Hi everyone. I have just made a .blend model with a new commander. I want to know how can I convert the .blend into .papa and how can I make it playable in game. I will leave an Image of the commander for you. Thanks
I don't know how to do what you ask, but I'll commend your work here, that thing looks awesome! nice job dude.
There's a blendervto papa converyer @raeven made I think, but IIRC it doen't work with animations. That's why RCBM has only added new tanks.
Yep, since Commanders have rotated bones you won't be able to export it, not yet anyway. This is a pretty big limitation, and I can't wait for someone to finally work on an exporter that works with rotated bones. Cola commented that it's completely possible, only nobody's had the time to work on it. Raevn has told us his 3D math isn't very good, which is why there's been such a delay.