Top Five Players You Have Seen Play.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Himicane, October 16, 2010.

  1. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    None of the post was directed specifically at you other than the fact that you likely know sigmar/the crew he plays with, who roll with Bios like "best MNC sniper" "second best MNC gunner" with MLG gamer pics and GB teams in their bios, so you would likely be familiar with why we dislike those types of gamers, and could also understand why we use MLG as a catch all term when they wear it proudly on their sleeve and further the sterotype every time they open their mouth.

    Was not calling you out with any of that, other than I thought it was kind of silly to play dumb about why we group those people together with a term like MLG.
  2. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The lag was terrible, and I left quickly after the second game to get a few games in with Billy before I leave town for a few days. I'm sure we will play again in the future. :)
  3. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Are you talking about me? :? ._.

    I would say competitive gaming is where people brags,(DEADEYE...)
    never wants to say the other player is better than themselves,(sorta me.)
    cares alot about stats, dislikes fair play,(TDM in MW2=Team campmatch! Protect your corner!) rage quits any game that dont end up in their favor, use glitches or even hacks.
  4. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    So sensitive Teo :( I wasn't naming any names and I won't do so now either, but don't worry dude :D

    Okay and you mentioned something I hate on XBOX, hacking/cheating >:C I want a fair game, not see someone fly around and screw up a good game. I don't care if hacking will get me to the top of the leaderboard, if I'm going to get there, I want to get there through my OWN personal work, not by cheating since that win in the end will be empty. I don't like accusing hacker unless I KNOW that they hacked, ie: flying through walls, not being able to die, a million weapons everywhere. I don't mind glitching for fun with friends. After all, playing NZ and trying to see if you can have every single weapon on your body at one time for the jokes is quite funny and of course we're going to die in the game shortly after messing around. However I haven't found a lot of hacking in MNC. A few cheap tactics sure and maybe a couple guys "hacking", but that's all so far. I hope this game will continue to stay clean though. :)
  5. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Yeah, when it comes to any kind of social activity I'm actually very very sensitive despite my tough guy approach. You could call me an "kind bully" or shy bastard, which both suits myself very well. To be honest I've got an social disorder(I'm athetic or whatever)
    that makes it harder for me to understand the following:Social codes, reading other people, any kind of relationship, how to act in social situations, making and handling friends(lets just say I'm one of the lonelier people in my school despite I'm trying to be active in the group.) Etc.
  6. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    JaneWayne, competitive gaming is where players form teams of 6 and the sole objective is to win. Players communicate and work as a team much more than in public games. Good teams vs other good teams in organized matches to see who can come out as the victor. Of course bragging rights are a by-product, but how you act is your own decision.

    And Hudson, like I said my friends and I don't support MLG at all, and if we won the lottery today you would probably see a new gaming league emerge instead of Major League Halo. In fact, the only 360 games ever associated with MLG were Gears, CoD, Halo, Shadowrun, and RSV. It has absolutely nothing to do with MNC, so keep it out of these forums.
  7. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    This community is a cancer. I hate to say it, but it's true. Most of this community is made up of people who hate "competitive" gaming. They hate competitive gaming because it brings in kids that trash talk and are just negative, but really all they are doing is... trash talking and being negative towards competitive gaming (way to rise above it). This game has the same percentage of dbags and idiots as any other game, but here the community is so small that it seems like there is less. And honestly, I've been trashed talked way more by the noncompetitors than anyone in Shammas's group.

    Most of the community seems to be scared of any challenging game. Instead they would much rather play in full parties of 6 against people who literally have no idea what they are doing. I mean, whats really more dbaggish. A group of people playing private games against other people that want an even game where everyone communicates, or playing public games against people who have no idea what they are doing (and will probably not buy the game)?

    Thing that pisses me off the most about the community though is it's unwanting of any growth. Every truly successful multiplayer I can think of has a competitive community of some kind (there might be an exception, but I can't think of it). For every game I've played, when the competitive scene died, the rest of the public population went with it. Hell, in the "gratz on the VGA award nomination" thread, people actually stated that the publicity would hurt MNC cause it would attract more people who would "play assassin". It will also bring in more people who play every other class. Also, the biggest factor, is that it will increase sales for Uber, who I feel has produce a GREAT game and I would love for them to produce more in the future.

    Also, stop stating that competitive gamers don't take the game for a GAME. That's like saying when I played high school football I should have just goofed off because it football is a game. Some people find competition fun. Just because as a kid you probably lost a lot, doesn't mean everyone had the same experience that makes them hate competing. I want there to be no confusion though. If your not competitive, thats fine, then just don't care and continue tryharding in public games that mean nothing. That won't change with the existence of a competitive scene.

