This just in: This forum SUCKS now. (TL; DR)

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Undercover_Thudercat, March 6, 2011.

  1. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    But.... I'm sitting down.....
  2. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    I say we all go and stomp some pubs
  3. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Attached Files:

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  4. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Deleted MNC and stopped posting here about a week ago, but my TEG clantards have alerted me to this whole situation. Apparently I have to get banned, too. Some sort of fraternity initiation or something.... so yeah, somebody push the red button after this

    Sad that you feel that you could get banned for stating an opinion. Sums up the forums of late.

    This. Uber/mods need to question what caused people to decide to lay waste to the community that they helped build.


    Agreed. See you there in 10?

    You haven't been cautious. You posted a pic of a panda earlier today. Should've been banned for testing the moderators limits AGAIN. You'd think that you'd know better, considering you were compelled to post on the forums every day after you were banned. Cup Of Rage aren't nurturing anything, except their rage boners. If one single body ruins this community, it'll be them.

    I made a guide, too. It goes like this:

    Read MNC forums before you play
    Drink a shot everytime Grec mentions how he worked tirelessly to earn 1,200 Yen to buy MNC, and how he shouldn't be banned because of it

    Also, I like how you edited that heart-wrenching essay 6 times. NEEDS MOAR QQ. MOAR.

    Post of the century.

    You came here every day, under numerous alias accounts.

    Feedle pubstomps, then ragequits when he gets presented with a challenge. He's a grown man, a father, one of the eldest community members, and he threw a tantrum on the forums, raging at everyone like a premenstrual, taco-less, "Just found out Mass Effect 3 has been cancelled" Jen.

    Grec, I don't see how getting 120 kills in a public game is helping the community. Even in your twisted universe. I'm astonished that you've convinced yourself that you've ever helped the community.


    Who wants to post here, if all their friends have been banned?

    ...and this subforum, and the forums as a whole, and society...

    You're a waste of oxygen. You're an oxygen THIEF.

    My opinion:
    Trolls are necessary in this community. As soon as Deadeye, Shammas etc. got banned, the community fell apart. Friendly insults with them turned to vicious personal attacks on Feedle and TrollBranquilty. COR were happy to attack back, until they rage-quit. Now the forums are totally imbalanced, and everyone is attacking each other. Banning users because of a one word reply doesn't help matters, Organus.

    It doesn't really matter, though. Majority of banned users will still play MNC to stroke their e-peen. They'll also probably buy DLC, if there is any. Eventually the forum will end up with only people who bought the game at Christmas, and there'll be no trolls. Uber don't care, you're still populating their game.

    I, however, am done. I dislike the decision to heavily-moderate the forum, I dislike how Steam is the new child, most of the devs have stopped posting regularly, Xbox may not get anymore DLC, Brink will destroy this community etc. etc.

    So, I've called it quits. I'd rather put hours into single-player games until Brink comes out.

    Jake's cat.
  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Wait. WHAT. No. Like seriously. What. The. ***********-

    I can't say trolls themselves are necessary. But there is a disturbing link there....

    Raises point I forgot about. For the love of God, give us some love. Doesn't have to be information. Doesn't have to be moderation. Just, a joke, a little bit of sarcasm, something other than the obligatory tweet. I understand they've been busy, but THAT busy, I find it hard to believe. You exist.... right?
  6. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Considering the thread title is "This just in: This forum SUCKS now. (TL; DR)", your above statement seems rather false
    Understandable. Silly and/or absurd comments aren't always the best choice in the middle of heated discussions
    Yea, and? All standard forum members have to follow the same rules wheterh they have 10 posts or 10,000
    Contributing to the community may get you some leeway once in a while, but not a free pass

    *Please ignore typos, grammatical errors and such. I spent most of the day being referee at a 400+ person airsoft game. I'm about to fall asleep onto my keyboard at the moment
  7. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Yes, that busy. Just spent a week at GDC and in two days head out to PAX East for a week and in-between we have a new PC build that will be out for PAX. Ton of work around the clock.
  8. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Seems false. But, truly, it is not.

    Hell no. If I'm judged, then you even more so. Spellcheck informs me that you spelled airsoft wrong. It also informs me that I spelled spellcheck wrong. I DEFY YOU ROBOT OVERLORDS.

    But that right there. That's enough for me. So you ARE that busy. Got it. And now I know. But you were able to squeeze that one comment in. Divide that up, and it'd go a long way.
  9. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    All of your friends, huh? :(
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Uber has been so busy that Eka hasn't even had the chance to finish his Propaganda Peach piece.
  11. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Uh...... huh........

    EDIT: Google has cured my ignorance. That is indeed, quite busy. Probably my own fault for not keeping up with them on Twitter (I abhor it). But, truly, their schedule is a mystery to me. I just struggle with the idea that every now and again they couldn't interact a little. But, if they are truly that busy, then I wish them god speed. Or light speed, which is way cooler in my opinion. It leads to time travel. Time. Travel.
    Last edited: March 7, 2011
  12. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Hahahaha... hey! :(

    You can try but it usually doesn't work out for you :twisted: hit me up tonight or tomorrow gt mtchermy.
  13. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Oh god, I remember that. Expressing my want for another poster was one of my first posts on this website.
  14. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    I still enjoy the forums because I am witty and enjoy being witty, but they are definitely less enjoyable then they use to be, even though I am no less witty.
  15. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Stretch, this wasn't a PM because I didn't want it to be private. I wanted this to be out in the open where the entire community could read and comment on it. Good job, guys, for not letting this turn into a flame war after this many pages.

    Good job to the guy who doesn't get it and thinks this is a troll thread.

    Good job to stretch for arguing with me without being a douche about it. I agree with most of the boards - you and Jess are definitely the better mods here. I would say Hudson, but it really depends on the circumstances of the "post" meme. I haven't been paying attention enough to know if that's something that needed to be stopped or not.

    Good job to all of you guys for kind of hijacking this thread for the better. I LOL'd for a good bit of 2-3 pages.
  16. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Well, this is what I miss. Several threads of people screwing around having fun. Completely off topic. But not wrong. This is practically the same as when I'm ON Live (the nicer, more fun aspect anyway) except there's no voices. Always with the voices........

    Oh, and good job to the developers!
  17. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    All I'm asking for is that you guys and gals try to be funny without harming somebody else's feelings and that you don't post memes.

    We mods have seen every meme that was posted - many of them for years! Yup, that's right. 99% of all memes have been copypasta'd for years and no matter how funny they might have been at some point - they really SUCK when you see them for the 100th time... ;)

    It's not that we have something against the idea of a meme per se. The problem with most memes is that they stopped being funny about 12 hours after they have been recognized as meme.


    Thank you for your time.
  18. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Says the guy with the cat in his sig :p

    Unfunny =/= against TOS. And agreed. There is a limit. If something is causing legitimate animosity or making the forums less fun for any number of people, it needs to be stopped. But THAT is what the criteria should be based on, not some strict set of rules that are more designed to be a strict code of law that shall be enforced via the death penalty.
  19. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Captain Irony would like to have a word with you. ;)
  20. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Howsabout a section for folks with over 500 posts? While it might result in more post-padding, I'm sure that a minimum character count for posts and careful moderatorororororship would prevent that.

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