To any sniper who...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Okguisamsrsnao, September 26, 2010.

  1. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    AWP is the Artic Warfare Magnum and was a one-shot kill in Counter-Strike. You could literally shot someone in their toe and it would kill them in a single hit.
  2. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    thats why scoutzknivez was invented.
  3. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    That's why I played on AWP-less servers. They're so least the scout took skill.

    Anyway...back to the topic...I think it's silly that people complain about campers in general or sniper campers.'re a sniper...the concept is to hang back and do damage from a distance. Some people camp with the could call it playing defense.

    Some folks just have this little box they put their concept of "good" gameplay into and if you stray anywhere outside of that box, you're not playing correctly or using "cheap" tactics. My opinion is these folks should stop whining and play their own damn game and not worry about what others are doing. That's what mothers are for.
  4. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    How dare the class that is meant to camp in the safety of a base or behind shield do just that.
  5. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    and whilst we are on about it I saw a Support healing his team mates the other day, he healed 3 of them. How dare he do this.
  6. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    So he wasn't pushing into the base and getting kills? He needs to learn is class, noob.
  7. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Doesn't that kind of fly in the face of calling AWP "cheap" and then saying you wouldn't play on servers with them?

    Anyway, I don't mind snipers sniping. I'm just saying it seems odd that one would complain about AWPs being cheap, then talk about other people's moral box. You can say "yeah, that's different," but it always is.

    Snipers have a lot of close quarters capacity too, which is a rather large issue in this game. The ability to simultaneously control the long game and the short game is troublesome. And annoying. and tiresome.

    I don't care that "snipers gonna snipe," but camping becomes an issue when you can completely control the camp site as well.
  8. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    What I really hate is when I'm approaching a sniper with ice traps everywhere, I jump up on to a glass wall so I don't set the trap off, and some idiot assassin on my team just sprints right over and sets the ice trap off and I get caught in it even though I was too far away to set it off in the first place.

    I wish that there was maybe one less ice trap max and maybe a smaller AoE. Also, do the ice traps make noise?
  9. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    If you are getting controlled in close quarters by a sniper, then I'm sorry, but the problem is you. I know it is a straw man argument, but in no way does the sniper control short game. Tied for lowest health and having the second lowest mobility (to the support) places very large limitations on snipers. They can somewhat control movement of the opponent with ice traps, but ANY class except for support and sniper can circumvent those traps simply by leaping over them or charging through them (Assault only I believe, although the Assassin lunge may carry them through as well with minimal freeze time). The UZI is powerful, but does not have good base accuracy. All of these means the sniper is mediocre at the close range and somewhat bad at mid range.

    Edit: I agree with Billy Reuben that the AOE after explosion of a trap might be too high. However, it keeps with a theme of this game, where many things have longer range after you have entered their range and are trying to escape from them (notably the hurt gun and the firebase)
  10. NovaKnight21

    NovaKnight21 New Member

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    One thing you all should know about the frost traps: You can make them go away without stepping in them! Any explosive that explodes near the trap will trigger it. And this is hilarious.

    See a frost trap. Explode it. See the sniper come running for the "easy kill". Then just take him out as normal. :D

    I can't tell you the number of times I've done this.
  11. Okguisamsrsnao

    Okguisamsrsnao New Member

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    I think you severely underestimate the power found in a level three sniper grapple.

    I play the class pretty often, and after ice-trap grappling some poor bloke, I usually shout into my mic HOLY CRAP THAT WAS UNFAIR.

    And then go about on my way.

    To anyone taking this thread seriously, as though I were calling for a nerf of the class, you're wrong.
  12. Okguisamsrsnao

    Okguisamsrsnao New Member

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    You interpreted this thread incorrectly.
  13. Okguisamsrsnao

    Okguisamsrsnao New Member

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    Haha, it may very well have been. Whoever it was absolutely decimated me at every turn.

    Anyone that follows that formula can very easily go 20-0. Especially on Steel Peel.

    Oh and

  14. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    no i didn't
  15. Okguisamsrsnao

    Okguisamsrsnao New Member

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    Oh. I see.

    Glad we have cleared that one up.
  16. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Apology accepted.
  17. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I'm glad you admitted it was a strawman. It saved me reading any of the bull**** beyond "the problem is you."

    It seems pervasive enough that it's clearly not me, but have fun cleaving to that strawman.
  18. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    You do realize that if you make a statement saying something is OP, then not backing it up makes you sound like an idiot. I made an argument, and in this case, saying the problem is you is a very legitimate argument. The sniper controls the short game only if you approach them in very simplistic ways. Snipers CANNOT simply close distances and dominate with the UZI unless you are playing someone of inferior skill. Next time, get your head out of your *** and actually address the points of the argument.
  19. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    As much as I agree with this statement I dont think people truely consider the reason hes OP has to deal with having juice almost all the time, thus making him an SMG juiced maniac, basically whenever he wants. Traps are annoying sure, but having a sniper with juice ready 24/7 I think is the main problem.
  20. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Yeah, sniper does get Juice too fast IMO. However, I think the dev's balanced this somewhat by making the sniper juice possibly the least effective of any of the juiced classes. They do chew up pro's while juiced, but they don't really deal with turrets much more effectively than if they weren't juiced. They do crazy damage to a downed ball, but not way more than any other juiced pro.

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