This just in: This forum SUCKS now. (TL; DR)

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Undercover_Thudercat, March 6, 2011.

  1. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    You want to have an in joke for the community that would bring us closer as a big happy family?

  2. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I'd like to point out that the Original Poster has 34 total posts.
  3. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Being banned and making a new account resets your post count.
  4. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Oh, did he mention that? Sorry I didn't read it. :lol: Also I don't know who he was before.
  5. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    First off OP you were tolling, and you replied to Eka with a 'u mad bro?' Grec you're not being genuine by suggesting you got banned for that pic. You were the biggest troll on here so far. You both earned a ban, legitimately, along with feedle and some others. The majority of the downslide happened after/because of feedle (do you want me back?) And Grec (talk about me and I will too.) The numbers have contributed to the community but they pushed buttons fairly often too.

    That said i kinda agree. The ridiculous 1 word/post meme should not have been an issue. Organus, you really should just step down. You've contributed in no small way to this, and even when you take no action you have to show authority('not sure if this is a troll post or not.') The numbers and others shouldn't have trolled you for it, but there shouldn't be an attack surface there in the first place. You do not yet have the restraint or subtlety for mod work IMHO. Thank you for letting me be honest, Im sorry I'm not also being kind.

    COR is being douchey, seriously. Y'all fight and troll and whatnot and derail every thread and contribute to it all. I've seen some crazy ego defenses from the 2 mains and I'm glad they're gone.

    Everyone else:
    Please stop making every post about the mods. So 1 of 'em was an ***; you harping on it for every post has made the good guys have to back the bad guy so they became bad guys too. N1, now please stop so the rest of us enjoy it here.

    Thank you,
    Uncle AARPS
  6. Totally Not Grec

    Totally Not Grec New Member

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    That picture was the reason I was banned. Go ahead and ask Eka.

    And I didn't come back for a long while, and what I came back to was this. There was lots of people that caused the downslide, I never targeted anybody either. And Snarf, Snarf's a good guy too.

    Besides Snarf, Feedle and I have done more to help out this community then you ever could. Who are you to point fingers?

    Snarf wrote a guide, Feedle started a large group to help newcomers and helps newbies on gamefaqs and I made a group and wrote 2 guides. What have you done? Oh right, you called people out on trolling even though they pretty much did nothing wrong in the first place.
    Last edited: March 7, 2011
  7. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    QFT, and because it will soon be deleted/modified. How dare anyone voice their opinions in a respectful manner on a medium made for the exchange of ideas in the appropriate section of the forums.

    That aside, I'd really like to avoid giving anyone an excuse to lock the thread. Not saying I'm taking AARPS side on this Grec, but I just don't wanna start any flaming, which is kinda what it becomes when you reply with "Besides Snarf, Feedle and I have done more to help out this community then you ever could. Who are you to point fingers?". It's just a bit to hostile, even it it's true.
  8. Totally Not Grec

    Totally Not Grec New Member

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    Sometimes hostility is the truth, but I'll try to tone it down. Thanks for the warning.
  9. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Sometimes the only way to make an idiot see truth is by punching them in the face.
  10. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    No one needs to dude. I saw it all, and you already know all the other BS you did - remember when you quit MNC but 'you can't stop me from posting here'-ed for days on end? spamming new topics? You did nothing to aid the community. Snarf was cool but pulled some BS too 'oh the guys in red said I can't do whatever I want and blah, blah, blah.' You may see yourself as a great contributor, but I doubt many other people feel that way if anyone.
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Ok, let's take this a different way then. I play with many randoms (in mnc and street fighter), and am respectful of their skill level whatever it may be.

    I am a member of CoR.

    Does that still make me a bad person, reguardless of what I actually do as an individual?

    I think we should just force reset things. That means exactly as it sounds. Unban any questionable cases arising from recent arguements, and then draw a harder line for "personal opinions". Seriously, you can have a personal opinion, but you CAN'T post it in the middle of the forums we are trying to use for some on-topic issues.

    What I Mean:

    Original Thread Topic = Exploits in the Feedback Section

    About 7 Posts Later = CoR, IMO, are the cause of all of socety's problems and should all be banned.

    NOT ON TOPIC! Yes, it is your opinion, but it starts flame and derails threads. Even if it was by itself it still starts flame. We all agree that is the definition of trolling. Let's put that in the rules and start handing out firm warnings to people to NOT voice their opinions if they can't do so in a "friendly" and "nice" manner that won't start a flame war. OR, go send Organous a personal message, make sure to pick up a copy of the urban dictionary so you can go through the list of what you think he is, but if you publicly post against any mods, you cause anarchy.

  12. Totally Not Grec

    Totally Not Grec New Member

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    I quit MNC because I didn't have time to play anymore, but I used to internet browser on my phone to visit the forums.

    So what if I was a little bit lighthearted and not so serious in my posts, it helps to build a sense of community. At least I was doing it in the right subforum. Besides, threads were starting to die in quality because of all the team talk/epenis competitions. Also, me and Tom have stopped fighting recently.

    You know what doesn't help? Pointing fingers at people that haven't done anything wrong recently but messed up, being incredibly serious when you know that this is just a video game forum (it's not a socialist military state) and doing nothing to help convince the moderators to get the banned users that were avid contributers unbanned.

    I made a new account because Ekanaut permabanned my username but not my IP, which I though was weird. That was why I made they new account.

    I was banned for trolling when I put up the song "Why can't we be friends" and some cute pandas while you were fighting with Eka it hopes to lighten things up, but I guess Eka just so it as the straw that broke the camel's back. Even Hudson agreed with me.
    Last edited: March 7, 2011
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Rules are rules. "Avid contributers" or not. You break the rules, you face the consequences.
    Simple as that.
  14. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    1) Guys, please don't flame in this thread. I don't want any reason for it to be locked right now because I feel like civil discussion in here can be a positive thing.

    2) AARPS, I disagree with your convictions. I did post "U MAD" pic at him, but up until that point, I had done no trolling. After being accused of trolling when I was not trolling, I reacted immaturely. But go back to the thread. He deleted multiple threads of mine that were in now way, shape, or form trolling. I made a thread asking why, and instead of kindly explaining his reasoning, he was hostile.
  15. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    Why is AARPS trolling so hard.
  16. Totally Not Grec

    Totally Not Grec New Member

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    I thought this forum was "3 strikes and you're out". Did Tom, Jon and Snarf have 2 warnings beforehand?
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I can't say about Snarf since I wasn't a mod back then but yes, both Tom and Jon got warning from me. Both as a friend and as a mod.

    Question: Why are some of you so worried about others? Don't get involved and you should be fine.
  18. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Agreed, he was uptight about you hitting 2 or 3 topics with polls and jumped you ish inapropriately. But the responses and the U Mad STILL didn't catch a ban immediately so you gotta know you're the one who kept pushing.

    I'm on here 'cause I too miss the forums. Please help me fix (you too dadale1990.)
  19. Totally Not Grec

    Totally Not Grec New Member

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    So we're not allowed to joke with one another? I thought we were supposed to be all friends, not nervous acquaintances.
  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Because we form the MNC community that the success of this game depends on. I personally found Tom and Jon to be great contributers to this clan, whether it for assistance to newer players or comic relief. We worry because the community is losing valued members. And we worry because maybe, just maybe, this is affecting our friends who play this game. These "others" may not be just "others" to us.

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