It seems to have become popular for games to have you connect to their server before launching the matchmaking. I imagine this speeds up the process of finding a game and it means devs can update playlists (and host doulbe XP weekends? ) without having to pay M$ for a title update. Is this the method you guys are implementing? Also, I'm guessing you can't answer this even if you know, but how much does it cost to release a title update over XBOX Live? Is the rate the same for full-priced retail games and arcade titles? These questions are just out of curiousity.
Title updates are completely separate from anything to do with speed of matchmaking or the ability to special events. The plan is for matchmaking to be very smooth and fast while also having special events at a whim's notice. I think you'll be happy all the way around.
I realize that. Title updates are used for fixing bugs or making changes to overall gameplay. They don't occur very often cuz you have to pay M$ to distribute it over LIVE. Any comment on the cost of title update?
It's alright. I figured that was the case. A quick Google search didn't yield anything either. Thanks anyway. You can close/delete this thread as far as I'm concerned
This is what I heard. The devs are allowed to release: 2 updates (1 at launch and 1 later) 1 DLC For free (charging customers for the first DLC is the devs choice I think) And any further updates and DLC will cost the devs money (And a forced price tag on the DLC, Probably to cover the costs of releasing it) Size restrictions on marketplace content has been increasing the past year so I'm not sure on the size restriction on updates or DLC but XBLA games are 2GB I think. Though I may be wrong, These are just some things I heard when going through theorys for TF2xbox updates threads. The actual numbers are such a well kept secret it's hard to know for sure anything about updates.
So you're thinking these are free, but Microsoft charges them for any more than that? This would make sense since the first wave of DLC is typically free and the rest costs money. I'm pretty sure its the publisher that determines pricing tho, not the developers. I'm pretty sure that you're right about the 2GB for a XBLA games. I don't know about DLC tho cuz Burnout Paradise used to have some huge updates available for download on Marketplace. Their "update" included just about all of the DLC availiable but it all had to be bought separately to be unlocked in the game.
Wow, this is one topic in which I am legally obliged to say... I can neither confirm nor deny any of this.
Do it! Which character would say it? Or maybe an advertisement can say "Can neither confirm nor deny this product is safe" Or something like that.
Why are you guys not allowed to talk about any of this? Or is that a secret too? I mean, It's not like you are talking about government secrets. You should be able to tell us what is in the update process.