    And I just read all the MLG crap. Just cause someone wants to play challenging games doesn't mean he wants to be a professional gamer (whatever the hell that is). I'm pretty sure anyone that would play this game competitively would fully realize that it would be difficult to get even 15 full teams. MLG has nothing to do with this at all.
  8. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    Also, saying that all competitive gamers are loud mouthed, trash talking d-bags is a very ignorant. Sure there are some bad apples, but there are just as many on the non competitive side.
  9. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Sianoux, you're a moron. I told DeadEye about your post after I saw it because I was in those games and saw how good he is. Him Agitating and Thedude are by far the best people I've seen play
  10. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Three things.

    1. In the case of MNC, the casual scene IS the competitive scene. We are competitive, but in a casual manner. Just as you tell people to "stop stating that competitive gamers don't take the game for a GAME," you should stop assuming that we aren't as competitive as you might like to think "competitive" gamers would be. We like competition, here, and are quite aware of the important distinction that "competitive gaming" ? "competition".

    2. The kinds of people who don't actually take competitive gaming as a game are the kind that are hangers-on of larger competitive organizations, who go out of their way to play games that the organization touts as flagship competitive titles. This is a minor issue, at best, but still gives the rest of us a bad name.

    3. This thread is woefully off-topic. I should've expected that, even though this thread is about naming OTHERS whom you think are good players, people would come in here and transform it into a me-fest.
  11. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    competitive cup stacking > competitive video gaming
  12. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The return of peachy lives up to the hype! Happy thanksgiving everyone!
  13. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    So I was glancing at this thread and see all the MLG talk. I used to pretty much only play MLG customs in Halo 2, but I never went to any tournaments. I had planned to go to two, but midterms and such interfered.

    I'd agree, there's waaaaay too many people that take the games seriously that they have to trash talk after every single kill. I haven't really been around the community much as I stopped playing Halo once H3 came out, but I'm sure its not too different from how it used to be. There were a ton of people who took the game very seriously and acted tough online, thinking they were really good and would be the next big thing on the scene. Then show up to an event and do nothing once they realized they're not very good, so they'd go home and keep acting like an *** online. But don't go as far as to lump competitive players with all the idiots online.

    I wish I could get a few of my old friends I played with back in the H2 days to get the game so I could get some good private matches going. I'd take competitive private matches over pubs any day of the week. I don't see how the game getting publicity would have a negative impact on the game. Even if it brought in some of the annoying MLG players, the bigger the community is, the better the game is off.
  14. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    In all your efforts to become non-competitive, non-elitist gamers, you have become more big-headed and elitist than the "MLG" gamers you're trying to make fun of. I don't think I've ever criticized or made fun of anyone on this forum for playing public matches, that's fine. What bugs me is when you start stereotyping anyone who wants to play competitively and is merely trying to bring more players into the scene. I've received so many negative and hostile replies just by offering to start up private games. Peachy even blocked me for sending him game invites after he added MNC Privates to his friends list. What were you trying to accomplish?
  15. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Now lets us all calm down, try to to stay on the topic or bet how long it takes until Scathis locks it.
  16. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The second most (read: not all)"competitive" gamers learn an ounce of humility, my issue ends with them. All my beef with deadeye? Non existent if he was remotely a positive person. Same for sigmar. Same for 99% of "competitive" gamers.

    I'd actively encourage growth of the competitive community if the attitudes of those players were not among the worst I've seen. I say good game when im beaten, and I don't make excuses in either public or private matches when I lose. That is literally all i and most of the many people i play with ask of the competitive community .

    I'm a jackass to the people who refuse to be humble in victory or defeat, but I pretty much limit It to that (and then block them after the post game lobby).
  17. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I've got no real problems with competitive games, and once the private games get fixed, I imagine most of my games will be played there. All I really want to do is play with my friends and have a good time. In fact, me and SHOW YOUR HEART just recently lost a public game due to the fact that it was 4 vs 6 (2 vs 6 if you count the fact that the other two players on our team had no bot kills and had a K/D ratio of 0 and 20), and I really enjoyed doing my best and really working to win.
  18. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    somebody who wanted 1600 microsoft points for MONDAY NIGHT COMBAT LESSONS LOL talking about video game elitism has to be the funniest thing i've read all day!!!!!!

    hi hudson <3 i subbed to your tube channel

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

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    Shhhhh! What will the community think!?
  20. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    Yeah, he's so good that a lvl. 81 assassin ruined his day and made him throw a temper-tantrum in some very emotionally charged messages. Who were you in those games, anyway? Were you inferior player # 3 or 4?

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