Top Five Players You Have Seen Play.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Himicane, October 16, 2010.

  1. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    I've played quite a few matches with and against kckzi. He's a funny dude.
  2. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    I'd better post about this before I totally forget, because this is totally hilarious.

    So I guess DeadEye scours these boards on a constant basis searching his own name, because about a couple hours after I made my last post here, I get a message from (guess who) telling me to "get off my balls, random". I think it's funny he's calling me "random" when he's the one going out of his way to address me. Obviously I'm not a "random" if he took the time to take what I said extremely personally, get all offended, and tell me his thoughts without being asked. So there I am, being called "random" by some total raging random.

    Anyway, after I asked him what his business was, he proceeded to spout a bunch of illegible nonsense calling me "cheap" for juicing and commenting on my "nice K/D" and so on (even though he had a pathetic score compared to mine). He also used the word "rape" about half a billion times, leading me to believe he's some uneducated high-school drop-out who was never properly introduced to a dictionary. I'm sorry, but who actually uses "rape" to sound cool? Twelve-year-olds, that's who.

    I should make time to post his rage-filled messages in the near-future. It's unbelievable how badly this kid needs to believe he's actually good at this game.

    It's not that DeadEye is a bad player, he's a little better than average, but playing with him is like playing with an angry toddler who spouts all kinds of nonsense whenever he loses.

    Anyway I should post what he sent me later, because it's pure comedic gold. "Aarrrghgpggph rape rape rape u cheap raawwwwrgh!"
  3. Desensitized

    Desensitized New Member

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    Hey guys, just joined up despite playing since launch. My GT is JDesensitized and I normally roll with xDeathByRobotx and L337 Oni Tan who you may or may not recognize.

    I recognize a lot of names from here, and I'm pretty sure I've had my butt kicked one or twice by quite a few of you. In fact a few hours ago I just had a match against a team of you with only me and some randoms and got slaughtered. I'd say I had the worst trouble against Im Hudson and Billy Reuben who were also playing as gunners. You guys are really coordinated. It's hard to concentrate on bots and turrets when you have fire coming at you from every direction! Forget even leaving the base! :lol:

    Other than that, I've played against some great individuals on their own but rarely a whole team of them at once. Usually I at least stand a chance. I wanted to tell you all 'gg', but I had to go. Thanks for destroying me without actually making me rage. :lol:
  4. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    We were mortaring all over the place. :p Good games. :)
  5. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Lol, where do you keep getting MLG from? Just curious. I see people that are supposedly "anti-MLG" bring it up so much that it's ridiculous.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    MLG can loosly be used to describe a player who's sole purpose is to be the best and always the best. Being the best don't always project as being the most helpful and or useful to a team.

    The actual MLG'ers are just normal gamers like the rest of us. So users of the site or those who follow the trend tend to think they have tremendous amounts of skill and "without even trying" they can bring massive shame upon yourself. Which normally backfires.
  7. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Its a catchall term I (and others) use for a certain type of gamer.

    IE: Half or more of Sigmar's (your GB/Competitive teammate, right?) party tonight proudly wore gamer pics and bios pimping MLG as they cussed up a storm in a losing effort despite outnumbering us in a public game.

    With any other number of decent people I play with, the lobby would have been nothing but us wowing at the quality of such a comeback, or just generally would have talked about the fun moments in the game. With this MLG crowd...trash talk, insults, excuses, and constant reminders that I'm terrible at this game (which is funny because I freely admit I'm far from the best player, as do most of the people I play with).

    I have NEVER seen someone wear competitive gaming on their sleeve and have even so much as an ounce of humility in their public persona. I'm sure there are pleasant people to be around that game "competitively" or whatever you want to call it, but I have yet to meet these individuals because their more vocal and more visible brethren tend to paint such a negative picture of that community that I don't even find it worth the effort to try anymore. I'm positive there are examples of people who would prove this sterotype to be way off base, and maybe one day I will be lucky enough to meet them. Until then, I'll play one game with them, let them make an *** of themselves in the post game lobby, and mute/avoid/block them afterwards.

    Win/lose/draw, humility goes a long way.
  8. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    Should be a PROTIP.
  9. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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  10. Kaptain K Rool

    Kaptain K Rool New Member

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    Hehe, BackIn10 is apart of mine and XENOs group. So he's always going to have our help.
  11. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Shammas, i can't speak for many people here, but i've been to an mlg tourney, columbus 2010, and everyone i talked to (barring the player's girlfriends and parents) were horrible people, all i heard was trash talking and insults the whole time, me and my friends, we did bad, but we were gracious losers, and had a lot of fun doing so, gaming is for recreation, not a sport, it sickens me that some dbags can make 40,000+ a year playing halo wheras i don't even think i make 30k working full time busting my *** every night. But when i can play, i play with some amazing people, and the only time i trash talk, is when i'm in a bad mood, but normally, i'm very respectful, and i give props where they are due. People said i was horrible at brawl, i play a pretty mean D3 with my friends, but competitively i suck, but i'd rather suck with my friends then be some jerk picking on the smaller people. When i went to columbus, i expected to get trained by the best, but instead i got downed. I feel monday night combat is all about fun, and i'm glad i see the better players doing what they can to help (most of the better players at least) I'd be utter trash if Bolt didn't help me. I would be really sad if i saw MLG pick up this game. We joke about ruining the community, but we have a good time, and take everything in this game lightly. Competitive gaming will ruin this game, just like it did halo, and brawl.

