This just in: This forum SUCKS now. (TL; DR)

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Undercover_Thudercat, March 6, 2011.

  1. Mr Dillon

    Mr Dillon New Member

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    Wow. Looks like I missed some serious forum drama.

    Has it been resolved or should I start ploughing through all this information like Johnny Cage's Shadow Ball?

    In before "lurk moar".
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Lol. You agree with my agreeing on your post. Nice. :lol:
    I dunno. I am kind of enjoying the amount of silliness in here. And Mr Dillon might wanna look at my last post....
  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    "Our rules are our rules and if you don't like them, leave."

    Ultimately, yes. This is what it comes down to. Welcome to any privately owned establishment you will ever encounter as an adult.

    We are prepared to deal with people leaving if they don't like it. We totally realize that is a possibility. The "leave" part is serious.

    I'll listen to your opinion on lots of things. "Post" meme is not one of them, but you are welcome to message any of the other mods or admins and present your case.
  4. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    To the op

  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Well. Either someone either didn't read the first post, or I:
  6. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    I just want to know two things.

    1) What are the rules? They're very unspecific as is. In all fairness, a lot of it is common sense, but as I said, I never expected vaguely referencing a penis to warrant a warning and post deletion.

    2) Why have the bans on Peachy and Miracle not been lifted?
  7. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Exactly. Isn't the first rule of this forum "Don't be a ****"? Seems like that's a bit contradictory.
    I wanted to avoid coming to this because I fear I may come off sounding like a troll. However, that line has been crossed. You are a forum moderator chosen by the developers to assist in the moderation of this thread. You do not own this "establishment." You make it sound like you have the ultimate power in the moderation of this thread, and from my understanding, you do not.

    Basically, if the forum moderators truly have this kind of power, then I declare them overpowered. Instead of assisting with the moderation, the moderators I see are laying down laws and walking around like they own the place. They do not. There should be some kind of limit to prevent what some may see as an abuse of power. If all of the trolls out there would just try to calmly explain themselves instead of trolling every other thread they see, the moderation would see that I am far from the only one who feels this way.
  8. Totally Not Grec

    Totally Not Grec New Member

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    History repeats itself on a smaller scale :|

    And Hudson, there's no such thing as a Utopia. Not even in a forum. Especially in a Php forum were people can easily come back if they get angry. Me and a few others can give testimony to that.

    Also happy Mardi Gras everybody! I made Gumbo and Fried Chicken and I had a small party. I have beads, too.
  9. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Lief, I invite you to send that exact post to Eka or any other developer and get their thoughts on it. I've said time and time again that the second I cross a line, uber will tighten their leash or remove my mod status. I invite you: Make sure I'm not doing exactly what you claim I am doing.

    I'll be the first to publicly apologize for anything I do that crosses a line.

    Edit For clarity's sake: Uber owns the forums and makes the rules. Mods help enforce them. Mods suggest changes to rules and policies and receive Uber's blessing before enforcing them. We also have considerable wiggle room to make judgement calls. Uber selects the mods themselves. If we screw up too badly, the devs undo what we did and tighten our leash.
  10. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    I'm waiting for this.
  11. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    I think the devs are too busy to bother with forum drama and when they have a moment they turn to the mods for the cliffnotes.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    It's nice to know you are waiting for mods to screw up.
  13. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    No he's waiting for the devs to undo the recent major ****-ups.
  14. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I thought they said they couldn't lift them. Not the mods, anyways.

    Which is more than likely what he's referring to Stretch.
  15. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Right, the mods can't. But they can still be lifted.
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You guys have to realize Uber is busy with PAX right now and don't have time to look through everything at the moment. Please be patient and wait at least another week, and by that time all of the 7 day bans would be up.

    Yes I know bad timing for all of this to happen.
  17. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Stop slandering other people. There are a decent number in that forum that have never been banned and do not plan on being banned. Also, I have no idea what petition you're talking about.

    But enough about that, i'll not respond to any posts talking about our groups and their various problems with each other. That's for PMs.

    As to what you said, Runie. There was only one real 'mess up' or oversight that people want reversed, but the mods themselves are literally incapable of doing it, so it isn't going to happen.

    I agree with Snarf, everything that should be said and discussed has been said or discussed This thread needs to die now.
  18. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Oh, it's already dead. Make no mistake.
  19. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    I hope that you have spoken to a developer or forum admin before you made this claim because you represent the entire company when you say that. What you just said/implied is that you don't care if the people here are satisfied with the way things are run, and that you're doing things based on how YOU GUYS like to do it, not your paying customers. Am I incorrect?
  20. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    The people who are regulars on the forums are generally the biggest fans of the game and people who want to support the company and you're saying they can just **** off?

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