Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be in PA

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ulciscor, April 15, 2013.

  1. amphok

    amphok Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    it's bad when you are forced to start with t1 spam for every game, and cannot fast tech like in starcraft or something like that

    the most important thing in a RTS should be to give the player the freedom to do what he wont, with his technology, imho

    forcing him in to spam t1 is bad
    forcing him to make asf against asf is bad
    forcing him to make navy against navy is bad

    even in starcraft 2 there is this
    forcing him to make viking(thor is ****) vs air his bad
    forcing him to make a deathball, cuz sending small task force is bad

    in the end, hard counter are bad, and i really hate them
  2. BallsonFire

    BallsonFire Active Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    This topic is completely wrong, I would rather call it pros and cons of Supcom. Now it seems like everyone is really negative about supcom while (supcom/fa) in my opinion one of the best rts game ever made! There are always negative things you could say about a game. That wont be any different in the final release of PA. You should make you own game if you want a game exactly like you want it to be.
    I think allot of supcom/FA players like the complexity that makes it different than other games like C&C, starcraft etc. I really hate supcom 2 and that game was dumb down because of allot of people complaining on forums like you see on this topic.

    If you like a simple game where you can't make a bad economic planning or decision that make you lose a game. Go play supcom 2 or starcraft!!
  3. amphok

    amphok Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    starcraft , simple game? lol....
  4. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    It is perhaps not a simple game to play, but its mechanics are simplistic in comparison to what Planetary Annihilation is attempting.

    Sound better?
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    Exponential Tiers, Adjacency, Economy management, Shields, Map Crossing Artillery, Poorly designed and balanced Aircraft.

    Poorly thought out tech tabs, Crappy mobile shields, Bi-polar Aircraft balance, Map Crossing artillery, Shields, payment issue on experimentals making them less powerful as a result, short unit diversity, non-visable unit upgrades (Big one for me), mass fabricators, no walls, too high arc on artillery shots for mobile artillery, poorly balanced and kinda useless experimentals (Although cool concepts), lack of stealth.
  6. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    You forgot Experimental "End-Boss-Battle" balanced Experimentals in SupCom/FA.
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    I always found that aircraft pretty much prevented that from happening.
  8. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    That's a Good thing?
  9. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    The issue with SupCom's endgame is that after a time, there was no point in directly attacking. Your enemy has fortified the mass points he possesses to the point where you would need to nuke one to actually claim it, and even then he probably has 3 nuke defenses in range of it. He has so many point defenses, primarily Ravagers, that there is no point in attacking with anything that has less range than a Fatboy, which means Artillery and Nukes. In addition, any Fatboys that do get in range end up vaporized by Nukes.

    Any mass points that haven't been claimed are in the No-Man's-Land, which means nukes if you do try to claim one. Air superiority means spamming ASF; if you do spam ASF, that's all you do in terms of air. You can't devote any resources to NOT building Nukes, Anti-Nukes and Experimentals or Fartillery. If you don't spam ASF, you loose air and die to Strat Bommas.

    The issue with the game was that while it was fun, to put it in D&D terms, each match was railroaded so that you had to play ONE SPECIFIC WAY or you would loose. You couldn't use stealth to win, you couldn't overwhelm your enemy with a tide of units, you couldn't use naval bombardment because of Torpedo Bommers and Gunships, you couldn't do drops because SUDDENLY ASF FROM NOWHERE.
  10. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    Christ no!
  11. amphok

    amphok Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    are simple yes, but hard to execute

    and what are the hard mechanics in PA? just to know
  12. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    Presumably the hardest thing will be managing battles across a solar system. Hence the focus on simplicity and eliminating micro.
  13. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

  14. amphok

    amphok Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    isn't like managing, more islands in a big map, in forged alliance? basically the same thing...which is hard no doubt(and still it's not hardest than managing, more bases, in starcraft broodwar, so...), but is not new
    Last edited: April 21, 2013
  15. syox

    syox Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    If you zoom out in fa you can see all stuff of every island at once. Doubt this will be possible the same way in pa.
  16. amphok

    amphok Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    but there is a minimap, right? so no difference for me, if there isn't, then it will become difficult, and tedious to scroll the entire "battlefield"
  17. syox

    syox Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    Till now. Multi windows support.
    Make a new window, select planet, zoom out, shrink window down. Tada.
  18. SleepWarz

    SleepWarz Active Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    Rock paper sissors balancing, mirror maps. Over-complicated click fest to cater to the Korean demographic. I play starcraft quite a bit, and yes its very simple from a RTS perspective, the difficulty comes in due to the lack of automation in almost every category in that game forcing you to NEED a far higher APM than should be required because of the lackluster design decisions. Every spell should have the ability to be autocast as needed. Aint nobody got time to click every time.

    I couldnt stand wreckage not blocking units, the LACK of friendly fire when putting direct fire units behind one another. Terrain in supcom was far softer too and didn't have much of variation in the maps. Shouldnt be a problem in PA though.
  19. nombringer

    nombringer Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    Er.... No...

    Stealth to win: Cybran does this all the time. I agree there seems to be a lack of stealth bases now though.

    Overwhelming enemies with tides of units: Isn't this one of the biggest complains here? Being forced to build at least some T1? This is one of the more common things in the game!?

    Naval bombardment: You simply cannot defeat naval with air, again this was another complaint that I saw. On setons clutch occasionly the back player would be able to hold it back for a bit with restorer spam, but crusiers aa simply makes this impossible once the enemy has built up a critical number or cruisers. On most maps, losing navy at tech 2 loses you the game.
  20. nombringer

    nombringer Member

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    Re: Things you disliked about Supcom that you hope wont be i

    Seems about right.

    My biggest complaint is that it essentially comes down to a glorified flow chart and a lot of APM.

    Never played it that much, so feel free to correct me.

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