This just in: This forum SUCKS now. (TL; DR)

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Undercover_Thudercat, March 6, 2011.

  1. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Nah. Only on the PC. Can't wait till we get our hands on it though.

    Mickey Cantor DOES need some new lines....

    'sides, it's pretty funny already. Anyone check out some of Bullseye's lines when Juicebot hits the field?
  2. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Simple fix - require anybody who posts to be age 16 or older. You don't even need it at the sign ups - just put it in the ToS. That being said, this is made under freeforums, correct? I'm fairly confident I could find a code for you to put in somewhere that could add an age requirement notification during registration, or at least in the confirmation email.

    T for Teen in video games is 13 and older, right? So doesn't it make sense to set the age limit to the age limit of the game? If you are allowing 7 year olds to discuss the game, people can accuse you of encouraging people younger than the recommended age to play the game. Plus, once again, why not cater to your market?

    Please don't get angry with me - I only am saying this with intentions of helping this game grow.

    @ Organous - Man, don't think about it so much. You'll do alright. If you come across something that you are unsure of, just think this powerful thought:

    "Is what this person doing enough to
    a) Get this website or company in some kind of trouble
    b) Seriously offend or upset somebody
    c) Intentionally ruin the fun for others"

    Everything in a Forum TOS is designed to cover those 3 areas, and I'd say in that order. Remember this - sometimes, guys who are friends with each other will bust each other's balls. Sometimes somebody, new or a vet, posts something retarded. People are going to bust on him, just like they would in real life. There's a difference between quoting it and putting a funny picture that pokes fun in a silly way and saying "You're a ******* idiot wow dumbass retard I hope you get testicle cancer so that even if you survive you can't reproduce!!!!!!!!". Understand?

    One word posts aren't ALWAYS bad. Intentionally trying to increase your post count is LAME. And if somebody is doing that, go ahead and ban them. It's only going to flood up the boards. But if somebody posts a HILARIOUS post about something, and somebody wants to say "LOL", it's not that big of a deal as long as it's not overkilled. Same for the occasional one word response when it's just a good response. Look for quality, not quantity.


    Now that we're working all this out, let me say that the first thing we can do to save these forums is to unban that HI IM SNARF guy. I heard that he's really, really cool. And extremely good looking. I also heard that he only wants that account back so that he can update that guide that his banner has recommended to the public. All that, AND good looking.

    Just saying.
  3. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Does anyone know where he lives? I heard there's a reward for his capture.

    Here's a picture:

    Attached Files:

  4. killien

    killien Active Member

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    And how are you going to prove it? What is to stop little 8 year old Timmy from signing up?
    Unless everyone is going to give Uber their CC number there isn't much that can stop a kid from signing up
  5. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    ^^^It's just for liability purposed, brah
  6. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    You, the mods, and the devs. That's what, 7-10 people? So because it annoyed less than 1% of the community, it is suddenly against the rules? I understand that it may annoy you, but many things on this forum annoy many different people. It hardly seems made that a rule was made to accommodate so few people.

    What they contribute is the much needed humor that seems to have disappeared from this forum. There's no reason to moderate them, and therefore should not make it more difficult to moderate in general.

    There is a website with a petition to have Organous removed. While I have found some of his actions to be questionable, I do not believe that he should be removed as a moderator simply because of the ramblings of a few forum members. Again, less than 1% of the community should not have such a strong impact, regardless of who they are.

    I pm'd Organous myself to discuss one of his locks. While I didn't entirely agree with his reasoning, I found that it was indeed reasonable. Some members of the forum DID try to respectfully approach the issue, but were immediately derailed by other members. Either someone took their respectful approach to an extreme or it was overlooked. Regardless, it has always been overlooked.

    As I said before, it seems as if the few who tried to go about this respectfully were always lumped into the groups of the people who were trolling. It may be worthwhile to look at the posts individually instead of just assuming everyone is trolling.
  7. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Is it really that hard to comprehend? Same reason it says "Warning: Contains Nuts" on a label on a peanut jar. In case anyone stupid enough thinks of it, they can't sue, because they were already informed.
  8. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    The same reason why on TV they say "viewer discretion advised". The TV13 on the screen. They aren't checking id's.
  9. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    No dont unban anyone whos permently banned

    Also theres a group whos got a certain initiation for getting banned in order to make it into the other "GROUP"'s forum.

