They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Created

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thetrophysystem, November 13, 2012.

  1. zachb

    zachb Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    I'd suggest keeping the official lore to a minimum to give the fanfic modding people more narrative wiggle room. I'd even say that the one kickstarter video we have might put too much lore into the official universe.

    And that's why seeing a Cybranasaurus Rex stomping around in the unit roster could make things a bit silly. If you want bio mechanoids I'd suggest getting a 3D modeling program and adding them yourself in a mod.
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Yes because not wanting to following the implications of a nuclear holocaust means I hate nice things right?

    You can't have your cake and eat it too, there is no gray line here you either do or you don't.
  3. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    You kinda missed the point of his whole post and went straight for the nice comment :roll: .

    Disregarding jurgenvonjurgensen's tone (Tends to be alittle insulting and arrogant) he does make a good point.

    If a game is silly then let it be silly, its all good. But if a game is of a more serious nature they cant just trow in one silly thing into the mix and pretend that its just like the rest.
  4. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat


    The point is the complete inconsistency of tone. At one point that git of a girl is giggling at killing units, then she is OMG I just killed all those people, then later on she and Maddox are playing coy "oh we may have done something wrong, its alright we are all mates from school".
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    You would prefer a mono-tone story then.
  6. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    No, but a "mono-tone" style of the game.
  7. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Well I would like a story that makes some kind of sense and doesn't give the impression that they give the ultimate weapons of war to any kid who has passed year 10.
  8. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Hey, hey. I think we can all agree that the Supcom2 story was terrible. That's what happens when you outsource story writing to third grade.
  9. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Third party xD, well they might have been in third grade too, who knows xD.
  10. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Tends to be? A little? :roll:
  11. Consili

    Consili Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Again you are missing the point. People are giving examples of how inconsistent tone can be jarring, and using hypothetical story elements to explain how silly it would be.

    It has been confirmed that there is to be no story driven single player campaign so people aren't asking for a 'mono tone story' this is yet again an example of you taking one aspect of an argument literally and then attacking it. Read behind the intention of the argument please.

    What I am getting from peoples posts is they want a unifying aesthetic in the game to be adhered to. In music, in visual design, in any little vague scraps of lore have been established in the setting of the game, and (the point of the last page or so of discussion) in unit design. People didnt like the Cybranosaurus rex in SupCom2 because it was not in keeping with the games aesthetic. People can accept any measure of outlandish scifi, fiction etc, so long as the story/aesthetic/unit design knows what it wants to be. We dont want an indecisive game.
  12. blackwell181st

    blackwell181st New Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    I have no problems with the idea of a semi-metallic fire breathing tyrannosaurus rex but I guess that's because I've also been a fan of transformers from a very young age.
  13. ronlugge

    ronlugge New Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    The thread kinda just let that lie there without bringing up the counters.

    Sure, organics seem easy to break compared to machines, but organics have the ability to engage in self-repair. A computer that can't do a tenth the processing of my brain might live 10 years under heavy use; my brain will last at least 50 without significant issues. Past that, it should still be usable another twenty to thirty years or longer (depending on luck).

    And that's a random-chance generated biology that has a built in limit to insure genetic turnover.

    Additionally, the massive inter-connectivity of a biological brain allows it to operate on a level that machines can't. Sure, you can postulate machines that can reproduce the human thought process ('a data bus trillions of bits wide'... if anyone recognizes the quote), but I'm willing to bet that an artificially engineered carbon-based 'brain' can make huge strides as well.

    Eventually, the two will probably become one, with artificially created 'organic' components as part of the robots.

    In other words: I bet the robots already use organic components where it makes sense.
  14. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    How long does it take for a bruise to heal? How long for a broken bone to mend?

    Biology is slow. These things take time.

    How long to does it take to weld on a new plate of armour? The self-healing argument in favour of living things is a terrible argument.
  15. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    ...which is nowhere, because they have nanomachines made from unobtainum which are like organics but better in every way.
  16. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Not to mention the amount of radiation being hurled around which would degrade organic material pretty quickly. (or you can cover them in lead and see how long they last that way)
  17. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Don't use the radiation argument: neutrons are plenty capable of completely ruining concrete and most grades of steel.

    There's plenty of reasons why metal > flesh, but radiation really isn't one of them.
  18. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    You're all missing the most important point. Organic technology isn't metal. While it's not terribly efficient or suited to hostile environments, it's practically free. If there is a time and a place where exploding monkey bombs are viable, why wouldn't they be used?
  19. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    Both in TA and SC, most of the raw materials used to make the units aren't metal either. "Metal" in TA represents trace amounts of rare materials that can't be synthesised, the majority of the material is transmuted from dirt, water or air, and in SC "mass" can be gotten from trees and ice.

    Which of course brings us to the more hilarious weakness of organics: Have you seen what happens when you give a T1 engineer an attack move order through a forest? The forest doesn't last long. You don't even need weapons to destroy organics, as your engineers can disassemble tons of organic material per second.
  20. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: They Don't All Have To Be Robots, Lifeforms Can Be Creat

    *A officer watches over his vast army of organics. He leaves for a few seconds becuse of a phone call, after the call he turns towards the plain formerly containing his vast army, now being completely empty.*
    Officer: What happened to my army, were did they go?
    Soldier: Well there was this lone engineer on patrol and we ran out of mass... and... well...

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