The Unoffcial Bugs & Glitches thread.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by DR0KZ, August 22, 2010.

  1. RedBeardRaven

    RedBeardRaven New Member

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    Heya Drokz... :eek:!

    I had a few more glitches from last night.

    Support: When switching from healing a bot/pro to draining a foe sometimes the wrong output is made. ( i.e. healing a foe or draining an enemy ) - I might have done it to fast or lag could have contributed but it has happened enough to mention.

    Host mitigation. When a host dropped in Crossfire last night I had to wait for a new host. I was playing Support and upgraded the Hack and Firebase options so they were at level 2 each. I was in the middle of playing and not in skill/turret options for the record. When the new host popped I was an Assassin with level 2 Dash and Cloak. I checked the Support after mitigation and he was reset all the way. I kept my money and stats but my class switched.

    Lastly, I was playing Assassin and was pushed back by the Gunners Slam which sent me flying. I BELIEVE that I touched the top of a turret nub and it sent me skipping across the map. ( I don't remember which map ) I couldn't stop and ended up falling off of an edge.
  2. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Ow hai! Good to see u here aswell :D

    First point added, i had that aswell and it's easy to reproduce by simply holding onetrigger then quickly do the other, the effect is just visual though, you won't drain friendly HP or heal Enemies. Thanks for the reminder!

    Second already added.

    Third, lol, and added. :p
  3. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Not a bug. You are spawned in waves, if you repick a class and miss the current wave you are in, you wait until the next wave to spawn again.
  4. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Allright, that makes sense. Changed and bolded. Thanks for the heads-up.
  5. Datswatxshesaid

    Datswatxshesaid New Member

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    Re: The BIG Bugs/Glitches/Feedback/Quirks/Issues thread.

    gotcha. thats what i thought. most places don't hurt you though.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The behavior of the assassin's dagger/sword reload charge changes drastically when any amount of lag is added.

    Even with just a small amount of lag (any time I'm NOT host) that wouldn't have much adverse effect on any other class, the assassin charge becomes much less usable, rubbing past targets and being somewhat warpy.

    The difference between no lag and a little lag is so night-and-day that it seems like there might be a bug in how lag is handled with the skill.
  7. fake

    fake New Member

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    Here are some issues I ran into the night of Aug 23rd:

    - The two rock-it turrets that normally appear on either side of the MB as soon as the game starts were NOT there
    - Support: I tried to upgrade my b button ability to level 2 and, even though I paid the money for it and my HUD displayed level 2, it clearly remained level 1 (took forever to reload and I could only toss one air strike at a time)
    - I also would skip around the map without having tried to move one way or another. I don't think it was lag since I would suddenly be on the other side of a wall without having moved in that general direction.
  8. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    The smoke bomb jump doesn't always work properly, it jump makes a normal jump instead. The time window for the super jump should be increased. I just lost a game because if this. :x
  9. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    The roofs with orange bars ontop are indeed heated or outlets of some sort, the damage is intended.

    Cant really add this as everything about it has todo with being connected to a bad host. UBER has said to be working on the poor connection/hosting issues so i guess we just have to be patient for now.

    1- Id like to add this but it seems like such a weird glitch, are you sure you didnt join later :) Those turrets are such a joke to take down with gunner/support, doing it all the time myself.
    2- Added.
    3- I guess that has something todo with packetloss (?). I expirienced this myself a few times but always on laggy games.

    Been there, seems mostly lag related though, make sure you have a good few frames pauze inbetween pressing B and A.
  10. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Open the class select screen early by pressing A during the fly-around intro to an arena. Move your selection to anything other than the default assault. Once the fly-around is over, the selection gui will flicker, and your selection will be reset to the default assault. Sometimes this results in picking the wrong class. Annoying.

    Also, in split screen mode, you can't bring up that early class selection at all - you have to wait until everyone else is already spawning.
  11. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I wouldn't say it's with BAD hosts only. Even when everything else, including grapple, is just fine the reload dash behaves poorly

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