Top Five Players You Have Seen Play.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Himicane, October 16, 2010.

  1. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    The devs are all boosters
  2. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    You mean inferior to me. He's certainly not better than me considering how badly I creamed him. Not even close.

    Well then it's a good thing I made this account to discuss a game I greatly enjoy in general, and not for the reason you just described. This is all just one big insignificant side-note... like DeadEye. Anyway, DeadEye, if you're reading this, I'm sorry for destroying you so utterly in that game we played. Clearly you're taking it very personally since you haven't been able to leave me alone.
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Btw, I make more money than all of you and have a much brighter future in addition to being the best MNC player of all time, and I believe I'm younger than all of you. HAVE A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP WHILE YOU MULL OVER HOW RIGHT I'VE BEEN ALL ALONG!!!
  4. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    No way this is true. I'm 12 and currently enrolled in Harvard. When I'm not taking classes or dominating MNC, I work on the next great technological discovery which already pulls in 7 figures annually.

    I bench 400 pounds and look very much like Brad Pitt in Fight Club (yes, at the age of 12). Also, I haven't hit puberty yet, but my penis is 10 inches long.

    Though, you're right about most of what you said about the community.
  5. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Pfff, bull **** kckzi. You were only 8.5" last time I checked.
  6. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    I heart trolls

  7. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    And, a thread designed to end in a horrible flame war enters its golden years of everyone mocking what a joke the thread has become.
  8. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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  9. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    I played The Dude a little bit ago, and he is a cool guy. I knew there was a reason I had him on my friends list.
  10. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    As much as I love anyone trolling Deadeye, I have to say a few words about Sianoux. I played two games with him, against Hudson, Billy, and 2 or 3 other 99's. It was me, him, and a bunch of low levels on our team, so we never had much of a chance. During the two games he berated me and the rest of the team members for not killing bots and building turrets. Believe me, I understand the importance of those two activities, however when you have the enemy team juice chaining in your base, bots should fall secondary to breaking your enemy's juice chain if the ball is already down. Apparently Sianoux believes the best strategy is ignoring the pros that are shooting your downed money ball to go kill bots mid map. Also, you're supposed to build turrets while the enemy is juice chaining, so that they can destroy them and get more money to juice chain. Finally, he was legitimately happy that we had four assassins on our team, because "the more assassins the better". We have a lot to learn from this guy, because apparently he's figured out all the best strategies to the game despite having a fraction of the experience of other players.
  11. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Am I the only person wondering why this hasn't been locked yet?
  12. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    How was I berating? I remember these games quite well actually. I remember getting a little bit frustrated that absolutely nobody else on the team ever seemed to be doing anything in terms of defense. The way I remember it, I was the only person on the team building turrets and taking care of bots. The rest of you just kind of left the base totally undefended. I remember saying "we've got bots coming in from [side], a little help would be nice", but nobody else seemed to be around. I legitimately felt like the only guy defending the base. Nobody built turrets, NOBODY went for the annihilator, nobody spawned bots.

    Like I said, I felt like I was the only person actually defending on that team. Our whole based was getting cluster-fudged by juiced players and their bots. And no, I wasn't ignoring the pros, I did indeed go after them. But as an assassin, and with bots in our base flooding in on either side, I'm most effective at clearing them out, getting myself juiced, and THEN cleaning up the arena.

    The idea is to have good turrets built before they start juicing up. That way, while they're busy busting down a bunch of tough turrets, we're busy destroying their bots and escorting our own into their base. They barely even had any turrets in their base, it would've been a cake-walk if the rest of our team played it smart.

    I was being blatantly sarcastic. How did you not catch that? Especially when I was shouting "WE NEED MORE ASSASSINS GUYS, I DON'T THINK WE HAVE ENOUGH" when we had FOUR. Wooooooooosh....

    I'm level 82, not 1. And seeing as how I was MVP in all of those games on our team, yeah, apparently you do have something to learn from me.

