I'll take a go at explaining it, since I agree to an extent with Pill. I don't want to play against an opponent with less than every possible option. I don't want to burden my opponent with a match against somebody with less than every possible option. Playing a game that is completely even and determining the winner is satisfying, win or lose. Every match is a learning experience, and when not all the cards are on the table both you and your opponent are denied opportunities to learn from eachother since one of you is not at their best.
What. Lady, Osu! is the shit, I guess you're just bad at video games. It's user generated content anyway, there just happens to be a high density of anime. (Also anime rocks, fuck you.)
I'm surrounded by Otaku's here, and I've never liked the samey art styles, ridiculous convoluted stories and stilted dialogue translations that come from a lot of Anime. I know there may be some that I may like out there, but frankly I don't care because I don't have the patience for watching a lot of movies or series' these days. Also that game looks like it needs a tablet and I lost mine
While most high level players do use a tablet + kb, Osu! is perfectly playable with the mouse + kb combination (or just a mouse if you have godlike steadiness). I play with a mouse. also I think I might have derailed the thread a little bit.
Yeah like, I've only watched anime that's been highly recommended because anime pretty much sucks, basically. Western influenced ones are usually the best, because I'm a western supremacist I guess. Though poor translation isn't really so common anymore.
I dunno, everything done by Funimation always seems really well done. I also realize I've almost only seen translations done by Funimation recently. (With the exception of Pokemon: Indigo League just released on Netflix, best childhood ever.)
Most anime is terrible. But if somebody tells me most western stuff isn't pooptastic they're a big old liar. What I like about anime is that it's easy to pick out the better stuff because it goes through several filters before it gets to me. On that note anime is more interesting than TitanFall because that's what's bumping the thread.
I dunno, grimbar apparently likes this game which is not something you can say about a lot of things, so it's at least decent. Edit: Forgot to decapitalize his name. That was almost embarrassing.
I don't know if he actually likes it, only that he plays it. I know Titanfall has some advanced movement or something so that probably attracts him as a failed CPM'er. Knowing him, I assume he has a list of things he hates about the game.
I still found the movement of Titanfall is FAR more interesting that the Titan aspect. After about 4 hours in the Beta I'd stopped Piloting Titans altogether, since it felt like you were getting less done and just attracted fire
And that's how you get the enemy to expose themselves. You see where they are shooting from, and mow them down for points. The ChainGun is my weapon of choice, even though it is the weak damage wise, It is the best for killing grunts and enemy pilots.
Yeah but when I was just a Pilot I could basically be everywhere at once. I didn't end a single Hardpoint mission without getting like a billion capture points, and once you worked out the flow of the maps you could get from any point to any other within about 8 seconds.
But a titan gives you an extra life so to speak. If a titan is doomed, you can eject and keep fighting. If you are on foot and you die, you're dead.
The respawn time is so fast though it's kinda negligible. Besides, on your point on drawing out fire and players, I found Auto-Titans great for that. They don't have the best AI but people see them and go out for an easy titan kill, where I can swoop in and nab them