Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Games

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by bromanov, July 7, 2013.

  1. worksofart

    worksofart Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    There is no difference in hatred arseface. You are silly for people getting upset at being hated against.

    Racism is racism it doesn't matter the degree. It is still racism. Which is not okay unless you are a terrible human being.

    Are you a terrible human being arseface?
  2. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    Read my name then kiss my face.
  3. worksofart

    worksofart Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    So are you saying you are a racist then?
  4. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    Ignore him and let's get back to the topic at hand.

    Schafer, for all the great games he's made, isn't exactly known for his planning. Contrast that to the Uber and inXile. Uber knew their limits when they started their Kickstarter, and planned around it, especially since they were writing the engine on their own to meet their demands. They also knew the costs of developing a game and how to use every bit of their previous RTS experience to their advantage. inXile took the route of using as much existing technology as they could, as well as art assets provided by the community for Wasteland 2. As a result, both developers have some very concrete results to show for themselves, despite the limited funding.

    The issue with Schafer is that there was no concrete plan in place when they did the KS. It was only after the funding was complete that they started to experiment with new tools and toy around with ideas. The actual plan didn't come together until quite some time after the KS ended. I feel this is the main issue that set them back.

    I'm fairly certain they'll have good results in the end, as they are still experienced developers. But they'll definitely need to keep this in mind for future projects.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    Maybe i should start a poll...

    What's worse, making a comment that mentioned race and in no way actually made a negative impression, or derailing a meaningful thread over a comment that happened to have mention race but wasn't negatively categorizing.

    That being said, the dutch usually add extra "e"s at the end of words they type in the internet. Just something i learned from having some dutch friends. I find myself doing it all the time after i
    get used to them doing it. I honestly think it is english's fault, only language with random spelling
    issues that don't follow up with pronunciation.

    Now, was that also racist, or merely banter mentioning a race? I don't see the hate in the comments we are making. Why derail these threads?

    On topic, i am just glad that guy didn't bring up PA or Ouya. Not that i am tied up in the ouya, but the
    ouya isn't some defective rubbish people talk like it is. I also felt it weird he brought up that he was flemmish, though if anything i think he was racist for questioning the American mentality, i agree most Americans are idiots from sheltered lives, but it is still stereotyping, not every American is a bandwagon internet jerk.
  6. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    FYI, country isn't racism. Racism is discrimination based on somebody's Race (Caucasian, Negro, Slavic, Asian etc etc). And you're an idiot for taking and mention of a country as racism. I have nothing really against Belgium or Italy.
  7. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    You'd be pretty naive to think that country has nothing to do with it. Racism and xenophobia are pretty closely linked to the point where racists and xenophobes are the same people and mix-mash up all their slurs, faux-arguments and etc.

    I only opened page 3, I hadn't read the rest of the thread. It's messed up how quick this got derailed.
  8. bromanov

    bromanov New Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    sure is!
  9. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    It seems to me, discussions about racism are likely to not end well, don't you all think? Racism, casual or otherwise, is not ok. So don't do it. Whether you meant it, whether you laughed about it, if you want to make casually racist comments, please feel free to do it somewhere NOT HERE.

    See how easy it is? Get back to the Kickstarter conversation, or we can just lock this little feller up.
  10. poiuasd

    poiuasd Well-Known Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    There was a time when derails like this would've been locked without a warning. "The people on these boards are clearly not mature enough to talk about real life" or something like that.
  11. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam


  12. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    I prefer not to lock indiscriminately. Just get back on topic. All this other nonsense just needs to stop.

    It's an interesting topic. But as always, if people can't say something without coming across as a bigoted ***, they will be silenced. Not a democracy on these forums. ;-)
  13. femaies

    femaies New Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    *edited because I'm an idiot*
  14. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    See that? Well, now you can't. That's the kind of thing that gets stupid, immature children banned. Thread is still unlocked.
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    On topic, here is a question. Why does Mr expert critic bring up kickstarter projects behind, and not mention the other good bunch of so far successful ones?

    I would swear he is butthurt his kickstarters are behind so he is trying to sink the ship he blames for it. One-sided critique, wala, everyone thinks all kickstarters are bad, and no kickstarters ever raise more than 200,000 again.

    Why does every internet critique seem to be assanine to me?
  16. JammySTB

    JammySTB Well-Known Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    Trophy, don't you like to criticise things on the internet? :lol:
  17. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    At least he's admitting to his general tone.
  18. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    I criticise critics and i criticise the overrated. It is like how whining about whiners is inherently whining as well. So oh well.
  19. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    well, you also just whine - crazily - like Playstation made fun of you as a kid when you were growing up.
  20. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: Tim Schafer out of money - The Future of Kickstarter Gam

    Before internet gaming on consoles, playstation was the go to console. Since then, it has been on par with wii on online games, just with better games.

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