Things that bother me - A cumulative discussion thread.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Kilroy, August 27, 2010.

  1. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Okay, I'm feeling like being thorough:

    This one bugs me. Though part of it may be that it seems to cancel everything I do, including other grapples.

    Exists in this game. Less noticeable with Assault than with Gunner, but there nonetheless. The AR is good. My only complaint is that it kills me often when I'm support. That's less a "It's overpowered" and more "crap, they're good."

    It's pretty useful, actually. It's totally not "too weak." The only thing I can think of here is that people can't aim. Those things can really pin a pro down.

    Really? I thought it was fine on both. The Support either has access to heal and a minor, practically aim-free weapon, or they can blow your head off. If the Hurt gun was tougher, it'd be pretty broken.

    It sounds more like "It kills me too often."

    Except it breaks the blow and gives you a free followup shot. With the firebase, healgun, and shotgun, he doesn't need another uber move.

    Agreed, here.

    Re: Assassin: Errr...No. Just...No. Class is gimped enough. If I were to make changes to "nerf" it, I'd put those near the bottom of my "to be fixed" list.

    Damage falloff is fine here. It's really noticeable here, too. With accuracy, you can hit pretty far, but that's the point, innit?


    Are you serious here?

    Longshots are awesome in all but one arena, and pretty useful for harassing the enemy base. Shaveice turrets are less obvious I guess, but they slow down enemies and let you see cloaked Assassins and Gremlins.

    I think the "play more" suggestion's pretty apt here.
  2. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    great post OP i actually liked every point u brought up except upping the hurt gun damage
  3. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I could counter pretty much ever point the OP makes but I'll start with the one no one has mentioned. What's a crappy grapple for? It's really amazing at wasting an enemy's juice.
  4. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    It's amazing versus assassins and anyone else who gets in your face. It's also an essentially guaranteed kill, so why not use it?
  5. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    The blade's front grapple. Even low-health classes should not be killed instantly by this, fully upgraded or not. A botched assassination is a botched assassination, why should the Assassin be able to recuperate by simply grappling again after her victim turns around? Lower the damage considerably, to that of the Shuriken's grapple, possibly a tad bit higher.

    So, you want the assassin to be worse at close range? Even though everyone else has a better grapple or close range weapon already?

    Why not just delete the class itself? That would make more sense than ruining it.
  6. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    The Supports Hurt gun is no joke. I get most of my kills with it. I'll take anybody on with it, and I'll get em 90% of the time. Yes, even gunners, and yes, especially assassins.

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