  12. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Its true. When I posted on some of the nastiest arguments would start because someone would mention MLG. When my old group invited new blood into the clan, we'd pick up a few MLGers and they would immediately start crap because we didn't play MLG customs exclusively.

    What I've noticed most prominently, however, is the people with MLG in either their clan tag, service tag, or gamertag were the quickest to teabag whenever they got a kill. They were also the most foul-mouthed at the end of the match, win or lose. And, alot of the time, what they would complain about didn't actually happen. We'd get accused of being "camping bitches" when we'd see them coming, stop and setup in an advantageous position and dominate them because they're running head first into an ambush. Then we'd move on.

    I HAVE run into some cool people sporting MLG in places and they made the game fun to play, no matter how they matched up against me in regards to skill. But these were the rare breed. They think outside of the little box, like NORMAL PEOPLE. That, you know, maybe not everyone here is going to be 99% percentile top-tier pro level when you play on XBL.

    MLG is a very polarizing aspect. Its difficult to just enjoy the gametypes for what they are when some of the people treat it like a religion, even though they'll never be good enough to win money. And that's another thing: If they can win gobs of money going to tournaments, good for them. They have a skill and they're using it to make money. Its the American way. I'm happy for them and proud to live in a place that allows them to be successful doing what they love. However, talk to me like you would if we faced off on XBL, and I'll knock your teeth in. Just fair warning.

    Also, LOL moments are always had when the people doing the most trash talking are utterly SILENT once they've lost a match. Or aren't even in the lobby when the game is over. If you're going to lower the bar by trash talking, stick around and get your comeuppance. We had a guy just completely railing on whoever he could, and his tag was "Lrn2kill" so for the next two hours we stomped him and his team, and every time we knew he could hear us we'd be like "Lrn2play, nub" "Damn, I wish I could play like Lrn2kill. I'd be AWESOME. Oh wait." Good on him for sticking around, though.
  13. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Why do you think the fighting game community runs their own events and is so resistant to MLG involvement? Players from that bunch have only recently earned sponsorships, with the sponsors fully aware that the fighting game community is insular.

    Competitive gaming would bring in lots players unfamiliar with the game who are merely interested in making a buck or two playing it (and wouldn't even be competitive against a large number of forum members).
  14. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Nah, there's too few trash talking ***-holes playing this game for MLG. :lol:
  15. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    I understand all this anger people feel towards MLG kids, they really have nothing better to do in their life and they let out their anger through games and people they don't have to look at in person. I highly doubt most of these guys would actually say half of this junk if they saw you in person. But honestly, I try not to care. I like to believe somewhere deep down some of these kids could be nice or maybe one day they'll grow up but... :?

    I like MNC so far because I haven't heard too much trash talking by people and if someone owns me in the game, I won't hesitate to tell them that they did pretty awesome :D However I won't do that in COD or Halo for the most part since those kids like t-bagging and I'm not impressed when a kid guns me down from two feet away with an entire LMG clip :roll: I will say, some of the people I play MNC with DO trash talk a bit :/ Makes me a sad panda to hear foulness during a game I like AND from friends in a party :(

    Back to the topic, I played in a party with Korchanth or however you spell his name, he's really good so I'm adding him somewhere to my list of awesome players at this game. :D
  16. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Played some games with Im HUDSON. That guy is a good Tank :D

    I'm sorry that I was AWFUL in those games :lol: No idea why I picked Assault on Grenade iii. By the time I switched to Tank, it was too late :?
  17. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    What do I have to do with Sig's friends?
  18. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    99% of MLG fanboys are this way, but that doesn't mean that everyone is. And just because you play a game competitively, doesn't mean you have to support MLG. I haven't spent a dime towards MLG or attended any of their events, but I enjoy the insane amount of fun and the adrenaline rush created by competitive gaming. The main reason I stay away from 99% of the community in bigger games is because they are SO annoying.
  19. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    GOSHDARNIT! My internet crapped out and now I have to re-type this :(

    Can someone explain competitive gaming to me? Is competitive gaming merely the want to win all the time, or is it to play against good players/teams and still want to win? I personally think video games are just for fun, but than again I could just be a naiive dork when it comes to the video gaming world :p But to me, competitive just in the end seems like one big penis contest and sorry but that bores me. No offense meant of course to people on here who parttake in that stuff of course xD Just my opinion on this.
  20. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Competitive gaming is stuff like gb or mlg, they're groups of people that just care about doing well in a game, and treat like a sport, and not a GAME, like it was intended to be, for instance, Say you play against a party in COD, all with the same tag, they will not do anything humorus, and will do everything they can to win, and if they win, they will insult your abilities, and if they lose, you were a "camping whore". Either way, they think that gaming is srs business when in reality it's for recreation and fun.

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