    Organous should not step down from being a mod and the rules are the rules.

    I deserved what I got for what I did...
    Theres a bunch of people who want to see nothing but the downfall of this forum over their recent incidents.

    Unbanning everyone is like opening up the prison cells and letting the inmates run the community.

    The people who claim their innocents are part of the problem
    While rules do need to set some examples i honestly think theres nothing wrong with them.

    Also that petition you have to sign in order to get into the group is a joke. Get a life people.
  10. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I thought you left? Again?

    Majority of people who got banned weren't permabanned, so you'll see them all again in a couple of days, and then you can scurry back to your COR board to talk to yourself about 7/11 refills
  11. Ian

    Ian New Member

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  12. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    nope and nope
  13. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I've said this and I'll say this again. We don't care if you visit other forums and we don't care about conspiracy theories so stop broadcasting who's doing what and where. Take your drama somewhere else and stop feeding the fire. Posts will be deleted.
  14. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Yes. Uber owns these forums and you post at their leisure. The mods have limited input on things, and are mainly an enforcement mechanism. Uber will undo anything we screw up too badly. We don't hold polls asking what the Terms of Service should be to post here. We tell you what we allow and don't. When you violate that, you run the risk of being disciplined. This is a basic fundamental of every day life when dealing with the concept of order.

    These are UBER's forums. You play by THEIR rules. No, you don't get to vote on them. Yes, mods DO have input on them. And no one is making you stay here.

    Most of us responsible for mod/admin duties disagree. Put a little more effort into your humor that does more than pad your post counts. I won't put anymore effort into explaining this. We said stop. Do it, or leave.

    The petition was started AFTER much of the drama took place in open threads on these forums. The petition was started AFTER many of the petitioners lost whatever moral high ground they may have had. I'm sure there were respectful public posts. I still stress private messages because THEY CANNOT BE DERAILED. It directly communicates a problem to a person who who can offer you a remedy, without the need for public commentary from uninvolved parties.

    If you were not trolling, this message was not about you. If you handled this respectfully through its entirety, this was not about you.

    If you created accounts called "Exactly," and decided as a group to attempt to stir the pot and TRIED TO GET BANNED, this is about you. If you were snarky in your attempts to force a change in the moderation status, this is about you.

    The people who went about this respectfully ARE being listened to.
  15. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Exactly, you get a warning/temp ban, you earned it. I got one from [moderator]. I apologised, but I understood why I got it.

    What grinds me about this is that they were sending out PMs trying to get people to join the cute little petition, somehow thinking they would go straight over the involved mod's head.

    Postscript: I got into Thombow's sig, yay!
  16. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I wouldn't be proud LOL
  17. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Is this really what it comes down to? "Our rules are our rules and if you don't like them, leave." I understand that you are annoyed by some of what goes on here, but is it truly necessary to sound so angry all the time? You come off as extremely strict and unwilling to listen to opinions. I'm not saying that's how you are, I'm saying that's how you have portrayed yourself. This may be why people are afraid to PM you or the other mods, or even express their opinions. There's nothing wrong with lightening up a little. And that isn't to you specifically; it's to the moderation team in general.
  18. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Hudson, I have to say that I agree with him, man. We understand that it's ALWAYS going to be the bottom like - "We make the rules, stick with them, or leave." We get that.

    What we're saying is that we're not that crazy about the rules, and if they aren't changed, we'll take you up on that, and then it won't matter what the rules are because there will be nobody left to follow them.

    Nobody is pointing fingers. Plenty of dumbassery has come out of our side. From myself, as well as a good bit of my friends. That being said, I can assure you, based on patterns I've seen in MANY other forums - if things continue on the way they are, you're just going to see that happen over and over again until the forums die.
  19. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Basically. It's already started. Now we're just in a ceasefire.

    Mr Dillon should lurk moar.
    Last edited: March 8, 2011
  20. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    I agree. We're starting to beat this topic dead now. I think that what needs to be said has been said. 24 hours for any last minute brillaint ideas, then lock to keep this from turning into a 50 page argument in circles fest?

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