This is just insane...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Lipucd, December 21, 2010.

  1. podwhacker

    podwhacker New Member

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    Analyse your game play and stop worrying about theirs. Assuming you consider wins/losses and improving, more important than helping the developers with the beta.
  2. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Wouldn't like being auto-shuffled to the other team when I'm about to breach defenses with my mega botstream and shot-down turrets. Then I literally fall into my own trap, which is a shame of sometimes quite the work it takes to get that close to the money ball early in the game.
  3. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    I did, and now I'm part of this grouping that's curb stomping other teams...and it doesn't feel ANY better, hell worse because I know there's not much you can do about it once it happens, and it's a bit too easy indeed. Honestly I wonder if lv1 Rock-It's starting off on most maps is even good...A gunner can wipe those out stupid easy, more less a sniper or assassin. Granadeiii arena I also feel makes it way to easy to breech the other sides walls due to all the turrets in almost open terrain, the Ammnomule stage I think does a better job on that factor.

    Regardless I am trying to assist with the beta, because this is lituraly saying that it's a bit too easy to just roll right over the other side if you got say 2 people who know what they are doing.
  4. _razack_

    _razack_ New Member

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    Would it be possible to have servers set up that restricts those that can play on it based on level?

    Then there could be some "safe" servers where new players can cultivate some skill before getting squashed and rage quiting.
  5. podwhacker

    podwhacker New Member

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    It's always easy to win in a game when you have people that know what they're doing though. Compare like for like.

    Allowing low skilled players to do well vs high skilled, is bad.
    "Pro servers" are arguably bad, too.

    With that in mind, I'd wait a while at least, see how things are. Skilled gamers do not waste their time playing public.
  6. velo

    velo New Member

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    As others have said, the biggest problem is that newer players simply do not push bots back enough, or build/babysit turrets like they should. Even one or two players focused on laning and pushing bots (as opposed to ignoring bots and searching for pros) can make a huge difference in a full game.

    I've played against the types who seem to only focus on killing pros. I see Assassin and Sniper players in particular doing this a lot.

    It'll get better with time as players get an understanding of how exactly a match is won. Some of us folk who didn't play the 360 version are still getting a feel for the game.

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