    You were actually not the worst, but the rest of our team was crap, and you can't really deny that. The rest of them, at the most, had like half the score you or I had.
  13. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    But on a serious note, level/mvp/kd, means NOTHING when related to true skill and knowledge, i'm in the top 300 i think, but i'm far better than mr dbowill (not trying to sound arrogant, but he's trash), i get MVP most games, but i'm not the best on my team, and my kd is trash, but i do my objective well.

    PohTayToes, is Definately my favorite sniper (with billy at second) and one of my favorite combatants, he knows this game well, and he knows his role well, which makes him good. If players are juice chainging you, they are the top priority, you were an assassin, at that late in the game, you should have had the money to buy juice and take care of them. Again, you were an ASSASSIN, you should always be watching the anhilator, it is your JOB.

    I don't mean to be a *****, i'm generally pretty calm.
  14. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    I WAS watching the annihilator. I'm the only person on my team who actually got the damn thing. Otherwise, Hudson's team was all over it and nobody else on my team was going anywhere near it. Also, I'm pretty sure I juiced like a kabillion times more often than anyone else on my team.

    And, like I said, I had a substantially higher score than everybody else on my team, and my K/D was decent considering how horribly negative everyone else was going. I was definitely the best player on that team. Not trying to sound arrogant (I know I do though), but seriously, the rest of my team was just cannon fodder to Hudson and his gang.
  15. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    From the ashes arises the flame war phoenix! Go, have at ye!

  16. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Alright, well if you were watching the anhilator, then you shouldn't complain that noone else did, they shouldn't be, and like i said, high score and kd does not make you a good player, AT ALL, like i said, i usually mvp when i play with my team, but some of them are far better than me
  17. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    Dude, I have no idea what your point is here.

    First of all, why should I be the only one watching the annihilator? There were FOUR assassins on the team, and according to you, assassins are apparently the only class that should ever have their eye on the annihilator, ever.

    Second, you're wrong on that one. Hudson's team was controlling the annihilator through teamwork, a factor which my team sorely missed. The whole team should be keeping an eye out for the annihilator, every class is fully capable of it. I don't know where you get this "only assassins should ever be taking care of the annihilator ever" mentality.

    Third, how does a high score and good K/D not make you a good player, especially when you score MVP? You're not making a lick of sense. MVP means "most valuable player", FYI. In other words: the best player on the team in that game. If I'm MVP with a significantly higher score than everyone else on my team with a positive K/D while everybody else is negative, I sure as hell am the best player on that team in that game. That's not arrogance, that's just fact.

    It can be debatable if the scores are close, but nobody on my team in those games were close to my score.

    I just played a game with some forum'ers (Hostile et. al) just now, actually. I started out on the opposite team and got my *** handed to me a couple times, but my score was a lot higher than any of my other team members, so I'd have to say without a doubt I was the best player on that team in that game. Then I got to play on Hostile's team. I got MVP in the very last game we played, but in this case I wouldn't call myself the best player in that game because I barely had more points than everyone else, and I really lucked out there at the end from being in 2nd or 3rd. So in that case I really wouldn't say I was the best player, especially since the guy in 2nd had a whopping K/D which made mine look like puke (I was positive).
  18. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Assassin jobs, in order.

    Pro harassment
    Pro kills

    Assassins are good against turrets, but that tends to make you a sitting duck for a crowd control happy enemy pro.

    Frankly, if you ask me, EVERYONE's job should be the annihilator when there are tons of bots on the field.
  19. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    What you dont seem to understand is that something that is said to measure something else, doesn't necessarily ACCURATELY measure it.

    For example, the GRE is suppose to predict the probablity of somebody doing well in graduate school. The higher the score, the better they will do. After numerous tests and research, it turns out that the GRE doesn't do a very good job at measuring what it claims.

    The same is true in MNC, or most games that use a MVP system. MVP simply means you got the most money...nothing less nothing more. If an assasin is out killing bots while my money ball is getting tore to Heck and back, Im gonna be pretty upset. You have the ability to stop juice chainers like nobody else does. THAT should have been your (and anybody elses) primary objective.

    Even when you are getting juice-chained??
  20. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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