The "Ultra" Smoke Bomb Jump. Secret trick or Simple Glitch?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by DelVega, August 25, 2010.

  1. Judge Fudge x

    Judge Fudge x New Member

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    ITT: People who need to lighten up a bit.

    Seriously folks, he was just showcasing something for Uberent.
    It's not like he did a tutorial video on how to perform the glitch, nor is he advocating the use of the glitch in his posts, he is saying in plain English how its purpose was to show the Dev's the glitch.
  2. brandyn o mac

    brandyn o mac New Member

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    I've never heard of them and could care less. Are you like their fanclub founder or what? lol
  3. MSIGuy

    MSIGuy New Member

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    Exactly who are these people, and why are people demanding respect for a cheater?
  4. Skyllus zYn

    Skyllus zYn New Member

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    You posted in my thread: viewtopic.php?p=13876#p13876

    That thread contained info which Wraith and I had worked together to gather. It was when working out that info that he stumbled upon the superjump glitch. He used it for a day, posted the gameplay (and went to PM Uber), and moved on.

    As far as our team goes, we've been around a long time on a lot of different games playing competitively. I think quite a few people have played with us and talked with us at some point in time. We're also big on being a part of communities, which is why if you check our team's channel you'll see we've posted quite a few commentaries of MNC matches (Including the finals of Uber's tournament this past Monday) and we've done a lot to support the game on our blog as well.

    Anyway, I can't wait for this and all the other things to be patched. Thankfully, I haven't seen hardly anyone doing this jump but I've seen a ton of assassin's abusing the cloak+speed glitches. Needs to be patched soon.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Woah, sorry guys. Didn't mean for it to turn into this.
  6. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    they first do it at like 55 seconds and that is rediculous. being able to jump that high would make the assassin unbeatable

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