The Uber Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Hildogen, March 30, 2010.

  1. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Hmmm....good question......I would hope so!
  2. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    You think it would be common sense but both the Perfect Dark devs who ported it to XBLA and Blacklight Tango Down had messed up private games where the teams were randomized. While in Blacklight the side you got on was dependent on when you joined in PD you had no way of choosing sides.
  3. Infininja

    Infininja New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    So I noticed waaaay back you were talking about aim assist. The worst was in the first Halo (and probably subsequent Halos) on the rocket launcher. The best way to get kills with it is to aim at the ground, but the aim assist always pulled your shots to the character, above the ground, sometimes making you miss. A splash damage weapon like that shouldn't have aim assist.

    Anyways, I have a question about sponsors. There are a lot listed on the website that do effect x1... but really that would make the effect exactly the same. Is it supposed to say effect + 1, or is xX simply another way to show the bronze, silver, and gold tiers and clip size x2 doesn't necessarily actually double your clip size?

    Edit: While I'm at it, is it possible to have no sponsors, just because?
  4. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    I was wondering when will Monday Night Combat be available to download on the marketplace. What time specifically?

    Two games that I was hyped for have failed on their release dates, Magic the gathering didnt release on time and Blacklight Tango down took several hours after its "official" release time before it was available to download.
  5. Infininja

    Infininja New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Games usually go up around 2-3 am Pacific but some have taken several more hours than that in the past two months.
  6. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    I was wondering if theres another way to check the map? Like when you die you see the whole map and all the robot/turret locations, i was wonder can u press like back/start and see the map that way?
  7. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Yes you can, in the developer walk throughs it says you can hit back to see the scoreboard, but idk what exactly it shows on there lol.

    My guess is probably everyone's k/d, but not sure if it shows their class.
  8. sn0wy0bject

    sn0wy0bject New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Q: KillCams?

    never mind, i can just watch the gameplay vids. sorry about that...
    game looks epic. ill probly be playing the support. or tank.

    actually another question, not about mechanics really...
    how does the tank differ from the gunner (besides abilities.)
  9. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Still waiting for the Devs to answer this question.
  10. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Tank is more for close range. He has probablly the highest defense/hp in the game and he doesnt have a huge mini gun. The tank is more for close range combat with his jet engine, just picture him as a pryo+heavy hybrid.

    the gunner on the other hand, is a heavy offensive guy with his mini gun with lots of ammo and wide spread but doesnt have as much defense as a tank does and also his skills are more for offense (slam) rather than the tanks stun/blind skills. (product grenade, and jetcharge lvl 3 knocks enemies down)
  11. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    To keep people together on the same team, you can invite people to an Xbox Live Party and the game will keep those players together even in a Private Match. There isn't a direct select what team you're on option. That being said, we added Private Match late into development and would love to revisit it in an update based on feedback. There was only so much time and resources we had to finish and polish the game. We're looking to the community for feedback after release for further updates.
  12. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Alright thanks, I appreciate the response. I just need to let some people know that you can choose sides. Seems easy enough, most teams are in party chat anyways.
  13. komanderkyle

    komanderkyle New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    do you think there will be dlc, if this game is really popular?

    (open question)
    if you could change the location/enviroment of the maps to anything else, instead of a white arena, what whould you change it to?
    (example, aztec temple, or sky towers)
  14. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Hmm... well as of now we know 3 arenas. GrenadeIII is over the ocean, lazer razor appears to be over a desert, and ammo mule is over a city. Idk why but i love arenas over citys and when you look down you can see all the buildings and sky scrappers and stuff XD. I think a snow environment would be cool too XD.
  15. komanderkyle

    komanderkyle New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    what avatar awards does this games have?

    it whould be really cool if i could have a pet mascot or pitgirl , or a tank suit for my avatar
  16. ZeroHourHero

    ZeroHourHero New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    According to the Xbox 360 Achievements Website The avatar awards are a MNC T-Shirt, and a Mascot head for your avatar.
  17. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Epic rewards are epic XD. Gonna switch my perfect dark tee for that one probablly once i see what it looks like.
  18. Infininja

    Infininja New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    I saw in the video that bacon basically gives you all the gold level sponsors automatically, but what about juice? Does it just let you do more damage or are there other benefits? Is there a reason to juice while bacon'd?
  19. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Not 100% sure but bacon is very rare to find so that might be the down side of it.
  20. Stroodlez

    Stroodlez New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    there is no sponsor for extra damage (at least i don't think so) so im pretty sure bacon increases everything else, and juicing increases damage

    As Scathis (or Eka, i don't know which) said "My first two bullets took down half, you do alot more damage while juiced" (Developer Walkthrough 2)
    Last edited: August 9, 2010

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