I definitely prefer a Holkins over really any defensive turret vs armies. I almost try to play hopscotch with them, because they arent terribly expensive and seem to be exceedingly cost effective against anything on the ground. Once you have 2 or 3 with overlapping ranges, they just sorta melt armies with decent support. Now, get a catapult in range of someones base and its a different story all together. Base? What base? As for the basic vs advanced balance, I like it quite a bit atm. A good mix of hard hitting advanced bots in a blob of basic tanks makes for a mobile and difficult to counter unit. If things go sour, the advanced bots can scram leaving the cheaper tanks to prevent chase.
I still use almost entirely Basic units, the first Adv units I use are just to get better econ. Adv units are specialised and I just kind of throw them in like raisins in a bag of trail mix. Couple arty here and there, or Adv Bots for some front line meatshield. But mostly just Basic units en masse.
I do the same I was just extremely off put by the attack on my technique for some reason last night...... that said we the people demand alliance mode!!!! So I can still have a team but let the other half run THEIR economy into nothing