Top 3-5 at each position? (Who still play)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by grindout, December 13, 2010.

  1. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Although I can do amazing things with juice(94-0. anyone else get anywhere close to that?). I'm fine without it. My build caters towards skill and precision rather than an armor3 more spray and pray build, but it's ok. I don't feel bad when people who dislike me don't rate me as I should be rated.
  2. grindout

    grindout Member

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    My best as a sniper was 62-0 in a 10-11 minute game... I always forget to juice.. ugh..
  3. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    Highest I've gotten is 89-0. I have no picture though, so I fully understand it never happened. Still not beating it though.

    Also, take him not listing you as a compliment. I've made him scream at me at lobbies when I single-handedly raped him and his group of friends (with me only having randies) and I wasn't listed. So either other people have raped him much harder or this list is more of a "people I think are good but not really good enough to make me mad" kind of thing. No offense to anyone on the list.

    I will add that I do think he is one of the better gunners in this game though.
  4. IxX DANN XxI

    IxX DANN XxI New Member

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    Thanks man for putting me in there :)
  5. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    Last I checked, a middle name is still a name. But yes, thank you.
  6. Savant HxG

    Savant HxG New Member

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    Just gonna throw it out there, BoltAktion is a noob. There, i said it suck on that you assasin sob. just cause your fast and can kill me cause my teammates are retarted and dont look behind them doesnt mean your good. i hate you, go die.

    Savant HxG

    P.S. Me and NeCroSs where up on you, cant belive you quit, dont be a girl.
  7. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    A high kill game against noobs really dont mean much And Kc all you do is run and run and run and bomb. No skill with the assault rifle and you really only juice too. Plus I get pissed about alot nothing to flatter yourself about its impulse. But as I recall I've made you rage quit 4 or so times by now and just like most everyone else you don't shine without a team or at least a teammate. You are good with bombs but being good with just that alone doesn't count with me as being a top player.
    My top players mainly consist of people who are really good at what they play and are well rounded with that class.

    I appreciate the gunner part though.
  8. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    It is a nice score but lacks skill when it's only because juice. I understand juiceing 2 or 3 times a game but buying it as soon as you can or going out of your way to get juice really don't show true skill. Even a noob can kill a whole team with juice. And I have been 30 kills less without juice not sure on deaths but im almost certain less than 10. More or less yours is for long range gunning not medium or close. Accuracy 3 or 2 is useless for me because I take the fight to the enemy I don't stay back and as for accuracy even at long range I still can hit you and kill you. What would be your top gunners then deadeye? I'm not sure if you have already posted or anything but I am curious. Nobody should be rated as anything its all opinions. Just because your on a forum don't mean your a better player than anyone though be it you are a good gunner but I honestly don't think your the best I think Chaos is better than you.
  9. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Thanks man your on my top also. =D
  10. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I don't know you or even recall playing you..

    Sounds like "umad" though.
  11. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Wow honestly figured you wouldn't have said a word about me. I appreciate it. For someone that taunts me alot and is quite frustrating you are a good gunner like I said. I didnt' read this before last post also so have that noted.
  12. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    When in doubt make up a rage quit story.

    Also, I don't care about being on your top players list. As I said to deadeye, it's obviously a compliment.
  13. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Spunky Cola, Headshoted you in mid air twice. Then you left. Fighting my gunner. You leave.

    So the thousands of other players aren't on my top either so I'm complimenting them too?
    I also added Deadeye with a point about him being added. But as for you its not a compliment or insult. I already insult you in game by out scoring you almost every time thats enough for me. I play other games besides mnc and I got it late so thats why I'm not top 100 but not like it matters K/d isn't displayed on the leaderboards so you could just play alot and die alot and be number 1.
  14. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Looks like a couple of you forgot but um
    I'M THE ******* BEST
  15. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    I love this forum because of threads like this where its starts off with people sucking each other off and then it invariably ends in verbal **** punching.
  16. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    I bombed you, you leave. I can do it to. Don't make it true. You have indeed found the only way to beat me in trash talk. Not by ever beating me at MNC, but by using your imagination.

    And the difference between me and everyone else not on the list, is we both know I have dominated you. You literally posted about how "assaults are overpowered" in this forum the day I played you and then described my exact endorsement build as the reason (which I've literally only seen 3/4 other people use, and I'm the one who told them to use it).

    I'm not going to keep this going though, cause I honestly, just don't care and really wasn't even talking to you originally.
  17. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Keep thinking you've actually dominated me. On your own your nothing more than an annoyance. Don't flatter yourself kid. I did it cause they are and that was the 1st day I made the forum and I was tired of assaults like you who are trash running like the cowards your are and being able to use your skills so frequently. You'd get destroyed without the fast regen time of the bomb. I've seen plenty use Skill regen.
  18. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    All that shiz up there. ^^^

    Bahahaha, so funny to read!
  19. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Teapot Yo
  20. TELOMOT0

    TELOMOT0 New Member

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    probably best post in mnc history, i was laughing the whole time!

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