The times they are a changin...........

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by HOOOFARTED, September 19, 2010.


    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    First sentence my answer is YES.
    As for the Qscoping thing I have no clue what your talking about.
    If your hinting I was a qscoper then you couldnt be farther from reality.
  2. Lvl88Pikachu

    Lvl88Pikachu New Member

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    it doesnt lag for must be you and your "k-mart internet"

    =P :mrgreen:
  3. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    Thanks for the great game. I have and continue to enjoy it. Thanks for working on the issues that are brought up on your company owned and operated forums. It's awesome to have a company address and talk about problems with one of their games instead of pretending there are no issues. I look forward to the gracious FREE DLC as well as the patch you submitted to address some of the issues that were brought up here. You guys really are class acts, especially considering the ridiculous amount of trolls you have to deal with on a seemingly daily basis.

    You sound fat.
  4. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    To be honest with this kind of attitude I expect you to to (a) not have enough friends to actually negate to and (b) be too young to have friends that can afford this game without saving up their pocket money!

    Seriously, if you have any problems with the game the of course put them forward, but ranting just gets peoples backs up and makes the admin disregard your comments moreso.

    Also, show some respect these people live on these games, and put their heart and soul into each element, sometimes things go wrong, but at least Uber have the decency to interact with everyday users and release patches / updates to polish the games rough edges.

    Oh, and your username really does prove your childish persona!

    @UBER - Fantastic game keep it coming!

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