remember you getting three kills and double digit deaths. Maybe Hudson or Billy or anyone else can weigh in on this if they remember the match.
  9. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Nope, I was too busy tryharding you PohTayToez. Sorry.
  10. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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  11. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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  12. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    I ain't going to get involved in no flame war. War ain't my voice. All I'm going to say is you're wrong, and you're probably confusing me with someone else (especially the whole "berating the team" thing. I don't berate, not my style bro).

    Anyway, quit being so hostile. For a guy with apparently such a terrible attitude, I feel I've been pretty cool so far in this little discussion. Notice I haven't resorted to calling you "delusional", or "moron", or other such choice words of yours.
  13. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    I'm just going to have to address this real quick:

    I'm really gay? Really? Honestly? Truly?

    So, for the actions you describe above, I've instantly become a homosexual? Just like that, by magic, my entire sexual orientation has changed? I now have a preference for men? Is that what you're saying?

    And you have a problem with gay people? Hm?

    It's been, like, since elementary school since I've called someone "gay" for an insult. I think we're gaining a whole new insight on this particular poster. Is there anything at all about you that's even just a little bit like-able, or do you thrive on being a poor excuse for a human being on a 24/7 basis?

    Just asking.
  14. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Shutup. Please. You're making me cringe.

    You're not convincing anyone that he's homophobic. It's a common insult, and to be taken with a pinch of salt. Flame fail.

    It's been, like, since elementary school, like, since I've considered someone, like, calling me gay on teh internetz to mean that I am a actually, like, a homosexual, like
  15. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Speaking of delusional, where exactly was it that I used the word moron, or made any reference to your intelligence at all?
  16. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    Nevermind, that was that other guy. It doesn't mean you're not being overly hostile though. Calm down, buddy. You'll live longer.

    Calm down there, Nancy. I'll help you through this one.

    I'm not trying to. How did you get that? I'm pointing out the blatant lack of intelligence behind using the word "gay" as an insult. Who does that?

    Among who? Children? Are we little kids here? What's next, are you going to call me a poopy-head?

    As I've already mentioned, I'm not trying to flame anybody. Relax, bud.

    What? English? Do you speak it?
  17. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Randy Cryhard
  18. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    Huh? I'm not picking up on your foreign dialect. Just speak in plain English dude. Or French. Or Spanish. I speak any of those, but I can't for the life of me understand what you're talking about.
  19. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I like how you're trying to portray yourself as the calm and rational one while slipping in underhand insults.
  20. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    My sincerest apology if I made you feel insulted. I'm merely trying to understand where you get the idea that I was "berating" my team in that game, and where you're getting your "facts" from.

    As far as this Ian guy goes, I have no idea what the Hell he's saying, or what his beef is.

    And as far as the whole "gay" thing goes, well, I don't support those kinds of remarks. I'm not trying to say he's homophobic, I'm saying he lacks vocabulary.

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