They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Created

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thetrophysystem, November 13, 2012.

  1. klewis5

    klewis5 Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    An odd statement to make if he's not claiming they used them on Hoth, but okay.

    I was just judging from Ep V since Hoth was specifically mentioned, the only thing that ever directly fought the AT-ATs was the snowspeeders, there was never an X-wing shown in the land battle, nor was a single one ever 'supposed to outgun the AT-ATs on Hoth'. (A brief nethunt reveals two things: they were used as escorts for the evac transports, and s-speeders were specialized for Hoth's climate.) Also, it looks like cptbritish took jurgen's statement the same way, judging from his reply. I see your point, though, I might have been a little unnecessarily derisive. Shame retracted, though I still find it highly amusing.

    No argument on SW being illogical, though. And now I've gone and further derailed things by nitpicking details on a completely separate 'verse. My apologies to both PA and OP, I'll head back to the sidelines and go find my popcorn again.
  2. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    That statement says that "one x-wing outguns all the AT-ATs deployed to hoth."

    It dosent say that anything about a x-wing being deployed to hoth.
  3. cptbritish

    cptbritish Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    I apologise to all Star Wars fans everywhere... At least I got the overall shape of ship right lol.

    The organic race I was thinking of would be more like the Reticulans out the UFO series with their organic armour with Vehicles resembling the Amoeba from Endless Space.

    To keep up with Mechanical army you could have rapid cloning of Soldiers and vehicles.

    Bringing in a Race exactly like th Zerg or Tyranids would be cheesy :)
  4. blackwell181st

    blackwell181st New Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Regarding the debate about the difference between what could be considered technology and what could be considred magic I can't help but be reminded of this quote by the late Arthur C. Clarke, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

    Also in regards to the ongoing argument taking place regarding organic versus cyborg versus pure cybernetic might I suggest that this XKCD would be appropriate?
  5. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    <3 :roll:
  6. Consili

    Consili Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    XKCD is fantastic, that particular one is very relevant (myself included) I find myself referring to it often xD

    I quite like the what if posts

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